
You must be a special kind of stupid.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Your surgery starts in a month
Ok, who is my surgeon?
>Dr. Clinton, who has killed every patient she has ever treated, or simply made their condition worse.
Fuck no, give me someone else.
>She has 20 years experience, though
Oh, ok, sounds good

You're that fucking stupid

the stranger would vote for trump though

>with zero experience in government

Read this:

And the other option is Trump, who isn't even a doctor?

I've heard this argument from liberals before.

What I usually say is, "Since when does more political experience make someone a better president?"

That usually stuns them.

I went on to say, "You must really like George Bush and Jimmy Carter. They both had extensive political experience."

>Hurr durr it's hard to compromise, fuck over your constituents and take bribes
Don't act like it's the hardest thing in the world

*3 shekels deposited to your account*

but Trump is the best chance you have to live, he might not have experience, but he did learn medicine, and even if you are his first patience, it's still better than Hillary.

>implying experience is required to be in the government

being president takes energy and intellect across many fields. Trump would be fine

sage da bait
>1 post by this ID

>I thought the letters next to the paragraphs meant you put the paragraphs in that alphabetical order to decode the secret message

Yet Trump is unqualified. It's Trump that's stupid.

Our best presidents where never career politicians

are you trying to slide this?

Legit lmfao. I always laugh at dumb american goyim thinking Trump's some kind of "non-Puppet" or "man of the people"...

You DO REALISE, that while normally people complain about politicians being controlled by corporations, literally ALL Trump has done is cut out the middle man?

He IS the corporations lmfao. He doesn't NEED to be anyone's puppet, because HE'S ALREADY THE PUPPET MASTER.

LMFAO at you fucking RETARDED IDIOTS thinking you're somehow "fighting against the pawns". Lmfao. You ARE the pawns, and LITERALLY ALL YOU'RE DOING IS LETTING THEM TAKE DIRECT CONTROL. LMFAO.

Americans truly are hilariously stupid. These goyim ACTUALLY BELIEVE a "man of the people" could EVER get elected. Guess what? ALL you're going to do is make yourself even poorer, give EVEN MORE POWER to your Jewish overlords, and you'll STILL probably think you've somehow come out on top. LMFAO.

Trump supporters don't understand politics
They're insecure idiots who like catchphrases, memes and hate niggers so much it stopped them from thinking completely
Trump is NOTHING but a manipulative buffoon trying to secure his own interests by using these idiots.
He won't do shit for you. Big private corporations and lobbys will smile but not any of you idiots.

Hillary is an establishment freak too but at least she will act like a politician and take a couple decisions along the way truly benefiting citizens.

>implying you need an experience to be a great leader

Even though the entire establishment, especially the entirety of the media with the exception of partial support from Fox News, is totally against him?
Wow I just disregarded your entire shitty post.

this quickmeme really made me think

This is a CTR shill but it raises a good point, have a shekel.

Why is Trump a billionaire but not considered the elite?

It's because the actual elite fucking hates him and tries to ruin him every chance they get. The jews in NYC hate him, the bankers hate him, the politicians hate him, he's always been an outsider.

And now they're scared he'll get power, because they've given him a lot of shit over the years and they know he remembers all that.


Obama had a meager 4 years of political career prior to his election. you can't get more unqualified than that.

Then what is there to to lose voting trump??? Why are you shilling so hard?

>implying trump also couldn't act like a politician and take a couple decisions along the way truly benefiting citizens
shill harder

I bet Sam Elliott is voting Trump

You didn't even look through the leaks did you Pahjeet?

I'm literally LMFAOING AT YOU.

If the options are
>surgeon with 20 years experience who has killed or maimed all her patients and somehow avoided being arrested for malpractice


>young inexperienced med student who has spent the last year devoting himself wholly to the study of surgery and is confident he can get the procedure done right

I'd choose the med student 100/100 times.


Maybe he will
He most likely won't. That's just common sense, his politics will favor the rich money grabbing/making class over the poor working class.
The reason why he gets so much support is only his constant clowning and pandering to the lowest common determinator with buzzwords and meaningless shit

Trust me I wish I was paid to say this shit
I'm just legitimately triggered by some of the shit I see here, some Trump supporters have reasons to do so, most are just ignorant fucking kids.

Just took the trip fag

Better than someone whos proven themself incapable


Not an argument.

Fuck a wall, we need a dome.

Wow, I forgot Labor Day was tomorrow and you don't have to go to homeroom in the morning!

That's ableist as fuck, check your privilege.