As expected, not near 1st place
Let's hope the green party falls out!
As expected, not near 1st place
Let's hope the green party falls out!
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>exactly 50% for SPD+CDU
It's an insane turnout for such a young party
It will be more than that in seats.
Great Coalition continued, nothing to see here
It's not bad but pretty expected after the latest polls
Knowing nothing about German politics, which of these parties hates Muslims, Jews and niggers the most?
>AfD lands higher than Merkels CDU
>voting spd
what the hell is wrong with people
Yep, the only thing the polls didn't get was the 30% for the SPD and that the Greens may just BTFO.
old people don´t need logic
lmaooo nazis btfo
Clearly Germany needs MORE socialism.
It's quite disheartening to know that the conservative parties are deep red nowadays yet a true red party also exists.
>5 %
Germany's about to get GREEN'd like Austria
>Greens may just BTFO
God, I fucking hope so
>All those SPD votes
What the fuck man, Germany is literally a socialist shithole?
Time to build a huge canal between us and Germany.
Everything. Fucking greens are over 5% for fucks sake.
>What the fuck man, Germany is literally a socialist shithole?
No, you have to see how people think.
In the East, people hate Merkel's refugee policy even more than the West. Plus, they still remember the GDR.
So, what choices do they have? Essentially CDU - then you are some kind of middle class Wessie guy living in a city. Not that many really in these times.
Then you got the AfD, well it is a protest party. They don't get 40% out of nothing.
So you end up with SPD or Linke and lots of people rather vote for SPD than for the Linke.
RIP Deutsche Kalifat. May Allah and his prophet Muhamad (pbuh) smite Germany
this is not good for the AfD, they have tons of literal craziness behind the smiling faces in the first row
and there will be a lot of second row absolute madmen in the parliament now that the media can make fun of
AfD should just die
>Haha n-no it's because they have no other choice
Don't kid me Hans, There's a huge amount of Socialists in Germany, if you feel like there's nothing to vote for then don't vote.
You guys need to be kept at an arm's length from now on, we might share the same ancestry but you can no longer be considered alies.
5.0% forecast for the Greens.
Good results for SPD.
Shows once more that the German people reject hate and racism.
Most likely there will be a SPD-CDU coalition.
AFD won't get near power thankfully,
This. I pray for an islamic Germany. There is no room for racism in such a country
>a protest party
>Good results for SPD.
But it is the AfD which gets the most workers' votes which is a bitchslapping for the SPD, which is a self proclaimed workers' party.
Wait, why are the Grünen hated?
Not at all.
Lefties btfo, and heavily so.
all parties representatives being dicks to petry
it's sad actually
Why is the Afd so far from the others?
I can understand putting "other" on the end but why isn't AfD next to SPD?
I mean apart, from those two everything is in increasing order from right to left.
Sorry, I've been out of the loop. Who are we cheering on?
Which party is the anti-immigrant right wings one?
they are literally KEK: the party
>>a protest party
Sorry, the AfD is just that. Nobody cares it is a neoliberal party which doubts man made global warming and wants to get rid of the minimum wage and get rid of the unions.
People care about the migrants. I do too.
A relic of the past. Sadly or not Socialist parties are no longer the Workers party.
Sadly not enough to fix your shitshow of a country, I guess the Aryan blood lives on in us now :)
>lefties btfo
will propably be a far left government
totally btfo
'Far right' party is at the right.
>implying Petry is wrong about the climate change
KEK is the true and only way.
Because they make us pay 3-4 times of what you pay for electricity, and they are intolerable faggots who are even more cucked by the rapefugees than Merkel.
>I can understand putting "other" on the end but why isn't AfD next to SPD?
They put them in the order of how much votes they got back at the last elections.
>which doubts man made global warming
And there is nothing wrong with that, commie
ranked by how many votes they got in the last election
>Implying there is a drop of Aryan blood in the Netherlands.
Only the Afd - rest are shit.
AfD 22%, everyone else (who will ally against AfD) 78%. Germany remains cucked, unfortunately.
>spd that high
Oh. Fucking sweet then
they turned the word filter back on
ay gan't indo english
More than Germany actually
>>implying Petry is wrong about the climate change
Yes, I am implying that.
I know every party has a few shit policies, but the man made global warming hoax claims of Petry is just shit. It's like the Linke backing Merkel on the refugees... if they hadn't done that, the Linke might have gotten 25% today.
Green Party is extreme left wing trash. Literal subhuman parasites who claim to love the environment yet all of their policies result in the destruction of the environment at an ever greater pace.
except people will be too retarded to stop voting for them when the big election comes on
> 21,500%
They beat Merkel's party? Nice work Germanbros.
Are Greens leftist filth literally everywhere? Our Greens are terrible as well.
>everyone else (who will ally against AfD) 78%.
NPD 3%
Linke 13%
What are you talking about?
It is about 38% protest vs. 58% establishment
The important point here is: There were so many voters for the AfD that mainstream politicians can no longer call them a right wing fringe group. This election has shown that AfD is just as mainstream as the big parties CDU and SPD. Which means that from now on they and their politics have to be taken seriously.
Do you not know how shit works? At least we have an opposition now and not 4 parties that suck eachothers pussies
NPD literally had poster with "push on the gas pedal" lol
honeypot etc.
So except for AFD (Sup Forums) can I get tl;dr of the rest
>Green Party is extreme left wing trash
not actually true. they are the party of old hippies and inner city hipsters
they don't advertise their economic policies much because they are scared of their own conservatism basically. they focus on immigrants instead
SPD in MV is kinda based thanks to Sellering being rather Russia-friendly and pro Putin.
that would make the cdu lefter as the greens or lefts. Top Kek
Not only that, it also happened in Merkel's home country Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
they got way more votes in a way more relevant Bundesland before. Nothing will change.
>(regarding AfD)However, it has no chance of governing in the state since the other parties have said they would not form a coalition with the party.
All of your other parties have said they won't form a coalition with AfD, Hans.
Those yucky right-wing parties are always mentioned last in the media no matter how low the turnout for the pro refugee parties was :^)
>They have to be taken seriously now
Taken a social-democratic country, which is basically what's left of Socialism after decades of horrible living standards.
You're fucked Hans, no you can't come here.
They must be color blind. All the Greens are Reds.
>not actually true. they are the party of old hippies and inner city hipsters
No, the green party have morphed into extreme left wing SJWs, even more left than the Linke.
Very unfortunate really, I am 100% an environmentalist. If they would just focus on green policies for Germans, I would vote for them.
That's pretty much how it is at the moment. Even the Greens 10 years ago couldn't hope to be as lefty as Merkel's Germany.
>All of your other parties have said they won't form a coalition with AfD, Hans.
Same thing they said about the Linke just a few years ago. And they are currently shilling hard for a Red-red-green coalition or even a red-red coalition if the greens are BTFO.
This is called "Mainstream-bordering", a way to make the AfD look extreme.
yes they are SJW but they are not leftist in the good old german sense of wanting social reforms
they are like hillary supporters. they care about immigrants and minorities and LGBTQ and racism and living in a city being cheap. but they don't care about social reforms that much simply because a lot of ex hippies/hipsters are doing really well actually
t. son of rich green supporters
merkel's party worse than the worker's party. worker's party #1. Afd #2.
However, depending on the final results, SPD and CDU (center, center-left) will just get together and vote against every AfD idea. If these 2 don't get enough votes, they will take one more party in which will probably be left or green
also feminism
Yeah, so there is no hope of AfD achieving anything...
they are all cucked
spd - worker union cucks that have problem about low wage worker vs. refugee, since they love them both
greens - abolish power plants and limit speed to 15 mph everywhere
linke - antifa radical left, wants to smash the rich
cdu - biggest cuckservative church cucks
fdp - collaboration of employers who want less regulation for companies
npd - gas the kikes, race war now
they won't push any of their policies through but this is still a huge step for them
So Merkel's party the CDU realized that the AfD gained massively because of the rapefugees, they realize that people feel alienated by Merkel's open gates policy.
And still: They've done nothing wrong, their only mistake is not communicating what they do to the people.
Fuck them.
Making the CDU leadership nervous is an achievement in itself.
>npd - gas the kikes, race war now
>npd - gas the kikes, race war now
That doesn't sound cucked at all...
this is all better than most would think
can you imagine how much money a party loses when this happens?
there are literally thousands of people working non-sense jobs for lots of money in these parties and now they have to throw them out
SPD - mainstream social democrats
CDU - mainstream Christian conservative/Merkel's Party
Linke ('The Left') extreme socialist-left party, lots of commies and Antifa in it
Grüne - Greens (for self-hating white blonde upper middle-class girls who like horses, eating organic food and African cocks)
NPD - extreme nationalist party but very pleb and skinhead-tier, and their leadership is said to be infiltrated by the German Verfassungsschutz ('constitution protection') authorities
FDP - libertarian party, very disliked by lots of leftists because they're evil neoliberals
AfD - conservative anti-immigration populist party akin to UKIP, has a few dumb people but at least they're against refugees and actually respectable enough (the vitriol from the left not withstanding) that they can get a large amount of votes
>Right-wing AfD beats Merkel party in local elections – exit polls
Is it happening?
Then why aren't we rooting for NPD?
This. The Grand Coalition will have to adjust its positions or surrender more votes to AfD. Remember, Brexit only happened because the Conservative party had to offer a referendum to undermine UKIP.
Would you vote for a honeypot party?
Because they are unelectable you dumb shit. It's ¡Yeb! without the money.
>Yeah, so there is no hope of AfD achieving anything...
Honest? It all depends on what the German government does in the next 12 months. If the migrant crisis finally really stops (so no more 16,000 per month, but say 5,000 per month), if they ramp up deportations (say 150,000+ in the next 12 months) and putting criminal asylum seekers into prison - and the AfD will be irrelevant again... especially if Merkel steps down.
If Merkel continues and her migrant policy continues, and the AfD will even get more votes.
Same in France, green party is a rich SJW party.