What happened to men?
I dont just mean common men. Even the most alpha males of today (Trump, Putin, Farage, ect.) pale in comparison to other men in history of similar stature.
What went wrong?
Political Correctness? Feminism?
What happened to men?
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Watering down of masculinity through media outlets
You get bombarded by gaypride, mens fashion, fragile masculinity, Blacked-posting and all that other shit day in day out on the internet, constantly making you question your validity as a man and the result is the current generation of socially crippled betas that you see on /r9k/ and surround.
Back in Golden Era Rome there was no maybe on masculinity, no uncertainty or subversion, just good old fashioned 397AD testosterone levels fueled by a diet of meat, wine and unprocessed grains. No fucking gluten intolerancies or gay Pride parades, no liberals or migrants, just you and your work 24/7 until the day you died. No fucking phones or Facebook, no Sup Forums, hardly any niggers, men lived much less occupied lives, not so distracted and absorbed. Just imagine how healthy those men would be, they'd wake up in the morning, eat a healthy as fuck carb rich breakfast, then work the fields or smith farming tools or whatever the fuck it is they did all day, then they'd come home and sit down with their families, eat a hearty as fuck dinner, fuck their wife and go to sleep. Yes it was boring, no tv or snapchat or video games, but it's no accident that men were greater then.
Pretty much nailed it friend.
In regards to world leaders and other great men, I often wonder if someone like Trump would be willing to fight to the death for his ideals like Caesar or Napoleon for instance.
The fact that modern warfare is all commanded from behind a desk means that they'll never really have to prove themselves.
Trump and Farage are just pussy businessmen, Putin was a spy who became a leader. He fits most in with the Machiavellian world leaders of ages gone.
That is what it's all about basically - you don't have to be strong or kill your opponents to lead anymore. You just have to be a good speaker or worm your way into it by playing the power game.
True that, Putin did prove himself. Basically rags to riches.
Sounds familiar..
things are more complicated today, you can't just react with aggressiveness and impetuosity.
the question is: why we didn't evolve our harshness and impetuosity to fit today's patters?
that question alone should be discussed prior to all those other minor issues flooding Sup Forums right now.
but this board is too flooded with betas and they know nothing about reacting to challenges IRL, it's not the correct place to talk about that
cool timestamp
I'd hardly say someone like Caesar acted impetuous.
He was a very patient and calculating individual, read up on his military career, he would sometimes wait months for his opponents to get impatient and make a wrong move.
Yes he (and many others) was (patient), but when the time to be fiery arrived he was able to give place to his energy.
I believe that is where the modern man fails! We are well educated today, we can perceive which are our options, we can see hundreds of possibilities. But when we need to take a real step we get frighten because we can perceive which are the consequences too. But why we didn't develop a higher sense of braveness along side?
history gets embellished. stop being so stupid /pol
Biological system that produces a healthy mind got polluted.
The truth is that there is no soul, there is only DNA, and a host of biological systems that interact through/with that DNA and the enviroment.
if you have low test, as we have today, the mind will break. It will lose energy, it will become more depressed, use more drugs, and be more prone to suicide.
Obesity is the biggest cause of low test, it directly related to the amount of estrogen and test in a human body.
So fix your body first before you fix your society, or preferably do both at the same time.
Read this book if you wish to fix your test
>mfw i get to live in a world lead by the reincarnations of Caesar and George Patton.
People have spent 2000 years trying and usually failing to imitate Caesar. His name is the basis of the titles "Kaiser" and "Czar". I wouldn't say he is an example of the common man before this generation.
Xenoestrogens such as phtalates and the likes.
Obesity is certainly a contributing factor, but testosterone levels and sperm counts are lower across the board in all Western countries, even in "slim" countries like France and Italy. Xenoestrogens are a more significant factors.
they dont make statues where the guy being made look ugly
I for one welcome our new xenoestrogen trap overlords
Obesity is responsible for about 60% of the drop in test most likely.
Beyond that, the next big thing are common deficiencies like zinc, vitamin D and a bunch of others.
if you live in europe, the amount of xenoestrogens are fairly low. My water in flag related at least is good. My milk is somewhat okay as well. I am using shampoo without those nasty things though.
But the biggest effects that I have felt were with the things that I mentioned.
And the thing is, obesity is EVERYWHERE. France and whatever is not exactly better and there are no more accurate, testosterone charts for each individual country.
90% of testosterone is tied to fat, muscle and minerals you consume.
Maybe you can see that question clearly with me - or maybe you can tell me if I'm wrong.
But here in Latin America it's being said that due to the lack of purpose of the men from countries with higher HDI they have become effeminate. Since we're a relatively new inhabited region we are still much more focused on practical issues and therefore we haven't been going through the new questions they have been.
For e.g., countries with higher HDI have a much higher suicide rate - pic. That's surely the result of people being intimidated about life's challenges. Maybe that happens because they were removed from questions that used to concern the ancient men and are failing to redirect their attention to something more realistic.
Also it's being said that's why they are struggling with those simple immigration issues, cloistered in their monotonous fortress they have forgotten about primitive men's savagery and have been too naive when considering the impact of such different cultures colliding.
Great leaders don't come around very often. Let's look at some of history's most simmering figures. Alexander the Great. Julius Caesar. Augustus Caesar. Charlemagne. Ghengis Khan. Napoleon. For all of them except the two Caesars and, they are all hundreds of years apart. We don't remember the shit leaders throughout history. These people are exceptionally rare. Even the great leaders of world War 2 do not compare. You can't expect 1 leader of a recovering 2nd world country and 2 people who lead political parties today to compare to these greats. They were also all monarchs. You can't expect someone who ruled for 8 years to make the list of a great ruler. It is not muh fluoride or muh water bottles, we are just not at the right time. A great leader may never come in our lifetime, who knows?
You are ignorant, you did not have to be strong to be powerful back then either. In the Roman republic, there were many weak men on the senate. Once hereditary monarchies took over Europe, many pathetic leaders simply inherited the throne.
its funny to see the basement dwellers complaining about lack of masculine men when they are the first babies who couldn't live one day in the older days.
>how healthy the men were
Cause they were the healthy.
The sick died off and thus the shitier genes didnt propagate.
Its a combination of a lot of factors actually. Medical care got up so survival rate is up(less threats to wane the weak), the explosion of both sedentary jobs and bad food( fat food, sugar filled food and other things) and lack of need for phisical training. Arguably discipline was less needed as well since most jobs people can do without much discipline.
I dont mind it really since I dont believe in survival of the fittest as a moral compas for humanity. Id rather have an educated eugeny made by smart people without much harm to the people than culling.
Ban stupid people, hadicaped people, and mentaly ill people from reproducing.
you can see that the darkest regions in that map are regions with what americans call "the macho culture"
by previous standards, even our alphas are really betas
when you get brainwashed and coddled for the first 20 years of your life, did you expect much different?
He is fighting to the death. He's just succeeded in reaching the level of support that his death would be martyrdom and strengthen the cause.
I don't find that so funny at all. It's quite sad to be honest. You have a fucked up sense of humor.
Growing up, I was never the most confident or masculine guy. I had masculine, traditional values, but I didn't have the mental fortitude to back it up.
As I've grown older, though, I feel my mentality is starting to catch up to my ideology. Though it's probably not very healthy, I've found that loathing and disdain are strong confidence builders, because you stop caring about what people you have no respect for think about you.
The Romans loved fucking men, certainly a lot more than today
Are you retarded?
Romans fucked boys, not grown men, and taking it up the ass was considered disgraceful. It's like prison culture.
The Romans actually looked down on the Greeks, who were much more prone to homosexual tendencies.
Teachers, mentors and parents don't expect perfection anymore. Being above mediocre isn't rewarded and is even shunned in some cases. There no longer exists competition. You're told from the beginning that you're the same as those that are clearly below you, that taking pride in your achievements is a bad thing to do. This is what happens when women are allowed into public spaces. This is what happens when emotions are more important than reaching perfection. The feminization and downfall of culture, values and tradition.
Thank God I never fell for this bullshit, never got silenced and never stopped fighting it back for some reason. Growing up as a prideful child is the best gift one could wish for.
Another autistic living in denial. Go out of defend your blonde whores from KEBAB dicks, you cuck peasant wannabe Westerner mongoliod fuck