As Chicago Violence Soars, Police To Stay Home

To Protest Continued Disrespect Of Police

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Black people are the worst.

>0 killed
>10 wounded

If there are less cops, why is there less crime?

Yesss this is what I've been saying. If they are going to to fuck with the police, the police should stop doing their job. Let them "govern themselves" for a while until they realize how fucking retarded they have been.

>stop policing black cities
>watch as the niggers literally genocide themselves
I see no problem with this.

We have waited long enough to get rid of these savages, at least we have an excuse now, guess now its time to put our little pets out of their misery.

They aim holding their pistols sidesways. If they aimed correctly it would be
10 killed.

People who were murdered can't drag themselves to hospitals.

this is why a "race war" is a joke. niggers will just kill themselves off and by the time they organise and get out of the cities the rest will be picked off.

They'll just bitch and moan and kill each other until they're all dead.
A race war would just be watching black cities turn into Africa and then sending in the troops to finish off the stragglers. Literally not even a slight challenge.

Updated since I posted.

Maybe labor day weekend is just a chill weekend...

Wow how fucking racist are the cops. HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT

I won't if you drop the knife/gun/resistance to law.


Talked to a black cop the other day in the hospital and he was full redpilled. He was talking about something called the blue flu where every cop would call in sick. Let the savages run wild and see who the people turn to.

Love it. The cops who are the most pissed right now are the black ones.

So Robocop is coming true, some shits about go down in Chicago.

This is how the government will nationalize and militarize the police.

With Trump at the helm.

Are redpilled blacks honorary whites? If a black person is fully white on the inside, would they still be a nigger?


Not all blacks are nigger.


I think maple syrup makes people retarded.

Yeah. Some blacks are actually decent human beings but they're such a small . minority that you can barely tell.

Our black violence in toronto is also soaring after finally civilizing them through a 30 year effort due to your country's shit.

It's the genes.

Don't forget the need to maintain a perimeter. A race war would actually be about keeping blacks confined to black areas. Otherwise they'd just walk out anresurrounding communities once they got hungry.

Lol no. Trump will let local Cops do their jobs without have loretta lynch up their asses

>letting the scum kill themselves
>showing to the government that they need the police and should treat them better than they treat the dindus
>showing the people that you cannot trust the police to protect yourself and you need the means to do so
All in a single shoot. This is magnificent!!!!
Go at it, kill each other, now is the time