Operation #WheresHillary


#WheresHillary, let's get a trend going. She's literally in hiding and nobody knows where the hell she is or what she's doing

Points that could be spread:

- Hasn't had a press conference in 273 days

- Isn't holding events/holding rallies/meeting people

- Her staff writes angry tweets and responses to Trump in an attempt to hide her inaction on her social media

- Sleeps 18 hours a day

- Building questions about email scandal she's ignoring

- Doesn't have answers about policy

- Only calls opponent a racist/misogynist/bigot

We could put so much pressure on her and they'll have to start making up bullshit excuses and answers to pardon she's not doing anything

Other urls found in this thread:


Always wondered why the powers chose her as a candidate.

If Soros is right and her presidency is a closed deal, what a shitty deal that is.

Elites can't do shit if the popular oppinion is not with their choices. They will be forced to fuck off.

So why Hillary?

It doesnt even look like she even wants to be president

bumping for friendship

the elites aren't as intelligent or well coordinated as you think they are


Thanks friendo

******NEWS BULLETIN******
(You can't make this stuff up)

Teen Dies After Receiving a Hickey From His Girlfriend

A 17-year-old boy from Mexico City has died after a hickey on his neck led to a blood clot that traveled to his brain.

Blood Clot


Bibbity boppity bump


the powers at be don't have a high opinion over the lower classes. they think they're stupid.

they are stupid, but they're not as stupid as they think they are

>Brain damaged but competently manipulative candidate.
>Able to sway the entire electorate, but her own memory loss makes her easy to control.
>"Always wondered why the powers chose her as candidate."
She's a competent yet easily controlled candidate whose very existence is glorified by the west. She's the perfect vehicle for the elite.

She vapor locks over a few protesters. She is not competent. Bill, however, may still be competent. There is historical precedent for a first lady doing a lot of the president's job. Woodrow Wilson.

Good job user. It is a good thing that nothing happened or was released Friday that we should be talking about instead.


Keep up the fight guys

This. They're only clinging to their powers of position for as long as they can. They're struggling while their inept decisions crumble everything around them. However, for the jews this is somehow a desirable goal. This is why we must kill every jew.

Reminder that all the useful idiots they exploit would just as well follow Hitler had he been pushed the hardest into their miniscule pea-sized brains.


The concussion has took its toll maybe Bill will get in trouble for it.

All Hillary has to do is enact ww3 and its all over. Literally the only job she has is to bring America to its knees and let NATO take over everything. They're already planning. They've been preparing for years

They owe her for propping up Bill in the 90s and for giving way to Obama in 08.

Not related to this thread, but related to Hillary and my profession.

I've been curious about her heath and all the controversy with the medicines she took etc. But it was greatly underwhelming to see that the only thing everyone could come up with is "MODAFINIL WHAAA" since there are million excuses for powerful people like herself to use it.

She uses blood thinners which is something normal to use for prevention of strokes and blood clot related problems after having some (like she did), and Modafinil which is known to promote wakefulness and concentration. The thing is her falling and failing of motor functions. Then people cried that is the reason for Modafinil use, but that's not really a proof.

However, something clicked in my head today. Blood thinners block COX enzymes. COX enzymes are the ones that synthesize precursors for Thromboxanes (which are needed for blood clots to form), but also Prostaglandins. The thing with prostaglandins is that they cause inflammation. So blood thinners can be used to prevent blood clots and/or inflammation.
Now Parkinson's is a chronic inflammatory progressive neurodegenerative disease where dopaminergic neurons die progressively showing more and more symptoms (such as sleepiness, shaking, losing control of your motor functions, loss of concentration, etc).

It all makes sense when you combine blood thinners (both because of stroke and inflammation caused by Parkinson's), Modafinil (activates dopaminergic system which helps with symptoms of Parkinson's) and her appearance (ticks, head wobbles and maniacal laughter indicate post/pre stroke side effects; and low motor skills, falling, constant tiredness/sleepiness indicate Parkinson's).

I want her to be exposed. I'm baffled how doctors are silent on this issue in the USA

>pic unrelated, my Modafinil tablets kek

bump with aj

>email scandal
Should be called the national security scandal

Why don't we try to stress her to the point where she has a stroke or a heart attack or something?

блядь, кaк этa пиздa нa Maтвиeнкy пoхoжa

picrelated is Valentina Matvienko - former St. Petersburg governor

>I want her to be exposed. I'm baffled how doctors are silent on this issue in the USA


We have laws that protect patient confidentiality.

Would that explain her catheter of before and now that she's moved into adult diapers? Its so obvious, anyone who is patently observing could see both.

debates with Daddy might cause that

Bumperino. This bitch is running on claims of ignorance and incompetence because she knowingly mishandled classified information and would be out of the race (and possibly in jail) if she were to tell the truth.

The nigger agent around her always carries one of those mergency diazepam shots.

Dont forget her general physical weakness, the seizures, the heavy coughing and the tongue autopsy.

It's probably lots of illnesses together

Come on lets get it trending

She died


Putin had similar episodes where he disappeared.

yeah, that's what Drew was talking about, and i also think that there are few diseases combined. But the problem with your comment and is that it's all speculation. But the Parkinson's thing here with the known drugs she uses is so damn obvious to anyone who has been at least a year at some faculty related to medicine.

this is what i'm waiting for this whole election, and i guess that's why she's running away from press and debates

What about Bill?


Every time i see elites like Bill or the daddy Rockefeller, i'm amazed how they are alive.
Bill looks so artificially kept in life, that i think pic related will happen.
They are so scared of death because they know what they've done. That's why Rockefeller had 6 heart transplants and is 100+ years old. Kike's too scared to face God.
>inb4 there's no good
He's a proof that there is Satan, so there must be God too

bumpity bump

Martin Shkreli, who has patented Parkinson's medications, is also convinced that Hillary has it. I don't agree with some of the shit in this video, especially where he claims to see no reason it should preclude her from being elected.


If that doesn't happen, I hope she at least shits or pisses herself loudly on stage. With a stroke or heart attack, the MSM could create sympathy but everyone would laugh at this,

Putin isn't running for president.

Hard shilling and sliding due to these threads here and here

didn't know this. I hate this fucker, but he knows his shit

All of these threads can compliment each other, post about it over in them guys, this needs to be coordinated to get out to the public and not just a general information dump on Sup Forums

What if she ends up dead? How do they replace her?

2 more terms of Obongo in memory of Hillary, it's what she would have wanted.


strong sliding

this guy could be a fucking billionaire if he would stay off of social media and keep his fucking mouth shut.

this bitch is exactly like my aunt. a lazy corrupt misguided brainwashed dumb astupid female cunt leftist. she sleeps till 2pm at least. then takes 3 hours to drink coffie and get ready to face the day. lol. her and hillary are sisters. and yes shes voting for her twice because msnbcuck counts the votes. say it with me faggots microsoftnewsnetwork counts the votes there will be fraud.

shes trying to recover from her concussions (still)

You don't even need to fight her. Give her enough rope, she'll hang herself.

What if she's already dead

I dunno, but it's killing her in the polls. I'm excited for when Trump's visit to Mexico has an effect.

Hillary's hanging out with her (((friends))) again.


She's a brain damaged idiot puppet and everybody knows that.
Even Bill rejected her and tried to hang out with Monica.
God show mercy on America, if she wins.
Trump might look like a showman, but at least he has style and a strong will to rule America, unlike this money lover corrupt puppet.

You do NOW? Why not earlier?

The useful idiots would follow a trash can if they were told to. It's about so is pressure.

I think she's stressing extremely hard about the election and debates to the point where she might really be losing it. It's definitely affecting her dementia and Parkinson's, if anything.


elephant penic is big and long

elephant penic is big and long

Witherin' Hillary

is the fiend dead? Or maybe on life support

elephant penic is big and long

elephant penic is big and long
