Sup Forums makes (satirical) fun of Drumpf and Shillary

>Sup Forums makes (satirical) fun of Drumpf and Shillary
>keeps talking about how bad those two are
>still nobody talks about Green, Constitution or Libertarian


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Literall Jews.

Anything anti-Trump on this board is CTR, this is already established.
Read it and if anything is still unclear, ask again.

Because the people who had mouth Trump on Sup Forums are shills. Sup Forums will always be nationalist.

Nice proxy

I like Jill even thought im closer to trump politically. atleast she is redpilled on the eternal clinton unlike Bernie.

Sup Forums needs to support her somewhat. she could steal alot of votes from Killary. the media knows it and ignores her or call her anti-science/crazy while they shill for the "Libertarian party"

post moar jill

>Unironically concidering to vote Green
Coming from a German where the lot of the retarded population would vote for these dumb faggots:
If you think shit is bad with the SJWs and the Leftists now, wait till this bitch has anything to say.

Jill is the punching bag, people don't like Gary, and most people don't know of the Constitution party candidate.

I'll go with Darrell Castle though.


But is she for importing refugees? That would make or break the deal.

She isn't just for importing refugees, but says the amount we agreed to isn't enough.

Gary Johnson would take in refugees as well.

Darrell Castle, no due to the fact that we are unable to both secure our borders and cannot properly vet people coming into our country yet.

She's the only option that appeals to me but she needs to shake her stoned hippy voice. Her running mate Ajamu Baraka seems like a really stand up guy, his responses on the town hall held on CNN were so intelligent and well worded. He actually managed to explain and justify why he called Obama an "uncle Tom" when questioned by the moderator on his statement.

To me theey seem like the only politicians who actually want to help as many people as they can. I don't expect her to win but if the Green Party can get between 5%-25% of the vote they can get some funding and publicity to also start helping the down ballot candidates.

I'm so fucking sick of having to pick between 2 assholes every year I'd rather gamble on a long term solution while suffering through what would hopefully be a 1 term presidency if clinton is elected. Trump would most likely be 2 terms but at least he'd force the Democratic party to finally take a long look at themselves and how they've been acting.

Johnson had my support before he went full "muh hispanic families" "muh hispanics welcome".

you know how politics in Europe is polarized and oriented by the media?
Well in the us it's a million times fucking worse

maybe because one of her central policies is "racial justice"

maybe look something up

I looked it up on her campaign page,

"End police brutality and mass incarceration. Create a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to understand and eliminate the legacy of slavery that lives on as pervasive racism in the economy, education, housing and health. Ensure that communities control their police rather than police controlling our communities, by establishing police review boards and full time investigators to look in to all cases of death in police custody. Demilitarize the police."

seems reasonable to me

also nice digits


>still nobody talks about Green, Constitution or Libertarian

irrelevant, more irrelevant, pic related

David Duke would be more likely to become president than her because she is a Communist atheist Jew.

I would slather lubrication all over her and make sweet love to Jill all night.

I think this is what (You)'re looking for

#JillNotHill #ImWithHer

Jill is too much of a joke to be taken seriously. She thinks crystals have innate meta-mystical auras that we can tap into through altering our vibes. Her running-mate is a red-pilled black nationalist who insinuated jet fuel can't melt steel beams and he's named the Jew.

They're too radical to get widespread support, is what I'm saying. We could meme her to knock out a bit of Clinton support but the effect would be minimal because she's too crazy even for SJWs and Baraka scares the lefties away.

We should help her steal Bernouts from Shillary. Obviously she's terrible, but she has no chance of actually winning so it's a no risk proposition for us.

from her reddit ama:

"For homeopathy, just because something is untested doesn’t mean it’s safe. By the same token, being “tested” and “reviewed” by agencies tied to big pharma and the chemical industry is also problematic. There’s a lot of snake-oil in this system. We need research and licensing boards that are protected from conflicts of interest. They should not be limited by arbitrary definitions of what is “natural” or not."

Her being "anti-science" has been a false narrative by the msm. The FDA has a lot of problems going on, also just because the green party has a statement that they're for alternative medicines, it would still contradict her beliefs that medicine including holistic should be regulated without any conflict of interest by the FDA

Meme her as much as possible to take a vote from Hillary to ensure Trumps victory. Sensible Greens know she's not going to win but we can use that federal funding from getting 5%-25% of the votes to build more momentum for next years election. While also increasing exposure and more importantly crippling the corrupt Democratic Party if we can cause enough of a party rift with them

The 2 party system is a joke and we need to start getting some more variety in our politicians so we don't have to have news/pop culture devoted to team Red vs Blue

Johnson got triggered when an interviewer said illegal immigrant.
Stein is a jew.
Nobody knows who Darrel Castle is, sadly.

>create a special panel to eliminate the legacy of slavery

What the fuck does that even mean?

What would such a commission even do? Its purpose is so vague.

That's such feely-good hippie bullshit. There is no concrete policy or plan of action buried anywhere in this idea.

Thank mr skelton

A Jew who dislikes Israel, and wants us to stop funding them. She is actually commited to racial equality which in her case actually does mean attacking Jewish tribalism. She might be the only one capable of breaking a Jewish monopoly in politics by more diverse appointments. A Jew she is but maybe a useful one.

There is only one person suited to being president.

>"We need research and licensing boards that are protected from conflicts of interest"

That actually doesn't sound that stupid.