What would you guess Sup Forums's favorite super hero is?

What would you guess Sup Forums's favorite super hero is?
Of course Sup Forums isn't one person but considering
>Sup Forums has dues ex
>Sup Forums has The wire
>Sup Forums has Neutral Milk Hotel
Sup Forums probably has one hero they generally like the best.

The Flash.

Either him or Spider-Man.

Superman's red underpants

The gayer.

Because it is all that we talk about here.

>Sup Forums probably has one hero they generally like the best
Can't think of one to be honest. The characters Sup Forums cares about have their fair share of haters so there's no answer to your question.

There's a case to be made that it's Hal Jordan, because just like the other examples OP listed, we bicker about him at about the same rate that we talk about how much we love him.

>Hal Jordan

Specifically Wally West I would say considering how his return was the happiest I have seen Sup Forums in a long time.
But I am biased being a huge Flash and wally fag.

That is The Question

This. Sup Forums loves The Question. Only people that are new to the board or havent read him would disagree.

No, this is The Question.

It's obviously this guy.

I have been here for 7 years and I have yet to read The Question.
What makes it so loved?

Batman or Spiderman probably, just because they're so massively popular everyone knows them.

One of if not the best run in cape comics. Self contained arcs focused on the human condition. You are really robbing yourself especially since the whole ONeil run has been storytimed here at least 5x.

Fine. What issue should I start with.

ONeil's entire run. Issue 1. What kind of a Question is that?

If it's not Superman then you have to make it Superman.


Like, the comic, not the movie.

Stop just giving answers for characters you think are popular that wasnt the question.

These 2 Have been the only serious answers so far.


It's very obvious.

was anyone here ever part of H.E.A.T?

definitely supes or aquaman, because of contrarianism


This no Question

Pym is a strong contender. Frank gets a lot of love too

Failing that, Plastic Man.

Is this Constantine dressed as Antman?

He doesn't know he wrote the entire volume, user. If it were, say, X-Men, and you were focusing on a specific run, you'd get the question.

Nobody likes Spider-man.

It's Superman. Not even a contest

Alright buddy. Riddle me this: how often do we have a Question appreciation thread? How often do we have a Superman appreciation thread?

Looks like you're the only one giving a bad answer here.