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I been racist since 16

wow really made me think

"Fuck police and white people" t. every rap song ever

This is nonsense.

so considering theres is hardly any mainstream white power music out there this means theres no racism

I was a full blown lefty for quite a while in college, wasn't by the time I left.

I was never racist until I moved to the city and started living around a lot of black people.

everybody can open his eyes, just give him facts and let the rest happen by itself.

>Racism is taught in the home

Sometimes, but usually racism is taught by exposure to other races.

Bullshit. Both me and my brother use to listen to rap when we were kids/ in highschool. I grew out of it first and then he did. We are both very racist now.

It's hard not to be racist when you see your country go to shit and foreigners leeching like parasites.

It's like saying "I have black friends". A racist wouldn't have black friends. A racist wouldn't like black musicians or artist. A racist would despise having a black friend or favorite artist.

>a drug dealing trap lord is ok as long as he makes millions

If anything Jay-z has augmented my desire to send them all to Africa

>if you like degenerate jew-pushed nigger culture, you're not a racist

Jokes on him, I listen to rap music and still hate niggers. :^)

Exactly. Why do you think the South hates blacks so much?

A nigger stole my backpack as a kid. A spic stole my parents boat. White people haven't done shit to me. People become racist from experiences with those races. What's so difficult to understand?

Racism isn't taught at home, it's taught in the streets

>Good kid starts listening to rap
>Fills his head of stories about gang banging, drugs, running from your responsibilities, and crime paying.
>Starts acting like a nigger

Jay-Z and those like him should be lined up against a wall and shot. By blacks.

Niggers taught me to be racist

Daily reminder to sage and report spam threads


Working retail is a fast-track to becoming racist

Actually rap music is one of the reasons why I learned to hate black people
Not to mention every social interaction I had with them in public sealed the deal

Racism is learned. It's learned by being around niggers.
This straw-man that only your parents teach you to be racist is essential to their worldview. Because if they admitted that people made rational decisions based on race, then they would have to have a discussion about that. They can't do that because their own arguments can't stand the light of day.
By reducing racism to training a child receives at a young age the liberal not only prevents themselves from engaging with dangerous ideas, but they create a new victim class to protect. "we have to save the children from their own racist parents!"
This way they get the emotional high they are looking for, and also protect their own worldview from collapsing in the face of reality.

Rap and other media dictating 'black culture' has done more damage to blacks than white nationalists could even dream about.

Neither of my parents are racist, but I'm a huge racist and I love nigger music.
So this image is just fucking retarded.

>implying my experiences haven't tainted my worldview

I grew up on rap. I have a very tolerant family. I made my own decisions

It's racism to write white on black.

My parents are liberals and I'm racist since I was 15.
What now?

Thank you jew for the massive redpill

>We agree on that

cheers goy

>parents actively anti-racist
>elementary school was 99% white
>1% racist as a child
>high school was 80% white
>20% racist as an adolescent
>lived off campus at university in area with 60% immigrants
>now about 100% racist

>taught at home

Went into college a cynical idealist sympathetic to Trayvon Martin, and came out a massive fucking racist who just wants to make fun of niggers for being goddamn retarded

Modafinil is often used as a neutropic in perfectly healthy people. It's no surprise whatsoever that Hillary's taking it.

>Racism is taught
I agree.

I was taught by Abos at a very young age to learn how to defend myself and act with vigilance around blacks. I had to not only defend myself, but my little brother. I got in fights at least twice a day back in primary school since I lived in a shitty abo filled zone.

Funny thing is, I come from an extremely left wing family. They're verging on SJW levels of insanity.

what about this one? normal people do this stuff also?
benghazy documents: thegatewaypundit.com/2016/08/breaking-benghazi-docs-found-deleted-hillary-clinton-email-files-state-dept/
BOMBSHELL Report: In Hillary’s Deleted Emails They Found THIS About BENGHAZI: thepoliticalinsider.com/bombshell-state-department-admits-hillary-deleted-benghazi-emails/#ixzz4IUHZ6HLI thepoliticalinsider.com/bombshell-state-department-admits-hillary-deleted-benghazi-emails/


The propaganda stops working once you're out on your own in the real world. Especially if you've relaxed around niggers. All you need to do is visit a nigger majority area. Get off the freeway in a nigger area to gas up and you'll be enriched. Work at a restaurant and not get tips. Or work with niggers period in say an office environment and realize they're mostly affirmative action hires who are dumber than shit.

this is the first redpilled jew ive seen

>Racism is taught in the home. We agree on that?

No. Racism is a survival instinct due to the nasty little habit of males from other tribes, packs, or other named groups killing the offspring of other males whenever they kill the fathers and steal the mothers and daughters. All newborns and infants are inherently terrified of people of other races, it's tolerance that's taught. And it's a great disservice to your children.

Assange admits murdered DNC staffer was WikiLeaks source: theweek.com/speedreads/645239/julian-assange-tells-megyn-kelly-why-wikileaks-isnt-releasing-dirt-donald-trump
Evidence mounts: Crooked Hillary Clinton received big donations for special favors


This. Joe Camel, if anybody, should know this

I'm not denying for a second that she's bent, but let's be sure to separate the outright criminal behaviour from just some minor prescription drug abuse.

have another redpill:
Hillary Clinton’s State Department Armed Saudi Arabia to the Teeth


I was raised a multiculti lib until I was 20 maybe even 21.

hey kike you have a gab, twitter or facebook account?

I have one that is used for raids n' such.

nice, i'll follow you, my name is Sparkpoodle

>implying sjws didnt re kindle racism whoch was dying off in the mid 00s

okay your twitter seems sjwish

sure mate.

exactly. used for raids and such. and to make SJWs follow me, so i can redpill them.

did you follow me yet?

just like a jew manipulating people, but i love it. it's brilliant.

also a tip put ((())) on your name, sjws always do that. Then find a chick with a flower crown as your profile picture to make it more convincing, and call yourself polygender

thanks for the tips, greatest ally.

Grew up in non racist household, and never had a racist thought. After I moved out into the world, I learned the true values of niggers, gooks and filipenises.

Am now a supporter of ethnic cleansing.

I have only one friend more racist than me and he is the same way. I will never understand how you can hate niggers and tolerate listening to their stupid fucking voices and bastardization of the English language and not be immediately infuriated.

>Unironically being this retarded

Jayz is a stupid black power faggot but alot of rap songs are about the struggles and realities of poverty. Something most silver spoon fed polfags could never relate to


Have a delicious giffy of lovely Hitomi as gifty ;)

grew up poor and acknowledge it wasn't somebody elses fault but my parents poor choices but i got the added bonus of seeing jamal across the street have nice things because his parents were on SSDI, food stamps, section 8, WIC, etc. I'm not joking either, had a friend called Demante and he lived like a king compared to me and my family so either they were on some major dole or his dad slung dope.

I've come to realize it's not a race, it's young people. Young people are a big fucking problem 14-30 and maybe even to 35. They should all be in the military if they don't have a job. My neighborhood has been burglarized by slightly more white kids than the other races.

Jay-z thinks he's deep as fuck, but he's not.

>implying you need to care about lyrics or singers to enjoy music

There is no such thing like racism. There is only rationality. Everyone who is rational hates niggers.
Or he just visits Sup Forums

provigil is only used for parkinsons as it's a weak dopamine reuptake inhibitor

Does anyone that's not Harambe truly idolize rap music? Stupid social media whatever format you have pedals this shit and says it's cool, stupid girls act like they are into it to seem cool, stupid boys listen to it so they can fit and get with stupid girls.

The jew gets his shekels so he doesn't give a flying fuck about anything.

Im like that too, listen to more hip hop than anything and cant stand actual noggery

what a British thing to say

Nonsense, who is gonna teach racism at home?
People learn to think that way.

My mom was not racist. Then we lived in a ghetto neighborhood. My mom is now racist.

Alabama here. Can confirm.

I um, actually taught racism to my parents.

Was it learned at home? Yeah, I suppose so... but not in the way that Jay-Z seems to think.

>white babies are literally racist before they are born
>but "racism" is "taught"
