Sup Forums logic

Can we just agree that Hitler was bluepilled af?

>killed poor, anonymous kikes, while the most powerful jewish families were safe in america, profiting from war efforts
>even if holohoax is true and 6m kikes died, it means that only 1/10 of war victims were jewish, the other were mostly white
>he was a complete retard, any military expert will tell you that his strategies were absolutely idiotic from 1939 through 1945
>he was a hard drug user, and thus a degenerate
>he was against the traditional family model, he insisted that state raises kids
>he gave the jews an eternal protection from any criticism making people of the world feel sorry for them; his stupidity is the direct reason for why israel exists

Why the fuck do you support this degenerate, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

1: Never happened.
2: It's war, war is hell.
3: Quite a lot of generals strategies were blamed on Hitler.
4:He didn't use drugs.
5:What's wrong with repopulating ones race?
6: Jews were excepted into the Wehrmacht.
Jews were redpilled.


>he gave the jews an eternal protection from any criticism making people of the world feel sorry for them; his stupidity is the direct reason for why israel exists

the jews claimed 6 million deaths every war
its only a matter of time before it stuck

1. What never happened? You're suggesting that prominent jewish families from the US were somehow exterminated?
2. Not an argument, he's still responsible for that.
3. Actually, it's the other way around. Most of his generals were professionals, but he enforced his stupid-ass plans because muh reich
4. Yes he did, there's evidence of that.
5. Dismembering traditional families is ,,repopulating ones race"? How?
6. lol no

A man should be judged by the outcome of his actions. the outcome of his was utter shite for the white race, great for jews.

hitler was trying to build the polar gook master race not the aryan one you fuggin hack : >)

long live the snow nigger master race

Did someone said Hitler was jew thread?


Hitler was jew.

>believing the holohoax
>calls others blue pilled
Top kike

I said "even IF holohoax is true", thus proving that I don't believe in it. Try harder next time, Hans.

Yep, Hitler was a jew.

Your first point was that Hitler killed random poor kikes which is untrue and shows you believe /propagate kike propaganda.

>Your first point was that Hitler killed random poor kikes which is untrue and shows you believe /propagate kike propaganda.

First point is that Hitler was a jew.

Deathcamps are a jewish lie, that's correct. But Hitler also killed random kikes, that's absolutely undoubtable. Example: Kraków ghetto, plenty of non-jewish witnesses and evidence.

Who cares, American and Russian troops executed German citizens and POW's. War isn't unicorns and rainbows, it's absolute savage hell.

Your point being? Hitler was terrible at killing influential jews, instead he targeted randoms. Your post has literally nothing to do with that.

You made it he randomly executed poor Jews while Ignoring the wealthy elite.
That's the untrue version, he was simply fighting rich Jewish banksters and their practices.

Fuck off shitskin.

> (You)
>Your point being? Hitler was terrible at killing influential jews, instead he targeted randoms. Your post has literally nothing to do with that.

Like you said, the important kikes had already fled to burgerland. Are you implying he should have invaded the US? Lol that would have been suicide.

Nope, Hitler didn't killed any important jew cause he was jew.


And it's not like Hitler sent orders out to kill some insignificant Jew, when kikes were executed it was probably just the German soldier's choice, for whatever reason. Maybe he watched his best friend die that day and felt like taking out on someone.

> (You)
>Nope, Hitler didn't killed any important jew cause he was jew.

Please let the meme that Hitler was a Jew die

>. Maybe he watched his best friend die that day and felt like taking out on someone.
Nope. Hitler was part of the jewish conspiracy.

WWII was the biggest false flag

1: No he didn't, its a normie kike lie. And he didnt want to declare war on the US.
2:1/10 of the victims for 1% of the population is 1000% over representation, a very good number.
3: All military strategies that Germany used were not explicitly from Hitler himself.
4: He used ampetamines, which are proven to increase productivity. He didn't sit with a crackpipe in the reichstag you fucking retard, he had a doctor perscribe medicine.
5: He was not. The state gave out awards to exemplary mothers, and young couple families were subsidised with no intrest loans, which they didn't have to repay if they were good parents.
6: If y lies about x, does not mean that x is in the fault. Its a lie and untrue, so blaming x for the lie is retarded, which is why you need to educate people on the truth about Hitler.

>WWII was the biggest false flag
Yep, Hitler was serving the jewish conspiracy.

Also to add on to argument 2: He did not start the war. It was England who declared war on Germany. And even then it was Churchill and globalist Jews that were forcing Hitlers hand to strike against the poles.

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0,01 Euro wurden auf Ihrem Konto hinterlegt.

>>WWII was the biggest false flag
>Yep, Hitler was serving the jewish conspiracy.

No. You could make an argument that the kikes set up a trap that Hitler fell into, but Hitler was not in on the Jewish agenda of the halohoax.

Still butthurt pole?

You're correct but Hitler wanted war, it gave him a boner. He had that train car removed from a museum in France where the treaty of Versailles was signed just so he could make France sign their surrender terms in the very same spot. He wanted revenge for WWI, understandably so but in the end it was Germany verse the rest of the world. Doomed from the get go.

Hitler was a pawn for the kikes, to justify the creation of the state of Israel.
Hitler destroyed Germany and obfuscated its true identity (Catholic feudalism)