Any Ham Radio guys here? Debating going for my licenses, almost did about 15 years ago but didn't for some reason

Any Ham Radio guys here? Debating going for my licenses, almost did about 15 years ago but didn't for some reason.

Recently had my interest rekindled and interested in APRS with satellites.

Any licensed folks here or others thinking about it?

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> licensed

what did he mean by this?

You need a license to operate a ham radio, or at least to speak using one I think.

Yeah Dawg check out my radio stack

As this is not a Sup Forums type of thread I will do the right thing and give you a Sup Forums response.

Fuck needing a license. Unless you plan on having a huge antenna in your back yard just broadcast. Fucking being a cuck... boo hoo I need a license to talk and was to scared 15 years ago because I am a cuck!!!!

You need a license to broadcast too my burgerfriendo.

Actually you can broadcast without a license. Only if you want to broadcast within the (((law))) do you need a license. Fucking move to Canada you cuck.

What is the range?

I got mine, but I use it fir FPV long range stuff because im an rc nerd

If my drone goes down somewhere n I dont have a liscense I would lose my job

how do they catch you..? like tranulation and shit? i feel like that would be too hard/ridiculous


Why the fuck hosting your own radio is illegal?

I mean they are fucking soundwaves

why the fuck government tries to control every type of fucking signals in this world what the fuck

can someone explain why radio waves can be illegal or transmitting them

i have a cb radio, is that the same thing? No license thingy to speak of

FCC fines are expensive
you get reported by buttmad license holders that triangulate your position.

because of air craft ,and other things such as police radios things of that nature.. you know what it would sound like if every dick whole had the right to listen or boadcast shit? it would sound like a call of duty xbox live lobby.. get it?

Good point

I have an aircraft radio license

Its fucking stupid. You know how I got it? I paid like 30 bucks. No info. Just paid

Quality government we have

wow, that part I didnt know. Cant say it surprises me though.

Yeah man no joke. I laughed when they 'awarded' me with my FAA radio license after I submitted my payment

Fucking joke

Everyone has the right to listen. Wanna try and stop them?

I cant believe this thread is still alive but let me answer.

>FCC fines are expensive

this interests me too, I think there are HAM clubs in most cities

still got to learn morse?

sweet, that looks bad arse!

>I use it fir FPV long range stuff because im an rc nerd
what's FPV?

ham is like cb ... ON STEROIDS!!!!

Thought about getting my license but I think i might just buy the equipment and listen for a while.

I have heard you can use ham radio for actually pretty fast internet but its highly contested on its legality. That would be pretty awesome.

Ham radio typically has a rangle of 10-15 miles if its a base station. Ham can go around the planet.
Although cb radio does have a tendency to "skip" off the upper atmosphere and you can talk to people really far away but its random.
Single side band CB radios have a lot better range and they dont have so much interference.
They have a legal limit of 150 miles in the US but people go over that all the time. Expect normal every day range of 50 miles, more if its a base station. 200-300 is possible with a good set up.

CB here is really annoying. Some black dude in LA is blasting 4000 watts into his radio and you can hear him on the east cost. Its super annoying.

The morse code requirement was dropped in 2007. The technician exam is 35 questions, not bad at all. It's like $15 bucks for life.

While that is true, less and less listening stations are in operation. Really the problem with unlicensed use is no one will talk to you.

Sorry meant cb has a range of 10-15 miles.

I'm not going to go into it, but go on a ham forum and ask about that. Then duck. From what I understand, you have to use unencrypted digital, through a repeater, with your callsign, which anyone can listen hear. Sounds pretty unappealing.

is there a site where I can see the questions?

how much does a cheapish radio computer card cost?

what would be a good standalone rig to get 2nd hand?

yeah thats the controversy. A lot of the older ham radio operators insist that it needs that, the newer dont. The FCC has not ruled on it.

Not a HAM, just an SWL.

I think its more fun to listen to the broadcast stations.

>I have heard you can use ham radio for actually pretty fast internet
I wouldn't expect much speed out of radio, to get good bandwidth you have to get up to the gigaherz bands, like modern wifi, and I'm pretty sure the allowed power would make it pretty useless

still pretty cool though. I think it's called RTTY, or packet data, something like that

I used to listen to shortwave a lot, got one again a couple of years ago & its so dead..

this APRS looks quite interesting

how else is pol going to communicate after Hillary censors the internet?

most ham radio operators are law abiding citizens. don't be a nigger.
>am i being detained?

Some of the better operators can talk all around the world by "riding the isonosphere" or bouncing signals off the moon. Some very cool shit.

>they are fucking soundwaves
actualy they aren't sound waves. so much for eu education!

I thought so. Just something cool about communicating off satellites. Plus, when the internet is killed in future wars, it might be all we have, chuckle.

I'm an EE as well so the tinkering interests me anyway.

We need license too.

No, it would sound like freedom

I'm a General.

I used to work for a wireless ISP, was pretty fun. don't think we ever had to get certified though, mostly P2P links on open frequencies

what do people DO with HAM?

been loking at some vids, one thing they lke to do is "summit on the air", where they climb a peak, setup a portable kit, then try to make as many contacts as they can

Did you get your internet licence yet? No one on 4 chan will talk to you without it. Gotta name fag every post, if not they will come after you. Fucking stooge now you realize how cucked for the government your grandparents were.

>It's like $15 bucks for life.
License good for 10 years. Renewable for free online at FCC website..

I have the baseclass (up to 120W power) license and a few old portable radios, but I haven't actually gotten into it. Too much other shit to attend to, like studies. Besides, there's this internet thing for communications.

First person view, for flying RC craft while transmiting the video.

I got a liscense so I can use 1.3ghz n stuff

If you're just interested in listening, you can get in cheap with a 10-20 dollar dongle, and free software (SDR# for windows, and GQRX for Linux).

Modes supported are FO, NFM, AM, USB, LSB, Digital, etc.

You can get decoders for thins like weathersat, ADS-B (realtime aircraft position), Trunked systems (unencrypted).

Freq range is about 24 Mhz to 1.7 Ghz.

Great way to get a feel for radio cheap. is a good place to start. Google-fu RTL SDR for more links.

ham radio is awesome, i banter with people from all around the world

just a while back i talked to a guy in the UK using the earth-moon-earth technique, i think he said he was having a beer with the lads or something

Self regulation, separate a group from the public give them special privileges. The group will fight to protect their perceived privlages by turning in the public to the government. Cannot even fly a fucking RC plane without a license now. Enjoy your internet censorship brought to you by the licence holders faggots.

>Cannot even fly a fucking RC plane without a license now.
Sounds like someone couldn't pass a multiple question test.

RC rules only apply to high power transmitters on allocated frequencies. You can still get your Radio Shack quadcopter and fly is around the back yard.

Not if it's over a half pound, all my planes even my smallest Dlg is over the legal limit. gotta pay my 5 bucks to daddy government.

Your missing the point,do you feel superior under the assumption that you hold a licence from the government. Does this put you in a special group? Where does it stop imagine you were transmitting cw to your buddies with your spark gap transmitter, then one day the man comes along and tells you u need a licence. Ya that happened now it's ham radio.

Get your equipment, tune in and transmit within the allocated band as annon and you're good.

If you get a license you'll be in the system.

When shit hits the fan you won't need a license.

How good is ham radio for verbal anonymoose shitposting?

Ham here!

Absolutely get your license. I can say, without a doubt, it's the best thing I've ever done for myself in my adult life.

I don't know the specifics in the UK, but over here the first level exam is very very easy.

Feel free to AMA. I love being a ham. Went from Tech to Extra in a little over a year, and I'm very active in several clubs and also teach CW classes.

If that little bit I paid to take the test keeps the ham bands from becoming CB 2.0, I'm more than happy to pay it.

Not good at all. You have to ID every 10 minutes and at the beginning and end of transmission. Foul language, intentional interference, and transmitting outside your licensed bands can get your licensed revoked and repeat offenses will land you a hefty fine. FCC has been cracking down harder on repeat offenders recently. Probably more than 75,000 USD in fines handed out over the last year.

Is ham good for someone that would like to start a right wing talk radio show and can you broadcast music on ham ?

My dad's really into it. I don't see what's so great, it's just middle aged guys talking about their electrical bills.

In the US there's no bands that you can transmit on except for FRS and GMRS and the power output on those is limited, no one will even get your transmissions nor will they be listening on those shitty bands for walkie talkies. Kinda kills the point, the test is easy and why the hell would the government care what "walkie talkie pro's" are trying to do.

Discus Launch Glider (DLG) are you sure your a RC hobbyist. Actually I'm finding CB to be much more civilized then local 2 meter repeaters now a day. Give it a try obviously I'm not referring to ch6.

No, you are not allowed to transmit any commercial activity on the ham bands. There are still pirate radio shows on HF, but not on ham frequencies. If you want to start a radio show, do it on the internet.

Had one with no license and used it to call in fake traffic reports and reroute truckers all day.

Finally got triangulated and fined. Some guy named Big Horse said he'd hunt me down and kick my teeth in.

Handle was Crowby

Any suggestions on how i would do that mate been thinking about it for a while but not a fucking clue how to do it

John Watkins aka white noise in San Antonio TX

Everyone is trashing ham bands now even on the low freqs. It's just as bad a CB used to be except there are faggots taking you, you need a licence and they will come get you. They won't pro tip use a mobile, never from your house.

I never said cb. I said get the equipment without a license.


Not sure why the dlg pasted.

But no, I'm strictly radio, not RC.

I don't know how to start a podcast, but I think a lot of people just start with Youtube. I'm sure you can find a guide about how to set up a website and stream your content live.

Though if you want to talk politics, there are plenty of people on 80m and 40m bands who will bitch about politics all day long.

Yes, the old fucks will DF your ass.

APRS is mostly what's left of packet radio these days, but get a rig that can run JT-65 and other digital modes as well as SSB. Knowing morse code is also good but not essential.

Flight radio, not ham radio.

Muh License!

Thanks pal will have to have a look into getting set up at some point


my nigger. I live in an apartment and JT65 is my only outlet to eastern Europe. Also comfy as fuck mode. People don't really understand or appreciate until they do it themselves.

No they won't but if your dumb enough to transmit long enough in the same place while acting like a faggot on the radio. Then someone could drive around in circles trying to track you. the FCC won't even fine my neighborhood church with their over powered Jesus channel splattering all over the FM bannd.

>CB here is really annoying. Some black dude in LA is blasting 4000 watts into his radio and you can hear him on the east cost. Its super annoying.

Sir Mix a Lot of "Baby got back" fame is actually a huge illegal CB nut. Here is a rap he did about the infamous "Superbowl" channel:

I can't get over how bizarre this is-rapping about Bird Wattmeters and power transmitting tubes "get a tetrode stuck in your ass".

The whole CB "keydown" subculture of souped up suburban trucks running like 6 alternators to run their keydown rig, and frying their brains with RF in the process, is weird too- "RPMs singing spiritual hymns".

aah, cool
>What can you talk about?

>Discussions of politics and religion tend to attract controversy and start arguments on the air, so if it looks like your conversation is heading in those directions it might be an idea to finish the QSO.


Look for AMPRNET then.

Just stay off their channel unless you want to pay to play. Wait that sounds just like a ham radio licence.

You don't have to be good, just have the right equipment and wait for the right conditions.

Unfortunately we are heading for sun spot minimum so conditions will be crappy.

In my area they do it all the time. N5XO lives for this. FCC has sent many cease and desist orders after his complaints. At least one line has been issued.

Especially non coordinated repeater pairs..

No they won't the worst you might get is a civil lawsuit from a ham operator you fought with if your fight became threatening or physical. The FCC won't even go after people transmitting their own station on FM like car stereo channels. It takes months to get a complaint heard so you have plenty of time to talk shit on the ham radio.

Ham radio is limited to 1kW in most countries.

But most get around with 100W.

Look up K1MAN.

Yes this is citizens band radio in USA CH 1-40 people on 6 are running 10k Watts. Hogging the channel. If you want to be heard by them you need more power to get over them. hence pay to play, yes it is illegal but no one is going to do a thing about it. unless there Is a extenuating circumstance like your station is interfering with a airport

Look up John D Watkins or WD5FWP

>Modes supported are FO, NFM
what are FO and NFM?

Ya there are a few examples of dumb fucks getting made into an example. what's your point the odds are way way in your favor to say whatever the fuck you want on ham bands with no reprecutions for a long time. People get tickets while driving too. Do you speed while driving?


FM and NFM

Wideband FM (broadcast), and Narrow FM

>You have to ID every 10 minutes and at the beginning and end of transmission
how do they know who to fine, if you don't identify yourself, or use a false ID?

assuming mobile also makes it much harder to track you

>People get tickets while driving too. Do you speed while driving?

A better analogy would be drive without plates on the car.

how much will it cost to get a simple base station and antenna going?

how much for a mobile setup?