...why won't Trump...
...release his taxes?
Other urls found in this thread:
He's a Jew
Because you don't have to prove innocence.
why won't hillary...
admit that she's too ill to be president and that she has alzheimers and is borderline retarded like the FBI investigation documents say?
It bears repeating, nyaaa :3c
Oh look, a forced meme. Eat shit.
>0.02$ has been deposited into your account.
>Thank You for Correcting the Record!
>First debate
>Trump shitposting on level that we cannot comprehend and plays his 5D Korean Starcraft
>Clinton almost loses her shit (literally)
>Moderators tries and tries to Stump Trump and Hillary, with little/no succes
>When she is lost all of her hope, she sees a light in the tunel as Trump said "Release your Health Records, you unfit crook"
>She instanlty go "Where is your Tax returns!?" with triumph smile
>Trump goes sielence
>Everyone goes silence
>Then with the smugest of faces Trump takes his smarphone from his pocket and push his finger on screen
>"I already did"
>Hill shart herself, CNN shuts it down, Sup Forums have party bigger than Brexit one, second 1984 elections in November
Screencap this.
>muh CTR boogeyman
>muh hillary
...why won't (((You)))...
Nice try.
I was already thinking "i'll screencap this" before it got to the "screencap this" part
Why won't Hillary release her medical records ?
DONALD TRUMP RECEIVES STANDING OVATION at Detroit Great Faith Ministries Church
Donald Trump Promises To Pass ‘Kate’s Law’
Julian Assange: Hillary Will Be Hitler On Steroids If Elected!
Newt: Hillary's Not Holding Pressers Because 'She Can't Tell the Truth'
Confirmed: Rupert Murdoch Instructed Fox News To Take Down Donald Trump August 2015…
The IRS has not brought charges against him, it doesn't matter. Why would you do what your enemy wants?
sage in options field
>muh CTR
>muh hillary
>oh no i can't come up with an argument so I better spam a bunch of random pointless articles that confirm my retarded alt right agenda lest my hugbox be disrupted.
>baiting obviously
and what does that say about you, since you still took it?
>continuing to be retarded
>likely OP's cellphone.
Nope :3
>being this mad because someone called you out for still failing to produce an argument.
You will never get an answer.
Because the media will take things out of context and spin it to make him look bad. Better to let them Reee for having no dirt on him whatsoever.
You don't mean...
...he's not going to release them?!
If one makes their taxes public during an audit, that allows public scrutiny to interfere with the audit process. The audit team seeing the weeks of 24/7 news coverage nitpicking at Trump's taxes will have their opinions influenced.
Because he's a billionaire
How could you expect a billionaire not to escape taxes?
That's far from being the biggest problem with this buffoon
He just announced that he would.
>[citation needed]
Now go ahead and kill yourself
>1 post by this ID
Because he's illuminati who pays no taxes and most of his investors are Russian mafia as confirmed by his son.
>"On the other hand the political damage of a failure to release may out weigh the risk of a larger tax deficiency."
>If Donald Trump filed his returns accurately, he should disclose them without any excuses. Whether or not he has been, is currently or will be audited in the future is not relevant to the imperative that he should disclose his returns as filed if he wants to become President. I can only surmise that perhaps there indeed is a “bombshell” in there that Mr. Trump doesn’t want anyone to see right now as it will slow his momentum during the primaries. I believe he is using this audit as lame excuse not to disclose the returns he signed and filed."
jesus christ did you even read the article you posted you gigantic fucking moron?
Beautiful doge
>“I see some of my colleagues would tell their clients to release their tax returns to the public during an audit. Ask them to name a single client they actually gave that advice to. I think that would be legal malpractice, and would recommend their clients sue them if they gave that advice. I advise my clients (hundreds over the years who actually experience an IRS inquiry) to NEVER release their tax returns while an audit is going on. I am certain Mr. Trump’s lawyers, very capable and well-respected in this field, have advised him not to disclose his tax returns during the audit. There are many reasons for this.
Point is, not all tax experts are in agreement, clearly.
Therefore the question still stands :3c