This kills the American Dream


thanks, inflationary banking

You need an annual salary of $124,000 here to afford a house.

>socialism doesn't work because eventually greed kills the system
>capitalism doesn't work because eventually greed kills the system
anarcho-technocracy when bros?

Well, at least I'm getting a passing grade.

Seems to coincide after the immigration act of 1965 and when blacks started voting democrat, I don't believe in coincidences.

Capitalism worked really, like, REALLY well up until people allowed it to get out of control. Voted for trickle down, voted for banking deregulation, voted for trade agreements, voted for H1B, voted against everything that protects the middle class.

This is not a fault of capitalism. It's a fault of policies that benefit only the top 1%

No, with the oil price shock and the abandonment of Keynesianism and full employment.

I don't know about the Blacks, I think they were hurt just as much.


>105% rare

Sounds like it is the fault of a stupid country.

The majority if the population being OK being a cuck.

about 1 in 4 making $100,000+? wtf I love America now

106% rare

household, not person

Careful, you might summon the Canadian shitposter who says we have it so great right now.

Global capitalism killed capitalism, in part with our lack of regulation in regards for immigration. The average American can't compete with people in China and SEA doing work for a quarter of the price, and then it's worse when we have to deal with the same problem from illegals.

Looks like we need to import a few million more low-skilled foreigners to keep the bottom 50%'s wage down.

Immense lobbyist efforts we're put behind it. Most Americans I met actually believe in trickle down economics.

What was it about people rallying for a $15 an hour to dip precut potatoes in oil and take out fries?

You cannot blame all your problems on foreign entities when the majority of your problems are local.

Three out of five households making less than 50.000$, one can also put it this way.

But, yeah, the US is immensely rich as a whole. It could be paradise on earth. It chose not to be.

Hmm, most of that growth of the top 5% happened under Bill Clinton.
I guess when Democrats say "the economy does better under a Democrat!" They really mean "the rich do better under a Democrat!"
It's a shame Democrats are voting against their own economic interests.

ah yes. Same as any other developed country then. Some rich some poor.

That's just your average problem with (((liberalism))), because it's so hard to get ahead right now people focus on the wrong shit and are trying to increase wages for the lowest paying jobs when they should be asking why people are unable to move out of low paying jobs.

>unironically being a commie

So basically the American people are the best off people in the history of man.

At least I can get into the top 15% without being a blueblood

Actually, Clinton was the last decade of growth overall. You can see that 9/11, not even the 5% made gains. You need to see a 0.1% graph to see where everything went afterwards.

It's shit for everyone, even high earners.

You telling me that if the population affected cannot act against lobbyists?

Hell if it is the majority of the population sharing the same opinion then it should be easy. But not everyone is smart enough to realize it.

Like you eueopeans letting in all those immigrants to come take your houses, land and money and ya'll pretend that your opinions actually matter. Or that you are somehow intelligent.


>using raw numbers on this type of graph.

The free market will fix it

>So basically the American people are the best off people in the history of man.
The Scandinavians are.

The US is still a great country, without doubt. But its never been the very, very best for the average person. It doesn't need to be. A low tax model is okay. It's just that it ceased to improve lives for almost everyone.

So what are you trying to tell me? That global capitalism is still solely to blame when your people want BMW money for bus pass work?

You are contradicting yourself. So do our opinions against lobbyists matter, o r do they not?


the "people" rallying for 15 are blacks and mexicans

No, global capitalism can be more than fine. Many countries balance it with a healthy amount of protectionism because that's only logical to protect your own workers and citizenry.

Our country believes in free unregulated raw capitalism which is a meme like libertarianism or communism because it doesn't work once applied to the real world.

I believe in letting everyone including the rich keep more of their own money if thats what you mean. And I believe in the benefits of keeping more money in the private sector.

Well they don't matter when you sit back and let it happen.

Which is a good chunk of your population. That is also only one example.

But has it worked for you? Or are you poor and unable to ever get out of your situation?

Most people who make comments like yours are doing fine in their own lives yet think everyone else is doing terribly for some reason.

the american mentality has been "one day I'll own the boot I have to lick" since the Reagan years

it also doesnt help that all working class movements have been coopted by sjws who hate white males

welcome to neo feudalism americucks who knew slashing taxes on the rich would have brought us here