Has Belgium ever had culture, tradition and actual Belgians or has it always been multicultural?
Has Belgium ever had culture, tradition and actual Belgians or has it always been multicultural?
Walloon has.
Flemish Beligum is best Belgium.
Flemish Belgian here
Flanders has/had their own culture and centuries, but we got overrun by so many countries so many times... I don't know why people think we get along with the Walloon part of the country though, we're too different to get along, starting with the language.
Fuck my id says powercuck
Belgium was never a unified country as it exists since 1830.
There were various regions with differing degrees of independence and power.
The most interesting and powerful was the county of Flanders.
Belguim is two completly different places forced together.
And flanders has been part of the battleground of almost every european war.
So lots of rape babies, white rape babies.
The whole multucultural thing in belguim only started coming up with the massive failing of the walloon economy.
Walloons were realising fast that they would be beggars on the street so the socialist agenda got pushed hard in belguim to get some money from the up and coming flemish industrie powerhouse.
Flanders shares a lot of culture with us like sinterklaas and FRIET :^)
Not Anymore. Seriously. I work for a refugee organization, and I can't believe 99.99% of them are welcomed with open arms by the Flemish part of Belgium. You guys have no idea what's coming.
This flemish people have been brainwashed hard.
I see people mad as fuck about all the shit that is going on, but they are still afraid to be called a racist so they dont speak out.
And i feel like every women in belguim is a leftist cunt.
You literly have to hide your powerlevel over here in belguim if you want to date a woman.
When I went to Brussel Noord, I saw those huge lines of immigrants trying to get in... We're so fucked it isn't even real.
And they obviously were all men in their 20-30ies
what part of Belgium is responsible for the statue of the pissing Child?
You win because that is the worst tourist trap in all of Europe.
We actually got two 'Manneke Pis' statues in Belgium. The one in Brussels and the one in Geraardsbergen.
Both cities claim their little pissing brat is the original one
Brussels, a socialist hellhole with a giant underground pedofile network full with french speaking elites.
They make jokes about belguim pedofiles, but if you look in the whole marc dutroux case you will find out that it was only the tip of the iceberg and there was a massive coverup by people higherup with lots of power.
And the new settlers in Flanders are not pussies. Tchetchens, Syrians,.... good luck with that.
>has it always been multicultural
Yes, it always has. In fact, Belgium was founded by the last of the old Moorish Kangs of Europe, Leopold I, and his court-in-exile, who's descendants make up the Muslim population of the country today.
those leftist cunts while know what they voted for soon when some unwashed sandnigger rapes them in the park.
I remember reading a section out of a book called World War 4 that said one of the scenarios for the next big one would start with ethnic battles in Belgium. White on white, not mussies on white.
>dat ID
It always has been multicultural. There's a different history and mindset between the walloons and the flemmish since the country has been created. There are a few traditions left in some places and an old "language" nobody uses.
>The urge to kill leftists intensifies
He said the Walloons and the Flemish would just wakeup one day and start genociding each other, and Belgium would collapse, which would break up the EU. It was a load of shit.
If the book was written before Belgium was like 10% Muslim, it's no longer relevant.
kek, we gave some problems with the walloons, but killing them is just retarded.
Who made that book, you need your money back.
I didnt buy it, I merely read it at a bookstore.
Oh shit dog
Those trips.
Gib schelde klootzak