We need to repeal the second amendment, and fast. Thousands of people are being murdered by guns every year...

We need to repeal the second amendment, and fast. Thousands of people are being murdered by guns every year, and the US leads the world in gun deaths. There's no valid reason why people should be allowed to own weapons that only exist to murder other humans.

>muh constitution
An outdated document is not an argument. Even the framers knew this as they provided a process to amend it (see: prohibition).

>the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun!
Then why has this literally never happened?

>muh resistance to tyranny
Right, Cletus is going to stop tanks and drones with his shotgun.

To be fair, I'm aware that home-defense and varmint control are important to people in rural areas as police can be far away or wild animals can threaten livestock. People should be allowed to keep their shotguns and hunting rifles, but no one needs an automatic weapon like an AR-15 with 30 shells per clip to defend sheep from coyotes. As long as these weapons of war are on our streets, we will have incidents like Orlando and San Bernadino over and over again.

Other urls found in this thread:


>the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun!

Literally every single mass shooter has been stopped by a good guy with a gun, except for robot bomb.

Armed civilians stop mass shootings all the time.
You never hear about it because:
1) the shootings never become "mass shootings" because civilians stop it before that point
2) MSM is anti-gun and would not run with a story like that.

He's right you know

I consider anybody trying to take my gun a threat to my personal safety.

Only real men have guns.

The US has many mass shootings but you're more likely to die from one in Nordic countries. Even if civilians don't prevent mass shootings (which they do) then you still cannot ignore the hundreds of thousands of times firearms have been used to defend property and life.

America is full of niggers and shitskins, whites and asians (productive members of society) need weapons for self defense.


If you stop it-it won't happen. Liberals fail at simple logic.

But... as a CCW carrier. I'll let a madman pop a few plebs before making a move. And then only if I feel in danger. Not my job to be a hero for anti-gun cucks... they can defend themselves or die like the sheep they are.

Im actually considering buying my first gun due to impending chimpouts and nigger relocation programs.

>i-i-it happens trust me
>the news just doesnt report it because it's a massive conspiracy

Gun nuts are truly delusional.

>no mass shootings in the past 30 years have been stopped by an armed civilian

Is it possible that they've been prevented and therefore we'll never know if it would have become a mass shooting?

>Be gunman
>Attack people with guns
>At least one of them shoots me to death because I have to aim at a single person at a time


Here faggot.


You should. You're lucky to live in a place where you have the freedom to buy and use firearms to defend yourself. Use your rights my friend.



nuf said

the thing is, alot of mass shooting did not happen because there was a risk of getting shot. if you will unarm the civilians, the criminals will get their guns illegally, and shoot everything that moves.

Okay, go ahead.
As long as you go through the established process for amending the constitution to do it.

To anybody wanting to live in a gun free world, just move to Germany. I'm sure you and your wife's husband will love it there.


Im just going to leave this here.

Australia has strict gun control and honestly I feel it's bad for maintaining healthy governance. Once the government knows it's populace can not fight back, they start passing more controlling and extreme laws which is occurring here slowly. This is hardely ever factored into the gun debate. Also criminals find a way to get guns no matter what, why shouldn't civilians have access as well?

you should really be repealing the 21st amendment


Also KEK speaks this OP is a flaming fireball of raw faggotry

>a person kills one person and is shot by another
>wow no mass shootings were stopped this was clearly just a one-off murder nun guts btfo

>Right, Cletus is going to stop tanks and drones with his shotgun.
A bunch of Turks did an okay job.

kek, libs btfo

I can bet that whatever faggot made this picture didn't even look it up and just thought "well had that ever happened I'd know it!"

Then there aren't enough armed civilians

Except the robot bomb killed the good guy


>A: By definition, a would-be mass shooter who is stopped before he can commit his act does not perform a mass shooting! Asking how many mass shooters have been stopped by armed civilians is like asking how many candles would've burned into house fires if they hadn't been blown out.
>That said, here are some occasions when an armed civilian stopped what probably would have turned into a mass shooting:
>Conyers, Ga., May 31, 2015: A permit holder was walking by a store when he heard shots ring out. Two people were killed. The permit holder started firing, and the killer ran out of the store. Rockdale County Sheriff Eric Levett said: “I believe that if Mr. Scott did not return fire at the suspect, then more of those customers would have [been] hit by a gun[shot] . . . . So, in my opinion he saved other lives in that store.”

And other great examples that I won't post because I don't want to turn this into a wall of text. Look at the link for every pro-gun argument you can find.

>one guy with a gun murders another guy with a gun
>"well you see it WOULD have been a mass shooting trust me"

The mental gymnastics gun nuts do to cling to their penis compensators are in credible.

If guns were banned, we wouldn't even have those few deaths at all since the crazies wouldn't have them in the first place. We even have direct evidence that this is the case - more developed and progressive countries like France, Norway, and the U.K. that don't have our backwards and ignorant gun laws have basically no mass shootings.

Go kill yourself OP. This doesn't even merit a response.

We need to repeal the twenty first amendment, and fast. Thousands of people are being murdered by alcohol every year, and the US leads the world in drunk driving deaths. There's no valid reason why people should be allowed to own liquor that only exists to murder other humans.

>muh constitution
An outdated document is not an argument. Even the framers knew this as they provided a process to amend it (see: term limits).

>the only way to stop a bad guy with a beer is a good guy with a gun!
Then why has this literally never happened? No drunk driving murder has ever been stopped by a cop, even with a gun!

>muh tax revenue
Right, Cletus is going to fund healthcare with schnapps and moonshine

To be fair, I'm aware that BBQs and beer pong are important to people in rural areas as police can be far away. People should be allowed to keep their craft brews and aperitifs, but no one needs a high proof liquor like Wild Turkey with fifty percent alcohol content to make fat girls attractive. As long as these beverages of destruction are on our streets, we will have incidents like Tom Ford and Kanye West over and over again.

Why don't Americans fix it so only people who actually care about guns and their second amendment right can acquire firearms.

actually, your wrong. The Ogden mall mass shooter was stopped by a citizen with a gun....there have been others too.....

This sign is pretty amusing.

We could have stopped the IRA by actually killing them.


Go move to those countries or find yourself a nice liberal city like Seattle.

I like my Wild Wild West. I love drinking a fifth of bourbon and then shooting some bottles.


Why are you on here?
Shouldn't you be busy fluffing an Arab right now?

>if guns were banned nobody would have guns!

0/10 apply yourself

San Bernardino and Orlando also had another contributing factor.


Ban Islam when?

>haha im a nigger so ill just tell him hes wrong without actually refuting anything

As long as the United states has enough nucleAR weapons to glass the planet then the people of the United states need the means to overthrow their own government.

Americans owe it to the rest of the world. Americans can lose 10,000 of their own every year to gun violence and it wI'll always be worth it. If they can stop one holocaust every 600 years, it is a net savings of life.

With great power comes great responsibility.

I really cannot fathom why these anti gun retards seem to be perfectly fine with the government mowing us down with "tanks and drones."

>We need to repeal the second amendment, and fast. Thousands of people are being murdered by guns every year, and the US leads the world in gun deaths. There's no valid reason why people should be allowed to own weapons that only exist to murder other humans.
There was a thread yesterday that outlined the reasons for this. Approx 50% of gun related DEATHS, not murders, are due to suicide; not firearm abuse.

>muh constitution
>An outdated document is not an argument. Even the framers knew this as they provided a process to amend it (see: prohibition).

The Declaration of Independence was written for a people set on freeing themselves from an oppressive government and giving the people the ability to do so again if the need arises. The second amendment is instrumental in what the entire constitution stands for.

>the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun
>Then why has this literally never happened?

Oh look its this argument again. A quick jewgle search proves your 2nd amendment ignorance.



We must expell niggers, and fast. Thousands of people are being murdered by niggers every year, and the US leads the world in gun deaths because of niggers. Ther's no valid reason why niggers should be allowed to exist in this country when they only exist to muder other humans.

>muh constitution
An outdated document is not an argument. Even the framers knew this as they provided a process to amend it (see: prohibition).

>the only way to stop a nigger with a gun is tolerance and education!
Then why has this literally never happened?

>muh liberal multicultural utopia
Right, these animals are gonna stop killing everyone and each other if you just love them more.

>Even the framers knew this as they provided a process to amend it

Great. Amend it.

Don't rely on crooked kikes to backdoor it just like they want to with the Commerce Clause.

They even know it won't happen. History shows that the military and average joe policemen tend to side with the people during revolutions and uprisings.

Maybe the upper level generals and shit would, but the people actually pulling the trigger would never kill Americans. Most uprisings, the government has to use special forces, secret police or mercenaries to fight for them.

If we had strict gun laws, like Mexico, no one would be murdered!

>muh resistance to tyranny
>Right, Cletus is going to stop tanks and drones with his shotgun.
A government won't liquid its largest asset like that. Also you can point out that this implies you're okay with your government bullying you with superior weaponry. Also implying that a large, probably >90% of U.S. forces will fight a truly blatant oppressive government.

>To be fair, I'm aware that home-defense and varmint control are important to people in rural areas as police can be far away or wild animals can threaten livestock. People should be allowed to keep their shotguns and hunting rifles, but no one needs an automatic weapon like an AR-15 with 30 shells per clip to defend sheep from coyotes. As long as these weapons of war are on our streets, we will have incidents like Orlando and San Bernadino over and over again.
No one can legally buy automatic weapons without a high level clearance. Any weapons you're referring to were attained by illegal means and wow, banning them is going to work for certain. Both math shootings are tied to the Islam problem.
Try again, 7/10 for making me type this much.

Was that one mass shooting in Norway Anders Breivik?

>The military is a bunch of baby killers.
>Feds are fascist.
>Cops are racist thugs.
>Instead of disarming them, I am going to need your law abiding ass to turn over your firearm for your own protection.

I for one am sold.

no, piss off

Wew lad.

>An outdated document is not an argument.

>we have no tyrants to overthrow therefore guns are useless

kek, good b8, most will fall for it

>AR-15 with 30 shells per clip
Y'all niggas be postin' in a troll thread.