
Government feed me! I'm hungry! Waaaaaah! You said you'd take care of me, mommy!

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Current events tho .

We should let them immigrate to the US, I'm sure once they got on our magic dirt they'd turn into self-starting individualistic entrepreneurs.

That is what they deserve for being commies. Fuck Venezuela. Thankly, our frontier with them is full of trees and snakes and they will to Colombia instead.

They kinda deserve it tho senpai

I hope the cannibals chase him

they've basically outlawed private business to force people to rely on the govt.

if you try to produce your own food it will prob get confiscated by chavista thugs

in world bank's ease of doing business ranking, they're almost at the rock bottom globally, like 170th or something

Never ever would they continue to vote for strongmen promising lucre from the national treasury. That would surely NEVER happen here. I mean, they will be firm republican constitutionalist so, right?

The goverment is kind of letting the country to die. I don't know, waiting for hours just to get rice and toilet paper (there probably won't be anything by the time is your turn) does make people kind of angry. I'm surprised a civil war hasn't break yet.

Some people actually learn their lesson.

Although i've never voted commie, if i lives in the US i'd vote trump 100% after seeing what the commie jews are capable of.

Go read Plato's Republic. You'll know what comes next.

Literally why not just have them all shot

When's your designated blackout?

Will Chunk Yoghurt cover this ?

Assuming you are on the more well off side of the fence there due to being able to post on pol, you guys need to just clean out the government and promote farming and agriculture. Start over literally almost and build a foundation. If your people are starving like this you lost as a country GG

Have the citizens of a nation ever eaten their leader before?

Monica lewinsky


Why not just jump the border to USA, Democrats will be happy to take more voters

You know these dumb assess will keep voting for Socialism

>When's your designated blackout?

Caracas never had designated blackouts.

Grid is too complicated to do that and the governmemt pampers caracas while the rest od the country is fucked up mad max style.

If fucking hiroshima unbanned cantv our flag wouldnt be uncommom, i have to post via fucking mobile since dont have a pass or a weird isp.

Referendum to revoke maburro this year or bust



She does look like the type to swallow but I meant cannibalism.

Let out a hearty kek

So you don't to the bread lines thing?

why arent we bringing them all to the usa instead of dirty muslims?

You are an exception not the rule, do not think you are the norm. Of your fellow citizens, mostly uneducated peasants, how many would vote for a typically fiscally responsible government? Let me answer that for you; very few. The moment another Bolivian strongman comes to the national attention they will flock to The Patron of the people like they ALWAYS have and always will.

Central and South Americans greatest liability is its people.

I never said that my pinnoy amigou

If you want basic goods its a pretty fun 8h line for 2 packets of a random thing once a week via last digit of national id.

You're on that route too tho, nignogs love dat free gibsmedat from the democrats.

You better hope el trumpo wins.

>banging pots and pans instead of using them in the kitchen

No wonder they're hungry.

I hope leftists succeed in turning our country into this.

The people look very happy.

Haven't read it.

What happens?

libs in 20 years if trump loses

As we become more Hispanic, yeah, we will. I don't know what it is with Hispanics but you fuckers love your strongmen dictators and economy busting socialism. I'm more worried about the Hispanics than niggers, niggers will kill themselves off or relegate themselves to violent ghetto enclaves while Hispanics will breed and vote more stupid spending and further socialism.

If there is no food in the kitchen, there is no use for the pots and pans other than bashing open your corrupt leaders' skulls.


American-Flip bro here.

Is the current state of Venezuela comparable to the Ferdinand Marcos presidency?

Hispanic and negroes love socialism and muh strongman Mugabe altogether.

He was right-wing.

And wtf u think trump is? Ppl are the same. Your flag means nothing.

>Socialism works.jpg

Trump is right-wing ya dumb burger.

You should be more scare of bernfags than from mister trump, even if trump becomes a dictator if youre not marxist scum or an illegal alien you should be safe.

Can you guys believe we actually had a bunch of young retards that wanted Bernie....

Like what the fuck burgerland...

Oh you again from yesterday haha.
Well, the "welfare state" from Venezuela could only last if they were 3x less people.

Or if the oil price was over 100.

Marxist welfare state, mind you.

Yeah well it sucks that you got so dependent on oil. Now that your land is nationalized I have no idea on how to defuck your country.

This, vote socialism, pay the price.

Even when oil was at 100+, didn't you guys have trouble getting people to buy your crude? I remember hearing it was sour and takes a lot of time and energy to refine, versus a light sweet crude like Saudi Arabia produces.

Please educate me on how stupid Venezuelans would know this would happen when they have 0 education and have no fucking idea about what they're doing on this planet.
>they deserved this
This does not help.

last i heard the Venezuelans government is actually shooting anyone leaving the country "illegally".

please don't encourage them. Four years ago they were literally holding Venezuela up as a model for socialism.

Since its extra heavy oil it has to be mixed with lighter crudes to make it workable. So if you have 0 international credit you have to pay in cash for those light crude shipments, ergo trouble.

Dismantle the price controls and the currency control Ludwig Erhard style and shit will boom in months.

Thats not true, like the peruvian spread "cannibalistic venezuelans" memes.

The ironic thing is that they think if they chase out the goverment they`d suddenly be magically fed

Sure but how are you going to privatize land again? Decommunization is hard.

what else do you expect from disgusting brown skins?

Give it back to the previous owners or just auction the land after dismantling the price/currency controls.

i was expecting that , when chavez died i knew the country was gonna fall , just like tito with yougoslavia

Thanks for the response user. Where do you see the country headed? How does the average person feel about what is happening? Do you expect violent riots/coup?

But you have to be sure that local oligarchs do not have it all, if that happens it is just a matter of time until faggot socialists go for it again.

If there is no referendum this year a happening might befall us in 17'.

Average person is tired and hungry, i see it headed towards great times if someone has the balls to chop the head off the currency/price controls.

As long as they keep the land productive, i'd make them sign a production compromise.

People do not react well to production compromises.. Better leave it to the market man. You need to learn this.

>Average person is tired and hungry, i see it headed towards great times if someone has the balls to chop the head off the currency/price controls.
Yeah, million or so will die of hunger, but after decade or so things are sure to improve.

Agreed, correct the record.

If there was no international interest in our oil and other natural resources im sure that would be the outcome, but everybody wants a piece of this so every country wants it resolved quickly and not painfully to keep the spice flowing.

Good. tough shit. you followed Chavez like fucking mummys boys. Fuck you are worthless dago cretins.


Ok, since tomorrow Maduro is deposed and you are appointed as a new president of Venezuela.

You have 60 bln debt to China and contry only functioning because of future China loans, hungry and poor population on border of starvation, nothing aside from oil that brings money but the oil is already sold 10 years ahead and price for it is low.

Your actions to prevent immidiate economic collapse and starvation? Because total privatization and letting prices go sure doesnt improve it immidiately - the opposite.

This post is now social property


Just wanted to say this:

>The Portuguese own "el cartel de los panes"

>we need more central planning goyim

1) Renegotiate china debt, they are surely fucking us up with those numbers or sending us defective shit.
2) Stop giving free oil to the commie allies (immediate cash boost).
3) No price controls (people wont starve, the contrary, just look up the german economic miracle).
4) No more currency control (investors would flock money into the country; see argentina with macri).
5) No more gasoline subsidies for particular cars, only subsidize public transportation and subway tickets.


I forgot about land, but its described here:

hey there again
t. Padaria guy

This has to be a meme.


lay 100 Mb fiber to half the houses, start webcamming businesses there
the other half turn onto brothels, invest heavily into marketing/ads

clean up a business district in the center of the capital, spotless clean, heavily guarded
pull an ireland - extremely low corporation/income taxes to attract corporation HQs, driving employment (both for HQs and services for corporate people) and personal spending

legalize drugs, attract tourists (see also p. 1)

дa вooбщe, мнoгo интepecнoгo мoжнo пpидyмaть

>Because total privatization and letting prices go sure doesnt improve it immidiately - the opposite
it's actually the opposite of what you are saying

am I turning into ancap?)

Sheeeit padarias everywhere, there is an endgame here I'm sure


My God are we hidden jews

1) Renegotiate china debt, they are surely fucking us up with those numbers or sending us defective shit.
China invades you, rightfully. Or even worse. Simply stop giving you more money.
2) You give oil for "free" since you cant sell it. You sure can stop, but all surrounding countries know your situation and already renegotiated deals knowing YOU are begging THEM to buy it and not opposite.
3) No price controls (people wont starve, the contrary, just look up the german economic miracle)
Yeah, i lived though such "miracle". Fall of USSR. Around 10 millions people didnt.
4) See above.
5) Transportation is bloodline of the country, but you sure are great economist and know better. Next you probably want to have "market price" energy costs too.

One could look at decent exaple - China, that communist in a name, but evolved to current superstate gradually applying new economic policies and transforming to what it is now and improving its peoples livehood.

Or you can look at Russia, which lived through multiple revolitions and desolution of a socialist state with disastrous results and us hoping neither neither bolshevik revolution nor fall of USSR would happen. We recovered, but at what price.

There is no "miracles". Everything is a result of decades long work. If you can just destroy, all you`ll get are ruins.

Venezuela is about to go the worst path - "shock" therapy. Brazil is recently on gradual degeneration where they`ll in decade found out their country isnt theirs anymore, Argentine already lived thorugh iterations of "free market", or see the example of "economical Miracle" of Ukraine right now, with full West support and selling rest of it out - but with Venezuela, there soon just might be no country at all: since people wanting "change" dont have any plan, nor ready to catastrophic results and civil war if due to their "changes" situation becomes worse.

ITT: fuck revolutioners of all kind. Socialist wave was bad, anti-socialist just as bad.

Do you have to use a National proxy to post here?

Yeah we probably needed Getúlio Vargas back. He wanted to whiten Brazil while keeping economic sovereignity, he knew that what was wrong with Brazil was spics, such a shame Jews made him suicide.


I'm so happy this made it into international news.

He also got beat up by a random guy

huehue that's great, based random guy is going to heaven I guess

You tell me. Privatization, especially of vital areas is never reason of lowered prices - its only a means of gaining immidiate cash influx for the goverment, and transfering costs to consumers.

Every "shock" attept to letting prices go and going full retard free market results in disaster, always. There are however example of successful transition improving economic situation like China or USSR "NEP" - but thats "transition" and reforms, not sudden shock which supposed to do miracles.

Letting prices go changes situation from "theres little food" to "theres little food and the one there is we cant afford".

1) China is too far away to invade for such a meager amount, the have to negotiate, they've been fucking maduro up cause hes a retard.

2) We give oil for free to buy votes and jnternational support, oil is oil and it can be sold no matter what.

3) The ussr had communism for almost a century. Did you even bother to read about Ludwig Erhard?

4) See above, also look at argentina right now with no currency control, the black market dollar exchange rate even lowered, amazing huh.

5) You can't subsidize shit forever, why would you give cheap gasoline to particular cars? Makes no sense, only buses and trucks should get cheap gas, and not forever.

Mobile (movistar) cause cantv (main country isp) is banned and i have no pass.

sad thing about Venezuela is that the only country that can dig them out of this mess they have been making a global show of motherfucking for the last fifteen years, china will just bleed em dry until a coup or civil war and russia is in no hurry to help aside to piss the US off, they have pissed in all their neighbors eyes and built up a debt and inflation clusterfuck that couldn't be dug out of in ten lifetimes

quite simply the only way out of this is for Venezuela to throw the chavistas out and go to America to eat crow [if they are not already]

So when do they start eating each other? There's no way they Bernardo Sanchez can keep up with feeding the entire country.

>look at argentina right now
Is that supposed somehow example in your favor? Since i wanted to tell you "look at argentina right now" as well to illustrate my points. Not that your situation isnt and woudnt be worse.

I believe at least a 1/3 of the country never supported the chavez/maduro government.


If prices skyrocket, that's a good thing because it's actually reflective of reality. If you hadn't locked down the border, high prices would've brought mountains of trucks and planes filled with food and other essentials drawn by the opportunity for high profits. Same applies to local entrepreneurs who have an insane incentive to address the massive demand.

Everything should be privatized, preferably to your own people but this isn't working very effectively because socialist cultured countries do not form entrepreneurs.

Have you eaten any weird shit to survive yet?

>literally el peruANO

Idk about him, but i've had to eat expired bread a couple times already. Not rotten enough that the smell makes you sick but bad enough that you can tell it's off by looking at it, and it's kinda stiff.

it never gets easier.

>criticizing another shithole

Grinded beef from a shady vendor in a small local market.

I was fine though.

ganbare Venezuela

I want to believe you're cracking a bad joke but are you for real?

I mean, if you're posting here you're at least from the middle class I assume?