
Let's see where Sup Forums stands. Don't forget to bump.

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I sit.

Shitty poll. Only far-right positions are on here.

OP is a namefag. Sage the shill


There is conservative and alt-fag position.

If you aren't any of the rest what are you doing on Sup Forums shill?

You're being sarcastic right?



where does Sup Forums stand on greenlandic snow niggers and polar gooks

No you fool.
Look it up if you don't beleive me.
Fucking idiots.

Okay sorry, but did you vote NatSoc anyway?


>only 11% of Sup Forums are nationalists

kill yourself polcucks

He's right though. Its completely separate from Marxist socialism. You fell for the meme that "nazis and gommies are da same thing lol XDD"

>24% of Sup Forums are happy to have open borders

libertarians kill yourself

I'm a (unironic) Kekist.


That's not Political

Shitty poll, socialist here. Without nationalism.

btw, this poll is so shitting I voted libertarian just to shit it up more.

>tfw no Authoritarian Kekocracy... yet

>24% of people would describe them selves as "alt-right"

Wew lad. Such a wide arrange of political stances.

Wow start reading anytime

Without a welfare state and low barriers to getting work or founding businesses open borders are not a problem. You will mostly get the good people, that want to work and live in that society they immigrate to.

Good lad. KEK VULT

>Tfw only 14 people are actually based.

>No monarchist option

Don't be so fucking rediculous do you have any idea how destitute most people on this world are, they'd all love to waltz right on in though our fucking borders you absolute bellend


>what are property borders
They can live in slums that are far away or seperated by walls from where i live. How do they get here if they are so destitute?

Oh great
>walk outside my property
>it's like a fucking minecraft anarchy server

No thanks

And they use people smugglers you fucking mong, look how many Niggers are In The Calais jungle. None of them are refugees

I would bomb the shit out of them

How do you keep out the subs who have money when you have open borders? All the poos who facebook wants to import? All the millionaire corrupt chinese?

Those who would wish to corrupt the libertarian system and infringe upon the right of others would have to be removed.

They must be white.

You must be 18 or older to post on this site
>Americans are not corrupt
>banning a whole race because some are corrupt
They will be dealt with like corrupt people are dealt with now.
Nothing wrong with poos. They outcompeted americans and will be more efficient freeing up labor and capital to fulfill other demands.


bump for science

>greentexting link
>being this new
No thanks.