thoughts? :^)
Thoughts? :^)
america is a capitalistic shithole
we know
Is this true then? I doubt it though
>The weak should fear the strong.jpg
Add Israel to that list, since they extort billions from us each year and they have free health care while we go broke fighting their Jew wars that aren't ours to fight.
wtf I hate going bankrupt from medical expenses now
Yes, it is impossible for a natural human being to go bankrupt in all those countries with a 0 next to them.
Move to China, nigger.
>Number of European Union votes cucked
>Number of record-breaking truck mass murders
>Number of nukes endured
>Number of muslim rapists
>Number of apologies given
>Number of acres of country lost to high waters
>Number of meatballs
Kek We Won The Cold War
Sucks for those people. Next time they'll buy insurance.
Yeah instead the whole of France is getting bankrupt and the NHS has to ban 30 to 40% of its recipient (obese and smokers) because they cost too much for problems they could avoid.
People in America have a lot of health problems because they constantly eat McDiarrhea's. Have you seen our obesity rates? Why should the rest of country pay for these massive land whales? Let them go bankrupt. Enjoy you're socialist Utopia where you don't even have a choice because your health choices are made for you. Statist cucks.
Everyone knows capitalism a shit.
>move to an even bigger capitalist shit hole
fucking epic dude
>Be european
>don't spend enough on defense
>America picks up the slack and spends billions to defend people who don't even appreciate it
I can't wait for Trump so we can either start charging you for our military or leave so we can actually afford shit like this
Why are we suddenly spending less?
Ben va vivre aux usa mon con, tu me diras si c'est vraiment mieux qu'ici...
This. The only reason these faggot yuro's have money is because we protect them while giving them billions of dollars in foreign aid. They are literally a protectorate of capitalist society and they're completely oblivious to it thanks to easily-discernible, George Soros-funded propaganda.
No one understands cheesenigger speak.
>This is what a redpilled American populist thinks
No you didn't, China won
Speak english you dumb cunt if you want to contribute to the discussion you cretin.
>Actively defending le trou de la sécu
You're a moron
>be yuro
>get blown up by Muslims
>no need for healthcare because you are dead
Don't pay for things you can't afford.
I wonder how many of those 643,000 would have been told that their treatment isn't covered by the NHS. So you don't go bankrupt, you just die. I'm not saying that the US system is better, I just can't help thinking that that chart might be just a tiny bit simplistic and not tell the whole story. Thoughts?
I've been there, confirmed shithole.
So you're denying that America protects you? Are you denying that most European countries wouldn't even be able to prevent an invasion from the likes of a Saudi Arabia, if America didn't protect them? Are you implying that the Brits wouldn't be speaking German right now if it weren't for us?
I really like living in the rural area man. 500mbps comfy internet and no muslims
I'm sorry to tell you this, but you're part of the weak.
Literally Who: The Country
your Ancestors.
>Canada 0
Yeah, because dying in the waiting line is better than paying money.
Number of people with freedom:
Britain - 0
France - 0
Japan - 0
Germany - 1,000,000 foreign residents
Canada - 0
Netherlands - 0
Switzerland - 0
USA - 177,600,000
I probaly have more freedom than any amerifat out there. Stop using a proxy fag
I used to live in New Zealand and that isnt really true.
Yes they have free healthcare, but only for accidents and emergencies.
And you have to be pretty fucking desperate to use the free option because you end up waiting months and months for your surgery. Its insane. My brother couldnt work for 4 months cause he dislocated his knee.
So yea, it was free, but the amount of income he missed out on made it worse than if he had to pay.
The moral of the story is you need insurance no matter where you are.
That's about 0.2% of our populations.
Compare that with the number of people going bankrupt from divorce or or shit and you can see how much this is not a problem.
Feel free to leave.
We'll be sure to invite you back when you need a treatment that's only offered here so you pay extra.
>prevent an invasion from the likes of a Saudi Arabia
It's the other way around, without the US Saudi Arabia would not be the player they are. The were propped up by the US to oppose USSR/Iran. Their military is completely provided by the US. They don't even have pilots, just US mercenaries.
Please disband your military/intelligence industry, you are not helping anyone, not even yourselves.
Americans - oh i got these medical bills, better buy a brand new car, $100 at the bar every week and tons of other random things i dont need. DERP THESE MEDICAL BILLS MADE ME BROKE
My issue is with it being called "protection". We know it is a self interest driven domination. Create an enemy, then offer protection in a form of an eternal base in that foreign country.
I agree that the spending is justified when you look at it this way.
>no gunz
deny the holocaust to a police officer while legally carrying
Bankruptcy is death in America. Keeping your credit score solidly in the green is one of the most important acts you can do in your lifetime. I'd rather get caught with marijuana or even cuffed for minor assault than get the noise of bad credit around my neck.
I'd rather die than be bankrupt. That's the truth in America.
Not only that, but there's way too many people that are perfectly content to work at fucking Walmart or Burger King their whole lives instead of learning a trade or getting an education that would allow them to get a job that actually gives them heath insurance as part of their benefits. If you actually give yourself a marketable skill, employers will offer perks to make you work for them instead of shitting down your throat every day like they do to the mindless minimum wage slaves. By and large only morons with nigger tier jobs go bankrupt from going to the doctor.
thoughts? :^)
>nigger tier jobs
It's better than having the NHS. Anyway people go bankrupt for healthcare costs in the UK as well, especially with elderly care.
Do you have the number of people who fly from those country into US and the other way around ?
So we know who escape which shithole.
We spend the mandated amount on defence, thank you very much
>but there's way too many people that are perfectly content to work at fucking Walmart or Burger King their whole lives instead of learning a trade or getting an education that would allow them to get a job that actually gives them heath insurance as part of their benefits.
You described like 0.001% of the workforce. Everyone wants to move up in life. It's just a matter of how much they're willing to sacrifice for it.
No person has been flipping burgers for 30 years and still thinks he made the right choice
> Not using gdp index
>not using gbp index
>Using GDP index
Why the fuck should gdp matter? Gdp only measures how much you produce not how much wealth you have.
If you wanted to judge how well off someone is, would you look at their paycheck or their bank account?
There are actually a fuckton of French people going to les US (dumb fool imo, instead of feeding parasitic fonctionnaires they feed fat niggers)
But it's ok, France seems happy to lose more and more young white productive taxpayers and import illiterate Africans instead :^)
Wood sneakers is probably talking about how he can smoke pot. In every other respect, Netherlands is another one of those euro fag countries that's worse than the US.
But I had to wait three hours in a waiting room once so universal healthcare is bad
Medical debt is the highest cause of bankruptcy in America
>he only had to wait 3 hours
Universal healthcare is not bad because of the odd 2 hours waiting, it's bad because of the 10 years waiting for a pair of glasses once it inevitably collapse.
>Country ruled by an international organization, only allowed to rule over domestic matters
At least in the US, the states have rights
>muh conspiracy theories
It's fine, and will always be fine
Pic related
Only because it affects the entire populations.
Something that affects .02% of 320 million will affect more individuals but the rate is what's important.
Things like business failures, lawsuits and divorce are FAR more likely to fuck you over than your medical bills.
>waaah I have to pay for what I consume it's so terrible I want muh gibs
You are the problem.
>can't even bet
>Oh no I had to wait for a non essential surgery
Compared to
>oh I didn't have 80,000 dollars for a surgery so I died
Are you implying that you wouldn't be speaking French or Abenaki now if it weren't for us?
Lmao what kind of ridiculous damage control is this?
If the USA doesn't pay the exorbitant amounts it does for health care, your little socialist interracial breeding grounds would have zero chance of existing.
Oh, you're that nonessential guy again, huh?
Shit dude, you really are a paid shill.
Also, although it's illegal to place bets in my state (NE), there's never been a case taken to trial for an individual placing a wager.
not that bad desu
Our bankruptcy laws are as based as the healthcare we have available.
We fucking rule.
Those are my thoughts.
That's not even their worst region.
> cancer treatments are non-essential
There's plenty of states where that wouldn't apply anyway. If I want to go out in my back yard, crack a beer, light a doobie, dress up as an SS officer and scream "Gas the kikes and niggers!" while shooting a picture of the president with my .50 caliber rifle, nobody can tell me shit.
What are you talking about you delusional retard? The French helped us kick your crumpet asses back in the 18th century.
643,000 out of a country with 340,000,000 people. That's less than 1/4 of 1%
Are you retarded?
You have a small fraction of a percentage chance to die of a shark attack even though millions of people go in the ocean every year.
Meanwhile cave diving has a much higher chance of killing you even though there are many a few thousand people int he world that do it.
Now, even though the number of people that died to sharks is higher, which is more risky and which will you avoid?
none of these are emergency surgeries so who cares.
He's talking about the French Indian war
I cave dive into shark infested waters.
How do you avoid having to use the medical system?
citation needed
oh wait, it says "bankrupt", japan doesn't allow you to escape your debts that way, your children have to pay them
>It's fine, and will always be fine
True, unsustainable systems can never fail so long as you believe.
i know. that's an incredible number for one of the richest nations in the world. that would be a lot even for a middle income nation.
> Economics and the existence of ponzi schemes are consiracy theory.
>What are you talking about you delusional retard?
American education, everybody
I dont see why Sup Forums morons think you MUST follow everything the republican party says just because you have conservative values
Yeah those cave sharks are serious business. !00% fatality rate.
I thought it would be so hard for you to miss the point but somehow you managed.
Way to fucking go leaf. You've outdone yourself.
The point of that exercise was the identify the RISK of each scenario whether or not you can actually avoid them.
The situations that bankrupts 50% of the people that take part in it is far more risky than the system that bankrupts 0.02% of a significantly larger population.
People die waiting in line in canada. This picture is intentionally misleading. Its just like with guns. You act as though only deaths with guns matter, and if you reduce the percentage of murders with guns, youre somehow saving lives.
Fuck off
Its bad when the Hospitals are artificially limited and everyone gets a "super bug" or virus and its spreads. If it were truly competitive there would be a lot more doctors bringing the prices down and highly trained practitioners living amongst "ordinary people". True equality.
It's amazing how many people support the military-industrial jewplex just because Republicans do
>I am so academically bankrupt that I think universal healthcare is a Ponzi Scheme
One of those is a conscious choice you make, one of them isn't.
Your metaphor is dogshit, and your argument is trash.
Don't judge every American based on a few. I learned about the French Indian war in fucking elementary school. It's kinda the reason you taxed us so hard.
I also learned about the war of 1812, more than just "they burned down our white house"
So, about 0.02% of the population?
That's fucking tiny.
Because in actuality, the British did jackshit, with the majority of victories being attributable to colonial leaders.
I JUST fucking said that.
The OP image is trying to present our medical system as some enormous risk of bankruptcy when it is factually, objectively and logically NOT.
I always forget why leafs get so much shit and then I'm cursed with trying to talk sense into one.
It all comes rushing back.