How do we stop Finland?

How do we stop Finland?

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I call it "The Finnish Exception."
For some reason Finland is always great, no exceptions.

It really makes you think

You don't

Just let us do our own thing.

We'll fuck it all up eventually.

t. Finn working in the Netherlands

>How do we stop Finland?
Why stop them? They gonna squeal?

I'm quite optimistic considering everything we've gone through.

Finns are Mongolian rape babies, not even relevant. Even worse than Swedes.

Good lord. We must make a political union with the Finns.


The past year hasn't been kind to us, but there's no reason to lose hope. Funland still best land.

Swedes are mongolian rape babies too

Tobacco and booze, plenty of booze.

No jaah. Ehkä mun uskon puutetta värittää se että maailman trendit on käymässä suomalaisia arvoja vastaan.

Nimittäin vaikka monet haluaa täällä esittää et ne on jonkin sortin uusnatseja niin suurin osa suomalaisista on melkolailla sosiaalidemokraatteja.

Maailman trendit o menossa jenkkien "yksilö on tärkein ja vapaakauppa :DDD" arvomaailmaan mikä ei ainakaan itselle oikein nappaa vaikka nautinkin EU:n vapaasta liikkuvuudesta tällä hetkellä.

Kansallisvaltioita yritetään koko ajan purkaa jotta voitaisiin luoda yhtenäiset maailmanmarkkinat. Suomi tulee ottamaan takkiin tämän prosessin aikana, pieni maa kun ollaan.


Mitäs duunia teet ganjamaassa?

Duunaan wörkkii.

Tosin näillä näkymin vaan n. vuoden.

Unohtu mainita etten mielellään mainitse duunin tarkempia yksityiskohtia koska tääl on itsellä ainakin tarkotus pysyä anomuumina.

>asian itellect + white inventivness
are Finns literally the master race?

Sould we bow down to our autist overlords?

Tohon vapaakauppaan ja individualismiin sen verran että kaikista onnistuimmat maat on kallellaan noihin arvoihin, joten ei se välttämättä ole huono asia että täälläkin onnistumista aletaan katsoa hyvällä ja rikkautensa voi näyttää ilman ihmisten paheksuntaa ja kadehdintaa.

>doesnt know about sami

Memes aside, we've actually gone through some eugenic periods which could explain some of the things we see in OP's picture.

You don't - just realize that finns are motivated but a bit grumpy. It comes with the climate.

Tää meemi et suomalaiset on kateellisempia ku muut maat on kyl suht turhauttava. Samalla tavalla kaikki muutkin kansat puhisee itsekseen kun naapuri menestyy paremmin ku sä.

Lähinnä Suomessa korostuu se et kaikilla pitäisi olla samat säännöt tai muuten porukal kiehahtaa suht nopeasti. Tämmönen "tasa-arvo" nyt tuskin on toteutunut koskaan ihmishistorian aikana (rikkaat/vahvat tekee mitä tekee) mutta nää sääntöjen eroavaisuudet on alkanut korostua viime aikoina.

Mitä taas tulee individualismiin niin se vaan on kiertoilmaisua yhteiskunnan perusrakenteiden murentamiselle. Kun korostaa yksilöä yhteinen hyvä usein jää taka-alalle.

>Kun korostaa yksilöä yhteinen hyvä usein jää taka-alalle

Totta, mutta sen takia pitääkin olla kohtuus kaikessa. Mielestäni suomessa työntekoa arvostetaan liikaa ja palkat on korkealla, joka taas jarruttaa yritysten kansainvälistymistä. Suomessa on vaikeampi tulla miljonääriksi kuin missään muualla Euroopassa.

tldr: Kolikolla on kaksi puolta.


Noh tässä tuleekin sit arvokysymykset vastaa.

Miljonääriys ei itseä erityisemmin himota joten sen saavuttamisen helpottaminen on aikalailla nolla hyöty minulle.

Kohtuutta vaan tuntuu olevan niin vaikeaa saada nykyään. Tuntuu aina silloin tällöin et vastaukset on aina tasoa rajat täysin auki tai kokonaan kiinni.

Yes I do and you have admixture from them, like fins and norwegians

>Miljonääriys ei itseä erityisemmin himota joten sen saavuttamisen helpottaminen on aikalailla nolla hyöty minulle.

Olet yksi monista. Suomalaiset on kunnianhimottomia ja vaatimattomia nöyristelijöitä, mikä taas heijastuu poliittiseen järjestelmään. Täydellinen vastakohta Amerikalle.

yeah, that's a relatively old argument for many races

the jews
they've been persecuted for thousands of years by hundreds of peoples
only the smartest and most adaptable survive

Indeed. Harsh cold winters had selection pressure for greater intelligence and orderliness:

They wont be denying it for long fortunately since it's inevitable to face the truth in these dark days of globalism. They will find a politically correct solution (genetic engineering?) and the race will lose its meaning.

Hopefully it's a day I will see.

Should I move to Finland? Is it truly the last uncucked Euro nation?

Finland is alright, been there multiple times, but finnish turists in Tallinn are probably the worst tourists.

Tjaah tiivistääkseni

kohtuus = nöyristely
ahneuden puute = kunnianhimottomuus

Maailmassa on muitakin asioita kuin pääoma.
Tosin pääoma auttaa monien asioiden saavuttamisessa mutta väittäisin että jenkkien arvot aiheuttavat enemmän haittaa kansallisvaltioille kuin mitä mahdollisesti saavutetulla pääomalla pystyttäisiin korjaamaan.

We're cucked, don't fall for the memes. It's essential that we realize it.

>but finnish turists in Tallinn are probably the worst tourists

I don't blame them, superalko is cheap af m8.

yeah I get that, some finns are cool as hell, but 50+ yo men and women are all either bikers who drink too much or just old farts who drink too much


chill mate, most of those (((estonians))) are actually russians


Redpill me on Russians in Estonia.

>not having proportional data

if you're not in the >100 country you're a literal retard

we all know hamburgerstan is

So stupid wanting to stop someone... Just try to be better

Here's the proportional one. Viro = Estonia and Venäjä = Russia.

But again, it's questionable who these "Estonians" are. The "Swedes" seem to commit 2,7 times more crime than Finns too.

Torilla tavataan!

Why are Albanians so dumb?

Can confirm


Boggles my mind that they are dumber than your average African American desu

It also makes me question the reliability of it

God bless




This one should be added to OP's meme picture

This is the only correct answer:

pls no

Well they most live in Paldiski, Tallinn and Ida-Virumaa (a county) and Narva. Most of southern and western estonia is free of them. The russians here in Estonia are either extremely rich or extremely poor (about a 20/80 ratio). Because of them we are 1st in drug related deaths in europe (per capita) and this is mainly thanks to fentanyl. We score very high in HIV positive people and 85% of those cases come from Narva (a city that's 99% russian). Most russians struggle with estonian, although the rich russians put their kids to either elite schools or private schools. Because of Russian mafia the 1990s were a really fucked up time and russian mafia is pretty much the only major crime organization in estonia. I don't know what else to talk about. Got any questions?


importing blacks and muslims would do it

Finnish are awsome

>How do we stop Finland?
you can't

I've always wondered why HIV rate is so high in Estonia.

>Got any questions?
Are there any Russians in a significant position of power?

It's weird that we have so few Russians (and even they are often higher class) but they are such a huge minority in Estonia.

Triumvirate when?

>but they are such a huge minority in Estonia.
do you even history?

Well tell me about it. I'm ignorant.

>that get though

Well not really. There is no popular russian party, although one centre party is very popular amongst russians and the head of the party is a 65+ yo estonian who was the first prime minister i think in 1991 and he has one leg and is a corrupt bastard who gets money from putin and oh by the way he's been the mayor of our capital for like a decade or so but always in opposition in the parliament. Edgar Savisaar is the name btw. I guess one minister of something (i can't remember what) who is russian and whose daddy is the richest man in estonia is probably the most wellknown russian who has some power, but other than that I can't think of any other "powerful" russian

I don't get what you're trying to say with this

What does the political right think about Russians and the fact they don't assimilate? Are they "allowed" to criticise them?

Well, there's this far-right party that blatantly told the russians to go fuck themselves. We have the presidential elections going so far and one candidate has one russian parent or smth like that but she speaks prefect estonian and has an estonian husband etc. She has worked as a diplomate since the 90s and was the embassador in burgerland etc. Overall very qualified person but the far-right party made comments that she shouldn't run for president. And the current party in power used to be quite nationalist before the refugee crisis and they used tried to assimilate russians but failed and now pretty much noone other than the cnetre party i talked about earlier cares about russian votes.

yes, it's retarded. I noticed later that I had forgotten to add "It's weird" part
Close to proximity to USSR and being under their rule for almost 50 years. It's not weird that they have large minority of Russkies.

Man I wish I was Finnish.

More like 250 years, after peter the great BTFO swedes in the great northerb war we were under russian rule until 1918

But how relevant is pre 1918 era considering the number of ruskiess in your country?

Is this the Funland thread?

What do you mean? The baltic germans were the ones here who had most of the power, but the russians were more respected than estonians here and russian language and law were some of the things that we had

Can you imagine an UNITED Europe? Just think about the great quality of scandinavian countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland...), the power of UK and Germany, the culture of countries like France and Italy (food, wine, glamour and fashion, also the major supercars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche, etc. are in Europe). We also have the widest and most ancient culture (Ancient Greece, Roman Empire...). We would probabily win almost in every sport (just think about soccer champions we have).
And I could go on writing about the strong economy we could have (with our market and strong currency Euro) or how our military forces could be powerful.

Just think about it.

WE can be the greatest country in the world!

Europe has already been forced into "unity" under the EU now for years. Look at what a clusterfuck disaster that's turned into.

I have to wonder! What rock have you been living under that you didn't know that?

>Underage B& detected.

>You're too young to be here!


kek. I know it's difficult to retards like you to notice that this disaster is not caused by Europe itself but by the way the Union was formed. EU is not a country yet so Germany and other strong countries can manipulate choises in their favor. But guess what? It wouldn't happen if Europe was at least a federal country like USA because it would be in the interest of ALL states to make the entire Europe work as a unique nation.

I know what you mean, and in theory it could be great. But it wouldn't work, Europeans are too different and deserve their own nations.

Also EU political choises are not as effective as they could be in a unified country

Italy was not unified until 1861. We were different in every part of our life: customs and traditions. But now you won't recognize easly the difference between someone living in the centre of Italy and someone living in the north.

The same thing will happen to Europe. We are actually more similar than we think. I was in Ireland for three weeks one month ago thanks to a school project, I met lots of people from all parts of Europe and I couldn't believe how many things in common we had as people and countries.
We can do it if we want

You're just getting started!


A Finn replied to me. I feel about one rung above the rest of people now. Today is a good day.