(((Leftists who dont oppose this)))

(((Leftists who dont oppose this)))
(((Conservatives who try REALLY hard to disregard this)))

Isreal is a racist apartheid state with racial Jewish only settlements in the west bank. Its border walls wrap around the racial settlements in an obvious land grab.
This is why rockets are falling on their heads and why the rest of the west suffers terrorism for supporting Israel.

Leftist in the US are the only ones who do not oppose this imperialism. Why is this so?

If you support what isreal is doing to the Palestinians you are not a leftist. End of story.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is Bernie Sanders freaking out on a liberal girl for questioning the racist apartheid state of Isreal and its settlements

How does one support walls for Isreal but not for the US and Europe?


Yeah but at least they are more white than the Arabs....

Let em do what they gotta do

This is why we don't have peace

>more white than the Arabs....

How do US Democrats support this?

No...the average Jew is whiter than the average arab

Who you shilling for bro?


but browner than the average white

>Let em do what they gotta do
>Who you shilling for

and to answer your question, its for my tax dollars

fuck off arab scum

>calling out isreal makes you Muslim

>Spain calling people Muslim


yeah not really, but there is such a thing as shifting property - if someone has tilled a land for hundreds of years, it sort of goes into their posession. Israelis just unroot the trees and chase away the fathers, grandfathers and children who were raised on the land

You cant say Israel should have diversity, its for JEWS ONLY!!!!! Did you know almost 7 million Jews died in the holocaust? Think about that before saying Israel should take refugees which makes you a racist nazi.

Cry me a river Abdul.

I thought most people who fight for palestine are leftists. Certainly seems the case here.

That wasnt their land to begin with asshole. That land is and always has been the property of the Jewish people as proven in court you nazi bigot. Someday we will have laws against people like you being allowed to post shit like this on the internet.

No worries in 26 days Israel can take you down via posting your dox online once the internet goes global you racist.

this thread is made by a radical muslim who hates america and is trying to post a pro palestinian message because they hate Jews. Sag and report this hitler thread and make slide threads to remove it from Sup Forums!!!!


>not supporting Israel's ethnic cleansing of sandniggers

Have you been living under a rock? Leftists HATE Israel.

>Isreal is a racist apartheid state

Black people who actually lived under the South African apartheid state say that Israel is not an apartheid state.

Go be retarded elsewhere retard.

Oy veyyyy you better delete this shit

>Leftists HATE Israel.
everyone supports Israel after the deaths of & million Jews in the holocaust, look it up! You talk like a nazi with your racist speech.

That's why suicide bombing stopped.

>everyone supports Israel
this is bullshit. Just look at Sweden. Their leftwing pro refugee parties absolutely love Palestine and despise Israel

>this is bullshit. Just look at Sweden.
That is just sabre rattling for the masses. Israel gets over 500 billion a year in foreign aid from all countries and sweden via the UN because of what they did to the Jewish people in the holocaust and now must pay to protect the Jewish identity which is considered by many to be the most valuable culture on earth because of how their endangered by nazi bigots like you who refuse to support Israel.

You are correct

Fetch me a term to use for what you just said

Sweden is a pathetic country.

I support a nuclear warhead being dropped the fuck all over the god damn board of the fucking Levant.


Can't we sort this out by giving each side a 20Mt nuke?

Not in the United States

They don't know this even exists or what the establishment democrats support in practice

>not realizing that radical muslims are a tool of the jews and they are both shit demographics that need to be purged.

Everybody calls everybody anti semitic when they criticize israel

Dude you know that even Israel itself has a pro immigration and pro sandnigger leftwing, right?
this is true


True. But one advantage of most modern rightwing parties is that they are pro israel while leftists are in general anti israel.
You can shut up those who call you a nazi for opposing immigration by asking what they think about israel

>Dude you know that even Israel itself has a pro immigration and pro sandnigger leftwing, right?
Spoken like a true racist.
All people support the Jewish Identity in Israel and the world since allowing any diversity would destroy the purity of the Jewish people which is why in the past 5 years Israel has not admitted one refugee from Africa and never has allowed a single muslim refugee to blemish the perefection of the state of Israel which over 7 million Jews died for in the holocaust.

You are retarded, we have all these pro-Palestine rallies by leftists and muslims.

And who's supporting Israel? All the right wing parties.

The reason is that leftists equate Palestine with brown people, and all brown people are oppressed by the white man.

Fuck gaza and all paleguys. Shalom goy.

>You are retarded, we have all these pro-Palestine rallies by leftists and muslims.
Hate organizations who support Palestine are being shut down everyday one way or the other for their defiance of Israel. Anyone who is a racist nazi should be exposed and are online and in public until their lives are destroyed for even saying one word against the state of Israel.

>which is why in the past 5 years Israel has not admitted one refugee from Africa
they actually did and even started to sterilize them. It's a much better solution than what Europe is doing
>and never has allowed a single muslim
They have a lot of muslims and suffer the same problem as we do, since they breed like rats.

I'm the first one to hate lefist kikes, but I couldn't care less about Israel and what they do with muslims and niggers

>I couldn't care less about Israel
Your just brainwashed by the racism on this board which turned you into a little hitler who talks like a nazi because you hate freedom. Israel has the right to defend itself from all cultures and any diversity would destroy the Jewish nationality and not one muslim is worth that risk.

ok abdul

Or perhaps maybe Islam would not be as radical of Israel didn't have settlements in the west bank and was bombing the Middle east since the 50's
I am not ignorant of Islam. However there are times where they have been relatively peaceful and contained under certain governments whom all have been usurped by western Zionist powers.

Stable isolationist rulers contain them. Who cares how they live their culture so long as they are not expanding it.

The west can complain all they want about immigration but it is them who support isreal while waging countless wars in the middle east all while allowing refugees from the nations they attack......which is insanity

>we have all these pro-Palestine

Not US liberals

Any "conservative" who stands with Israel is a treasonous philosemitic pig who will be slaughtered with the rest of the pigs on the day of the rope.

Israel did 9/11 and the USS Liberty. They also did the 1993 WTC bombing (Josie Hadad) and 7/7. Among many other things. They have the Samson Option. Israel literally and objectively created militant Islamic terrorism by baiting and training kebab for false flagging. They stirred up the hornets net and they continue to perpetuate a no-win situation and pretend to be the victim. They made their bed in Palestine and now they're going to die in it.

Anyone who support Israel is our enemy and WE WILL exterminate all of it enemies. Jews and shabbos goyim alike. Death to all of you

By building settlements outside of your border and bulldozing villages and any white protester that get in the way
Then you build a wall around the settlements way beyond the borders and wonder why rockets fall on your head.

>Hate organizations who support Palestine are being shut down everyday one way or the other for their defiance of Israel. Anyone who is a racist nazi should be exposed and are online and in public until their lives are destroyed for even saying one word against the state of Israel.

Good luck labeling all leftists who oppose isreal as Nazis

Thats not Israel bro, those people are not even Jewish just pretending to be due to Nazi extremists and white supremacists who dress up like Jews to try and make it seem like its ok to criticize the state of Israel which is heralded around the world as one of the greatest countries on earth due to our culture and military.

I was wondering what happened to you.
You used to make this thread at least 3 times a day, every day.

it's worse than that because the fucking kikes segregate their roads. the actual Palestinian control regions as much smaller because you can't get to any of them.