Ben Carson wakes up and realises he forgot his luggage
Have memes gone too far pol??
Ben Carson wakes up and realises he forgot his luggage
Have memes gone too far pol??
Top fucking kek
Would you let him operate on someone you love?
He must've been one of those affirmative action types, just shoved along with a C in all his courses.
Sleep tight doctor.
sleep tight doctor
that neighborhood looks comfy without the blacks
Stfu racist democrat Trump is going to win HOO RAH
Sleep tight doctor
Ben Carson pioneered a lifesaving operation on attached Siamese twins you ignorant cunt.
Actually met a dude at a party at JMU a couple days ago who had brain surgery performed by Dr. Ben Carson about 7 times. He said he's really great and helped him with a brain tumor other doctors claimed was inoperable. He seemed like a bright kid, musically talented, kind, smart, etc.
I think the sleepy doctor can be trusted.
Yeah and the operating team told him to stand in the corner and just watch.
They gave him some busy work so he didn't fuck anything up.
Carson is incompetent as fuck.
>He left his "pharmaceuticals" in there
>other doctors claimed was inoperable
Sounds like Carson just made a cheap deal.
Other doctors probably just wanted to charge a high rate.
Well, I'd say it obviously wasn't a rate issue if he had to operate 7 times. Clearly the family was not concerned about $, so I can't imagine Ben Carson was like "you know what fuck it throw me a Benjamin and I got you famalamadingdong."
Sleep tight doctor
Not sure why my ID changed.
>7 times
kept fucking up
Reminder not to swallow the le-fled-the-interview bluepill.
See if you can count how many shill cuckisms the CNN "reporter" tries to force!
sleep tight doctor
Why didn't Trump take Carson as VP?
no. memes have not gone to far enough. we have to be visited by the water bear of space time
Blacks don't vote republican.
Carson wouldn't have helped and only would have been another palin.
Carson is too high energy, when he awakens he can't be stopped for at least 72 hours before he becomes dormant again.
Trump can't handle 72 hours of Full Power Carson while also dealing with Crooked Killary.
I like Ben Cason, he is like a cooky uncle.
luggage lad 2
Sleep tight, doctor
Trump needed someone with political experience and (white) Conservative Values to shore up the base.
you guys dont actually believe this kind of bait post right?
sleep tight doctor
I love Dr. Ben Carson. Hope he gets a position in the administration.
I love Jeb and Carson they are so loveable, I want to see more of them even after the elections are over. I have no idea under what context or how likely that would be, but I'd like it.
“My reaction is that I did 15,000 operations,” he said, “and the people who oppose me have been crawling through every ditch, every place I’ve ever been my whole life looking for stuff. They found five or six disgruntled people, that’s a very small number, and many of those cases never went anywhere, because the legal system said, ‘Are you kidding me?’ and threw it out. But the point is you don’t discuss that kind of stuff in public, number one.”
“Number two,” Carson continued, “that’s not for public discussion by any stretch of the imagination. And I would probably find myself in some difficulty if I do begin to discuss that stuff publicly. But generally speaking there is no one who does the number of operations that I did who aren’t going to find some people who are going to be disgruntled.”
I think pence can round up more of cruz's evangelicals than sleepy doc can bring in the negroes.
sleep tight doctor
I miss them too. I didn't think this election would be so much fun
>Misplacing your luggage in Detriot
Small wonder Ben nearly had a heart attack there.
sleep tight doctor
Sleep tight Doctor
Sleep tight doctor
desu I don't have a problem with Carson, he would have been good pick if Trump didn't be the nominee
He looks like he got a shave in this pic
Sleep tight doctor
sleep tight doctor
A shame, I liked the beard.
Jesus, CTR, calm down. Is Carson really swinging the black vote away from Hilldawg that much that you need to sperg out like this to try and discredit him?
So what if he fled the interviewer? I would have too.
It's a perfect strategy. Give you spiel, then whe the """reporter""" starts trying to asked cucked up leading questions just make up an excuse and leave.
Only thing more based would have been if Carson just said "fuck you I'm not answering your questions, journalists are scum" and walked away.
"sleep tight doctor"
sleep tight doctor
sleep tight doctor
"sleep tight doctor "
That's almost as good as the time he was startled at being asked a question in the middle of the debate.
>Dr. Carson power puts people to sleep
>While asleep, he performs brain operation to turn people into sleeper agents
>The sentence "I forgot my luggage" is the code phrase to awaken the sleeper agents, aligned with Trump
It's 8-D badminton.
Or when he didn't hear his name get called
Why can't all blacks be like Sleepy Black Neurosurgeon? Then I wouldn't have to be a racist.
t. People who know nothing about medicine.
He is literally one of the best pediatric neurosurgeons to ever live, leading the number one hospital division in the world for neurosurgery at age 32 is unheard of, and no it isn't affirmative action, go back to stormcuck. Affirmative action will help you get into medical school (not like he needed it anyway), but it won't help you in get into residency. I followed him a long time before his politics, and leftists loved him.
sleep tight doctor