My fellow Shart Marters, if you were given a chance to get rid of most of our welfare but had to keep at least 3 programs from the list in this link, which ones are worth keeping?
>note: you can keep more than 3
My fellow Shart Marters, if you were given a chance to get rid of most of our welfare but had to keep at least 3 programs from the list in this link, which ones are worth keeping?
>note: you can keep more than 3
>School Lunch
>School Breakfast
>Pell Grants
trash the rest
shouldn't it be Mart Sharters?
Fucking checked, yes it absolutely should lord Kek.
Quads confirm
and watch crime rise to a level you've never imagined.
Who is this fluid druid?
Which will be met with a cull like you've never imagined.
Good. We've been using air fresheners for too long. Time to take out the trash.
Lauren Hanley, enjoy user.
Was just thinking this.
Like the Vietnam "cull"? Or the Iraq War "cull"? Dream on, fucking leaf.
Would you get rid of any programs my liberal friendo?
Which ones would you keep?
yeah, lots of corporate welfare and the Dept of Homeland Security.
It always surprises me how no one, not even our politicians, can name specific programs or deductions.
Nah. Most criminals will be blown away in the first few days.
>Refugee Assistance is more than General Assistance to Indians
Kill all criminals. It will come back to normal levels eventually because there will be few people to commit crimes
Hungry people become criminals fast. You law and order cucks are going to have to keep your safeties off for a lot longer than a few days.
>Housing for Persons with Disabilities (HUD)
>Emergency Food and Shelter Program
>Education for Homeless Children and Youth
Don't think so. There are about 100 million gun owners, out of 300 million people. Each law abiding, white American only needs to shoot a few pieces of trash, and the trash will all be gone in a few hours, at most.
and what about the hungry people with guns?
Makes me sad desu, at least Indians are from here.
I agree. Nutrition and access to higher education are the most important for promoting a productive society.
It's Mart Sharters you fucking shitlord, get our pronouns right
Most will find a way or go through charities or families. Yes, some will loot grocery stores, but what user was getting to were the ones that would be looting best buy, mugging people in the streets, or attempting to break into homes.
Most niggers would steal a tv over a loaf of bread if the food supply was cut off. See eveey riot and national disaster on earth as a reference.
Here's what you do. Start a campaign code name Let Them Eat Kale. Basically take away food stamps and create a bureau specifically for distributing healthy food, large vegetarian portions and such.
Dindus are gonna want that fried chicken but won't get it and will have to get a job to pay for their diabetus.
Best part is you can convince liberals given the healthy aspects of the plan, as if we actually cared about them or something like that
Sounds good to me, but a bunch of libertarians say the government shouldn't regulate what people buy with food stamps.
No they are Asian immigrants as much as we are from Europe.
>wants to remove welfare
>stratified as in the same 25% as people on welfare
how are americans this stupid? cutting your own free money while fatcats who earn a million a year get tax cuts
Eliminate all of them.
Any parent who can't make a sandwich deserves to have their child die.