Jew therapist trying to take away my Sup Forums

So I had my first full therapy session today. The woman asked me about my internet habits and I told her about Sup Forums, infowars and breitbart. She then asked me why I'm so aggresive on my political views, so I redpilled her on JIDF and SJWs. I then told her about the left-wing communist agenda and also about the globalist kikes who want to destroy all national identities and the interracial-cuckold shills on the internet.
She seems to think I have a paranoia disorder. She asked me if I could go a day without going on Sup Forums. I told her no because someone need to fight those shills. Wat do? Can I manage to redpill her? She's perscribed some jew pills to me and I'm afraid that I'll go full blue-pilled liberal cuckold once I take then.

Forgot to mention- I'm not a degenerate, I despise casual sex, abortion and non-virgin women and I only browse trully right-wing boards such as Sup Forums, /k/ and Sup Forums.

pic somewhat related

Other urls found in this thread:

kill yourself


Quality pasta


>i told her no because someone need to fight those shills

keep fighting the good fight my child


>She asked me if I could go a day without going on Sup Forums
Tell her you can't leave. Tell here you're here forever and persuade her to join us

>Having a woman therapist

I'm saving this for later use holy shit.

Cum in her face :)

That will put the Marxist bitch in her place.

>things that never happened
>the thread

ofc pal, you so cool

Stop looking for some therapist who doesn't know shit to fix you. That's cuck behavior.

Get off here a while and go read C.S. Lewis. Get your spirit right.


Did you considered an option that she may be right?

Is this real life

>I told her no because someone need to fight those shills

War is hell

saved for future shitposting reference

Keep fighting brother, the kike bitch is just going to put you on happy pills so you accept the tyranny instead of fighting it

>Trying to redpill a woman

I wouldn't even object if this becomes a copy pasta, this is some quality shit and it really makes us put into perspective how idiots portray Sup Forumsacks.

Top bantz Brazil, you earned yourself tickets to a donkey show for this one.

>going to therapy
>implying you aren't jewish

okay shlomo

>I told her no because someone need to fight those shills

Take the blue pill my friend.

It's much better, you will enjoy life, you will have friends, you will get a GF, maybe you will marry start a family....etc.

Believe me Brazil user, the ultimate redpill is realizing the true redpill is the bluepill.

you can't take the blue pill once you take the red pill

The ultimate redpill IS the bluepill.

You can.


Flirt with her and fuck his leftist cunt!

How the fuck do you "just" ignore the facts?

Keep fighting the good fight brother. I'm making my part here.

I work as a teacher for disabled kids. I've been basically massively redpilling downies about jews, holocaust, central banks, niggers and multiculturalism for over a decade. The fact that the jews did 9/11 is not even subject of debate anymore in my class
The tards are extremely well responding. One of the most evolved tard is now convinced that the janitor is a shape shifting illuminati lizard (no doubt he discovered some alex jones tier conspiracy website on his own) so he basically hisses and makes the symbol of the cross whenever he passes by The smartest downies have quickly picked up their own jokes about holohoax and niggers and it's not like the normies can do shit about it (otherwise they are intolerant and disrespectful).

So they have no other option but to listen to the little tards dropping the redpills to swallow. Until they fucking choke on them

Good. Internet is the biggest blue-pill.

convert to Islam, motherfucker.

Aldente pasta


Can't take it without destroying any shred of integrity left in you.

>1 post by this ID
really made me think

lame story

ask her if Hitler ever took a vacation


dude you are the best. Thanks for the laughs. ahaha

you need to instill in them the belief to never snitch on another fellow aryan

Do you wash your ass with a bidet and flush your toilet paper?

If you don't do that you are a degenerate yes.

Also she has every right to think you are crazy.

That feel, I used to work at a adult disabled center (as admin) and they once made the mistake of telling me to watch a room since 4 people were sick on the same day

I was then fired, because I breached the PVG by not being properly trained, but not before I taught 8 downies that the jews are the reason they're retarded

>One of the most evolved tard is now convinced that the janitor is a shape shifting illuminati lizard
Holy fucking lel

I saw a therapist about 2 years ago with mild depression.

I told her about this place and she told me not to fill my head with wild ideas whilst being in a depressed state.

I told her watching the world turn to shit was the likely cause of the mild case at the time.

>but not before I taught 8 downies that the jews are the reason they're retarded
Your sacrifice shall never be forgotten brother

>access to therapy

You can't flush TP in Brazil.
Never seen a bidet there either.

Disgusting as fuck.

>I told her no because someone need to fight those shills.
May the lord give you strength.

>One of the most evolved tard is now convinced that the janitor is a shape shifting illuminati lizard


Why don't you stop being so depressed and go fix your country instead of letting shit hoards in.

Sincerest regards


the art of doublethink

>One of the most evolved tard

Fucking ell lol you are a hero user.

What I'd give to see a School of Rock style film but with an Italian Sup Forums poster creating his own army of redpilled tards.


Drop her. First of all, female psychologists are memes. Also, women can't understand basic politics, let alone the depth of international Jewry. Anybody sounds paranoid when they're spouting off in a monologue about decades worth of international realpolitik.

Don't take their pills, whatever you do. It is quite a literal blue pill. I feel for the Lexapro meme 5 years ago and the pills started turning me into a woman: crying, feeling sympathetic towards niggers, apathetic towards politics, stopped having erections. Those drugs are literally designed to turn men into docile and emotional women.

Also, going a day without Sup Forums is pretty easy if you have a job. Or you can just go back to browsing reddit like a proper blue-pilled faggot.

We use these water jets together with toilet paper almost everywhere. The rule is, if your house has a cesspool then you can flush the paper, if it's connected to he sewers, then throw at the bin.


Weaponizing downies is a great idea tbhphampies

Redpill her then ficki ficki her

You're an idiot lol

Is this new pasta day, or something?


Fucking genious.

brasil is more disgusting every time I hear something new about it.

never heard anything positive.

What else can be expected with 50 million negros and the rest cross-breeds.
I pity the Germanic tribes there.

Done in every downey school in e dry country, it would change something.

Those without jobs, you know what to do.

please be pasta please be pasta please be pasta please be pasta please be pasta please be pasta

It is. I've seen one either identical to it or very like it quite a few times. Haven't seen the italian guy's one before though.

>read story
>Ask myself if I can go a week without Sup Forums or Sup Forums in general

I can't, haven't gone without lurking at least twice a week for almost 8 years



I even drove to another town to avoid a female psychologist to undergo phychological evaluation for my firearm license.

Also this is pasta.

>She asked me if I could go a day without going on Sup Forums. I told her no because someone need to fight those shills
But honestly dude she's a therapist, and a top of that it's a >she, she just disagrees with your ideas and POV so she thinks there is something wrong with you.
Although might have a point on Sup Forums though, this place is a shithole.

Toss the pills, user. Kill them all.

This has gotta be pasta, amirite?

Wtf I hate rape now

If you can't go for a single day without Sup Forums your therapist is probably right.

>wanting to destroy national identies

When will this meme end? Israel is a great ally and a wonderful friend.

i like pasta

>going to see a therapist
>talking politics with this therapist
>being this fucking stupid


>going to a therapist

psychiatry is a fucking joke. unless you're worried that you have a serious mental disorder like schizophrenia i would avoid them like the plague.

most are jewish or women who never managed to find a man. you're better off solving your problem on your own.

top kek

Water jets are WAY cleaner than bidets. You dont need to use your hand and they are sometimes they are strong enough to really clean you inside up.
About toilet paper at least I can flush in my house because I'm not a poorfag.
I have been to Spain in 2007 and in 2014. Believe me, that "gap" between our countries is becoming narrow every day. Unfortunately it's Spain that is becoming more like Brazil....

Can you get a receipt to ADDERALL or AMPHETAMINE (a.k.a rebite) and then re-sell it to me huebro ?

Haven't laughed this hard in a fucking week, thanks Italy. You're an honorary Aryan today.

Don't you have coca leaves in abundance?

There is no receipt for adderal or amphetamine in Brazil, you retard.
The closes you cant get is Ritalin / Vyvanse (which are bretty gud BTW)

No. We are not Bolivia.
Actually I never saw someone selling drugs here. Only saw people using weed, but even that is not so common and can put you in the jail if you are careless.

top kek

Why are you seeking a therapist? Depression issues can be cured with magic mushrooms by micro dosing, not enough to get high or see anything just realigns your synapses

> inb4 degenerate drug user

Their is a lot of science behind this, all I'm asking is that you look into it and decide for yourself, depression is serious and not fun

Best of luck Brazil bro

where did you get that picture?

Ps don't take that horseshit she prescribed

Nothing blissful about being blue pilled. It's an idealology of hopelessness. To the blacks it's remaining eternally trapped under the foot of white people. All your failures the fault of white people, and your successes despite them. You are never accountable, and never capable of overcoming your invisible and insidious enemy, you are slaughtered without repurcussion, a constant victim of injustice and hardships undeserved.

To the numale you exist in a hopeless vacuum trapped in an oppressive existence convinced you deserve. The ultra wealthy using you, ignorant racists refusing to engage with your message of peace, thoughtless cruelty all over the planet, and it's all your fault. For being you. So you have to struggle against your nature. To correct the percieved wrongs that you emit to your colleagues of browner persuasions.

To the feminist you are still stepped on by the heel of man. The glass ceiling always holding you back from succeeding as you know you should. Wage gaps, rape, misogyny, those damned implicitly sexist values always in your way. Always stopping you from flying like the bird you know you are. Keeping you from that job you know you're qualified for. Constantly living in fear of rape, assault, sexual harassment, and fat neckbeards on the internet. The injustices against women are so vast. How can you ever hope to overcome such adversity?

But in reality none of these things exist. Whether you succeed or fail is on you. you can go out into the world and do whatever you wish. Learn whatever you wish. Become anything you wish. And all you have to do is do it. But convinced of hopelessness the blue pilled shitpost about politics and gender identities instead of building the lives they want. That's the real red pill.

I kek'd, this is obviously satire because it's implying a Brazilian could afford a therapist

The "red-pill" is actually the biggest blue pill there is. Those whom you hate, control you. Living life hating doesn't solve anything, it doesn't help the world, it just makes you miserable. I'm right-wing, I'm anti-globalist and I'll support my beliefs, but hating those who differ does nothing to help your cause. I was "red-pilled" once, never going to make that mistake again.

makes sense, the downies are the only ones who are retarded enough to believe that

>reporting this...
>Leaked DCCC Memo Tells Dems Not to Mention ‘Black on Black Crime’

There are stages to the red pill. Anger is the earliest stage. Understand your enemy and oppose him. That is the end-result of the red pills. The fact that you don't know this suggests you might be a newfriend


True, Jews pride themselves in the fact that they support their home nations so well.

I've been here for 6 years, I went through all the stages and then realized it's fucking stupid. (I still think women are memes though)

>I told her no because someone need to fight those shills.

Here's the ultimate redpill... Sup Forums is always wrong.

Start a new life, read about the dark enlightment and watch this channel

>My therapist asked me why I'm so aggresive on my political views
>so I redpilled her on JIDF and SJWs.

fucking gold user

based Israel

that guys a massive faggot and so are you.