1.5h untill the first resuslts from Mecklenburg-Vpommern. Establishment in full panic mode

vice chancellor Sigmar gabriel(social democrats):
''Make no shit'' -literal translation

Stormfags on suicide watch

Explain for non-krauts?

Someone explain whats going on to a stupid burger?

>(regarding AfD) However, it has no chance of governing in the state since the other parties have said they would not form a coalition with the party.

In other words, unless AfD gets 51% of votes (and it won't, projected 22%) you win nothing.


Wrong, you win 22%.

Flensburg Handewitt is winning in handball again. pretty good news.

afd 36%.

calling it now.
quote me tomorrow.

vice chancellor tells the people voting in Mecklenburg Vorpommern that they shouldnt vote for who they want

>you win 22%
>when the remaining 78% will ally against you
>AfD's gained influence compared to 0% support: 0

Hat mein Ausbilder in Schwerin damals auch immer gesagt. Wir nannten ihn Düsendetlef.

>"Macht keinen Scheiß!"
pretty much means
>"Don't fuck this up!"

Much of politics is psychology. An party deemed illegitimate or extreme by the mainstream political class winning more votes than mainstream political parties Shifts public perception. Regardless of whether power changes hands in such an election the mainstream parties lose the ability to credibly portray the vote leader as extreme or illegitimate. They will continue to do so, of course, but now when they do it they lose credibility instead of hurting the credibility of their target.

Isn't Mecklenburg-Vpommern the only part of Germany that is still pro-Nazi?

>win 22%
>other parties form coalition against you
>voters naturally see this as political blackmailing and sympathize with AfD
>Win 51% in subsequent elections

So it's an election? I thought ol' Merky-Derky was your Emperor until you were become a Caliphate?

This. Ukip when from joke party to legitimate force this way.

Btw, high voter turnout is most likely very good for the AfD.

State election in merkels "irrelevant birth state"
worst case scenario is for AFD party to gain strongest party.

Expected is second strongest one and a chimera coalition will be formed of three partys to gain 50%.

>Implying the left hasn't been forming coalitions for decades to cancel out everything deemed to omuch to the right
>Implying that isn't exactly what they did in France to take FN from the winning position
>Implying we're far enough down the hole of multiculturalism and open corruption to get at least 51% of the votes
Sadly no, we aren't that far yet. Even people who see the corruption and hate it use it as the "lesser evil" to keep "evil far-right" from winning.


And what does your defeatism get you?

How is the AFD getting top spot bad? Don't you wan to uncuck yourself? Aren't they the right wing party?

OP next thread makes this an election general thread and maybe if we can find some streams we will include those too

Time to get comfy lads. There is rain and thunder outside right now, I want the following threads to be comfy too.

Yeah fellow dane. Its rain and thunder soon here in copenhagen also. I have beer ready for the gotterdammung

I can already smell the rigging from here.

>average voter
>sympathize with AfD

If AfD gets the top spot, all the other parties form a coalition and we get shitty politics + comparatively small opposition in parliament. If they are 2nd place however, the 2 big old parties form a coalition that will barely be bigger than the combined opposition.

>not a cup of hot coco


SD got 13% in our last election. The media pushed for #87% hard and the other parties formed a coalition to prevent a government crisis. SD gained some support, but people didn't really care and will have forgotten all about it by the next election.

Literally the same thing will happen in Germany once AfD gets some results.

It's getting cloudy and a bit windy over here too. Is it a sign?

They might say they'll make a coalition

But those retards wont be able to make it stick in real life. It will collaps as soon as they have to negotiate actual policy.

>subsequent elections

By the the CSU will have flooded the country with Muslims and given them the vote. No party in opposition to them will stand a chance of being voted in after that.

It's now or never.

>Gabriel: "Macht keinen Scheiß"

My god that fat fuck is so detached from reality.

There was a lot of thunder here on the night of the brexit election

I thought it was a bad omen and went to bed believing it would be a remain. Apparently kek is also the god of thunder.

So yes, it's a very good sign.

Sadly past experience have proven that they will make it work. These NWO kike puppets are so indistinguishable from one another that even the craziest coalitions happen like 'conservatives' and greens (aka the Tumblr party).

Can you define "stormfags," Habib? There are no real "Nazis," there haven't been since 1945. It was a child of it's time, it died with Hitler.
There is also no "Klan," it was a reaction to polices in the Reconstruction Occupied South, it was disbanded by its founders.
It was briefly revived in the 20s, largely as a result of the popularity of "Birth of a Nation," the first true motion picture that a nigger rapist now has to appropriate for his own use.

Your people killed more in a day (9/11) than the klan in it;s entire history-- not to mention, the few documented cases of lynchings were where evidence was overwhelming.
Look at nigger crime rates today-- is it a stretch to think their low impulse control and high testosterone and lower IQ also led to more crime in the 1870s South when they had been turned loose like a zoo opening?

Furthermore, you don't understand fuck all about German politics. The other parties are refusing a coalition with the Afd (who are far more moderate than even Us Republicans), but it will still be a good day for the Right.

By "right" I mean people who think Whites are entitled to live in peace. By "Stormfags," do you mean the site "stormfront?" A bunch of people in their 60s who socialize there and can;t even use the word "nigger?"

You fuckers look to pick fights with old people socializing on the internet-- "stormfags" -- while your leftist/arab coalition propped up by the Jews have carried out more more violence this past year in Europe than any year since WW 2.

The hypocrisy is amazing.


Oh well at least they will make AfD the official opposition party, so when they push their shitty establishement policies, AfD will be the only reasonable choice next election.

On the contrary, I see a positive change in the future, and I'm loving the way people are becoming more right wing more openly. But we have to be realistic. They won't win now, and they won't win next election. Hell, the way things are going we might have civil war on our hands before the election following this one.

If we are to change the future of Europe, it will not be through just voting.

Little anecdote on the greens that came to mind to illustrate how crazy those are:

Me and a friend were drunk once and thought about joining their youth organization for fun to debate them and watch them go facts over feels.

The very form you have to fill out for application states as follows at the personal information part:

"Biological Sex: [ ] Female [ ] Not Female"

true I was using hyperbole to make a point, I generally agree with your attitude

That is very tolerant of them

meant to say feels over facts

Is Frauke a qt???
Please cite your claims with photographs.

>"Biological Sex: [ ] Female [ ] Not Female"
If this is true, this is very sexist and oppressive. As we've all learned from brave people like Bruce Jenner and Caster Semenya, biological sex is just a social construct forced on society by the patriarchy...

The left here always takes a few years to adopt the newest degeneracies from America's left.

if only she didn't have a 13 year old boy's haircut

is there a short description of what the vote is for, and what effect it might have? (or a long description, if you like).

Nice pucc, I like it.

For illustration purposes: The green youth


Its state election in merkels homestate. It is tiny and not important really. However it will be seen as a major litmus test for the federal election 2017.

Establishment viewpoint:

Greens reach 5% and get into parliament.
SPD strongest Party and CDU second.

Greens reach 5% and get into parliament.
SPD strongest Party and AFD second.

Greens reach not 5% and get into parliament.
SPD strongest Party and AFD second.

Holy Shit:
No greens in parliament.
AFD strongest Party and SPD second.

Germany consists of 16 federal states. Pretty much the same as the states of the US. Representatives of them form the lower house at national level. Each state has equal rights there even though this current state only makes up for 1,6 million of the ~82 million living in Germany. This election is just for the parliament of that one federal state.

thank you.

Waiting on those results.

>implying there will not be another dagger thrust like in Austria with Hofer.
Lefties will try to rig it.

Why are they panicking so much about this when the results aren't even out yet?

General thread here


Who do we want to win?
I know obviously not the greens, but I don`t know a thing about the other parties, can anyone explain?

>20%+ are postal votes

varm kakao og friskbagte boller

Shout up, i dont have a problem, I CAN STOP WHENEVER I WANT!

for gooods sake. What the fuck is that?! I can't even

AfD because they trigger the establishment



Same reason they went threatened the UK before they even held the Brexit. The globalist kike doesnt want real change

Woah the Right Wing Anti-American Pro Russian AFD is winning the largest amounts of votes in a state election?


Unlikely that is worst case scenario for establishment. They would get buttmad over 2nd strongest party too.

Do you leftards ever *not* try to use Putin as a boogeyman?

Yeah but they're retarded. They're basically the FDP (pure neoliberalism) with "racist" tendencies.

[insert seal pasta]

Pro-immigrant liberals will win

They're gonna shit up the election as much as "can't fill a fucking junion-high gym" Hitlery is because in their minds the ends justify the means and they HAVE to be in total control.

NYC Christian Arab here, Very Good Post.

This is the most right wing state in Germany. But we know that the socialists are cheating.

somebody inform me about whats going on.

You would have called the Nazis retarded in 1932.

I can feel the autism

>with "racist" tendencies.

Literally has Oy in his ID. I hope Refugees come after your family soon. You're the kind that deserves it.

>Win 51% in subsequent elections

>implying there are any nativer germans left when the next election comes around

Results in 4-5h

Hitler didn't need 50%

I would rather say Anti-Globalists who mostly consist's of echoing Neocons.

And that pro-Russian stance hay probably more to do with signaling, as European Patriots have no interest in WW3 in Europe

>what are quotation marks

So the NSDAP was a neoliberal anti-working class elitist party? No? Well then I guess they're not retarded.

Pick one


Björn-Thorben, AfD is against Muslims, they don't believe in Climate Change. Want to do away with Euro and EU.

So either you shill or you are more focused on refugee cock than on reality

cloudless in newcastle

First Predicitions are in - AfD over 20% and in front of CDU.

britain has a almost completely different voting system than usa and europe

what the fuck is going on? is Sigmar going to rally the german people?

We have exactly the same voting system as the usa, except they have a presidential model of government and we have a parliamentary one

>parts of specific person A's views align with my own
>the whole party must be anti-globalist as well
The AfD was anti-globalist and anti-establishment when they started off, but they got infiltrated by shills and useful idiots long ago.

>his opinion differs from mine? He must be a shill!
Fucking moron.

thread about german elections
brit talks about his ass
how embarrassing...

shit prob because i live in fucking nowhere

Latest Prediction

SPD 30%
AFD 21,4%
CDU 19,8%


So it looks like Germany will, as usual, stay cucked. What kind of interracial action will happen to celebrate? More German women getting ridiculously wet for the brown cock?

This isn't the federal election yet, burgerfriend.
This is only the beginning.

SPD makes a very good score compared to other landers