Could such a non-diverse film series have even be made post 2010?

Could such a non-diverse film series have even be made post 2010?

The cast is nothing but white people.

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There were blacks too, someone had to play the orcs.

the evil southrons and easterlings weren't white though

>Fellowship literally comprised of six different races
>not diverse

Yeah, just kill all nigger.

Wait for the reboot in 2020 with no white males at all. Another franchise ruined.

Still think LOTR was not diverse?

>Slant-eyed mariners from the Far East
>Ebony slaves and tribesmen of the South

They were conquered by and fought for Sauron, of course. Only the Freemen of the West were white.

>post 2010
It was made in 1999, you retard.


They would spend hundreds of millions on movies no one wanted to see and have it all thrown down the drain when their advertisement costs end up being 1000x their box office success. I hope they remake it so the studio retarded enough to do it goes bankrupt and Hollywood learns that diversity remakes will never be successful

Is there anything more embarrassing on Sup Forums than poor reading comprehension?

>Anglos and leprechaun niggers

Yes but SJW culture didn't get into full swing until around 2010

yes, but in the remix all the good guys are black women Mexican or crab, and the bad guys is white men

Yeah it could but there would be outrage

#LOTRSoWhite no doubt
Expect to see tumblrina's & hotepniggas coming out & saying medieval europe was always diverse & Tolkien was a Black man cause he was born in Africa

Or the good ol argument "there is talking tree's but not people of color? haha XD"

Well I think even the SJW cuckoldry that Hollywood often suffers from will ultimately see their bottom line suffer too badly.

One thing more that Hollywood hates than pretending to care about SJW causes is their own bottom line.

How is it legal for Orlando Bloom to be so sexy?

Were the Hobbit movies "diverse"?

Even that shitfest Hobbit trilogy has to shoehorn in blacks and asians in places that made NO fucking sense.

>Could such a non-diverse film series have even be made post 2010?

'have' implies that the event took place after the date specified.

Take it from someone who actually speaks English, not some dumbed down version of it.

Viggo is Danish you moron

op made a semantic error but you are just being a smartass at this point

not a chance

cherish lotr as the last great movies before the dark times. pun not intended

Nigger, did you see The Hobbit? They added niggers and made one of the characters a strong independent elf mary sue

See I didn't notice because my brain corrects sentences as I read them based on context and my own knowledge. As do all human brains. Your retarded ape brain can only understand the exact literal meaning of words.

>They were conquered by and fought for Sauron, of course
So Sauron was the Jews?

fucking savage

But the orcs say plenty of stuff

not in the movie thankfully :^)

I watched the movies at least 20 times.

lol the dwarf is a big guy

while i didnt like that elf character, she was like that in the book as well. the movies werent responsible for that.

for you

The asian makes sense, that cities are like medieval Russia. And medieval Russia had mongols.
The black is pure nonsense

Sauron's voice was black actor too.

saruman "of many colors" breeds a race of mixbloods to eliminate white civilization

i think he is the jew of the movie

sauron is more like a representative of an idea, industrialization

Hard to say. If the LOTR films hadn't been made when they were, the whole fantasy genre wouldn't have gotten big enough for (((SJWs))) to bother trying to co-opt it. Remember that Gamer Gate was the event that made SJWs mainstream. Without it, we wouldn't have such a strong and blatant push to place token negros in big budget films.

I don't think they have rights for it anymore, Tolkien's family was pretty pissed because of Hobbit revisionism so they're not going to let people make more movies.

Yeah they hired a bunch of local maori rugby players. Because they already had the physique so it was easier to dress them up.


Honestly I cannot wait for a re-adaptation with token minority characters and a director who isn't a total hack.

>no one thing will ever make you feel as much as LOTR again

>diversity remakes will never be successful
>he actually believes this

Star Wars sells on brand my man, the prequels were fucking awful but made billions

The majority of the comments on that video are cancer

This. Star Wars is not a good example.

They could have cast Tyler Perry as ethnic Stormtrooper NIG-426 and Lena Dunham as generic gender swapped Luke Skywalker and the film still would made hundreds of millions of dollars.


>maiar if you count Gandalf

Who am I missing?

said and also this movie is not a remake, it's a sequel

They're most likely going to remake the movies eventually and change it up a lot.
Gimli will be a midget lesbian with pink hair and one side of his head shaved.
We will live to see this, and it will destroy what little sanity we have left.

>there are people in this world that did not enjoy LotR and Hobbit trilogy

Aragorn is Númenorean. That's how he's so old but doesn't look it.

I am of course talking about the actual race of the actors, not their fictional races you fucking idiot

Fucking 3 movies when they could've just fucking flown the damn ring.

Aragorn is a Númenórean, which is different than Boromir, who is just like a normal dude

I don't remember a nigger in Hobbit?

The Hobbit movies were fucking awful.

>'have' implies that the event took place after the date specified.
No it doesn't.
If OP had typed "Could such a non-diverse film series have even been made post 2010?" which is obviously what he meant, it would have been perfectly grammatically correct.

>movie depicts beings of literal different species functioning together in a multicultural fellowship
>"haha this movie is so redpilled and nationalist because they all have fair skin"

Yeah, I'm the idiot.

What the fuck is going on in that webm. I hate those stupid ass movies, what an abortion.

>this movie is not a remake, it's a sequel

Did you watch The Force Awakens?

> Lone young person on backwater desert planet
> Finds a droid that contains secret information
> Empire shows up, goes to trading city, escapes in the Millennium Falcon
> Gets info from a mentor who tells them about the Jedi Knights and that they weren't rumors
> some shit happens, there's a bad guy in black armor wearing a mask who can use the force and his mask makes his voice all deep and scaaaaaary
> They end up in a huge superweapon that can blow up entire planets
> Mentor gets killed by black armor guy via lightsaber
> The good guys fly X-Wings and bomb a weak spot in the superweapon and it blows up

It's literally a carbon copy of A New Hope

That picture almost perfectly captures my feelings about the Hobbit trilogy.
Well done.

you mean tolkien minority characters

worth a chuckle

Hobbit is just pure plastic.

>Not diverse

Even indians was in that movie. Played the main fucking character most of the time.

> The best thing to come out of the Hobbit

No they were not. The first two were really fun adventure films. The last one was ok, but really unnessary.

Orcs are niggers. sorosman leads the half nigger blm army. Literally race war the trilogy

doesnt matter, thats how the books were written. the films deviated from the original lore enough without shoehorning more things in for the sake of "diversity"

There are blacks and asians in Lord of the Rings. They're in league with Sauron though, and SJWs find that highly problematic.

I wish we could have seen those guys in action.

sandniggers and mongols... but blacks? I don't think so

And when they digitally scaled him and the hobbit actors down, he was proportionally the correct size since dwarves are bigger than hobbits.

KEK. Nice taste.

Some of the southrons are black-ish.

It's guaranteed money they would pass it. Maybe one of the hobbits would be black. And a walking stereotype. Plenty of woman in it including no man can slay me.

It's an extra that appears for a total of 3 seconds in laketown

Sauron is Satan/Moloch/judaism

Sruman is the catholic church that got jew'd, remember that tolkien was catholic

Gandalf is the rest of christianity free of liberal ideas

There were Arabs with those war elephants, though. And there was a STRONK WOMYN scene at the end that seemed hamfisted with its feminist bullshit.

I miss the time when movies werent obvious propaganda.

I mean, the movies weren't impartial, but it was more focused on entertainment than today.

Watch the Tolkien cut, it's an acceptable 4 hour film with an intermission.

Lotr was good but the Hobbit trilogy is bad. Only the second movie is somewhat decent.

If you're talking about Éowyn killing the Witch King of Angmar, that wasn't hamfisted in, it was in the books; his profecy claimed no man would ever slay him, gues what a woman and a hobbit did it, pretty fun stuff. The only shoehorned stronk womyn moment in the whole trilogy was making it so that Arwen rescued the fellowship at the river near Rivendell, in the books it was originally a male elf (Glorfindel) that rescued them.

first post really is the best post.

Would have been cheaper to hire some street chimps

>his profecy claimed no man would ever slay him, gues what a woman and a hobbit did it, pretty fun stuff

Just the entire way that scene was choreographed and the dialogue just screamed GIRL POWER LEL.

Arwen's role in general was vastly exaggerated in the movies. In the books she got a paragraph or two in the first book and a few lines in the second and third book. Jackson did almost everything right with the LOTR movies but my biggest gripe is how he hamfisted Arwen into the story. I also didn't like that he put Shelob in the third movie. When I saw the credits roll at the end of the Two Towers without seeing Shelob I was extremely pissed that I would have to wait another year to see her.

Have you seen the animal rights shit you have to wade through to keep chimps? They're better cared for than the average undergraduate.

Sauron was Odin

Notice the relation of the Sauron's Eye with the one-eyed Odin

To be fair iirc, Laketown is/was a major trading outpost, so it would make sense that a lot of foreigners travelled to, and decided to live there.

you can also relate it to the "great architect" or even Moloch

>nothing but white people
good one, kang

>Elves fire arrows
>dwarves fire ballistae whose bolts have twirly flails attached for extra knife-ear destruction
I like it

And how is this effecting the movie?

What this guy says is true. it's also worth noting that Laketown is on the eastern side of mirkwood and there's no real physical barriers between it and the eastern lands where all the darkies resided.

>while i didnt like that elf character, she was like that in the book as well.

Good quality bait. I'd be very surprised if no one tries to rip your ass apart here.

Movies about European mythology should have only Europeans.
Niggers whine about us not having any culture yet they also whine about not mudskins being in the Lord of the Rings.

I fucked up, *mudskins not

We'd have dindu hobbits speaking ebonics. Aragorn would be a muslim. Gandalf would be a tranny.

And it is ABSOLUTLY NO HOMO. Something that is impossible for today