
How does it feel trumpcucks? Your savior backed down on one of the main issues people sucked his dick over.

>well not all have to be deported
>some illegals can stay

That's amnesty folks

Other urls found in this thread:

desu it was expected, back when trump said "we are going to deport ALL aliens and then we will have a process to decide which ones can return", no one thought that was practical, it's cheaper and easier to check before deporting

I agree but many of his supporters believed that Schlick, maybe that's why some even voted for him.

Feel free to twist it any way you want, but he said he will enforce the laws, and increase the number of ICE agents etc..

>no deportation force

means we already have one, named ICE, and that we will boost their numbers

>criminals first, then we will see

First the criminals, then I decide to deport the rest who cant pay us a bunch of money.

>some of them can become citizens

*after they leave, and get in the back of the line

He changed nothing, its a trick to make leftists think hes softened and that he wont deport mexicans illegal mothers etc. so they will vote for him.

>Oh my god Trump is flip flopping, lets vote Hillary!

Said no Trump supporter ever.

He could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue...


saw it coming 4 month ago

Youre a shill, you trying to trick people into voting Hillary only makes people want to kill you.


these are verified lies

You didn't address the core point.

You actually think he's going to have the trump force go around and send little kids back to Mexico?

Nope, I'd still rather have the kike instead of Hillary.

Did you watch pence and Giuliani?

Hes going to do whatever the fuck he wants once hes elected, of course those "little kids" are getting deported, they have a family back in Mexico.

What, do you think they go back and have their kids on the mexican side, and then bring them in illegally while the parents are citizens or something? Have you never heard of "the migra!"

Pic related, get on the bus, Beaner.

Youre a shill.

Hahaha can't wait to post a thread like this again if he becomes president when you get proven wrong. There's no fucking way he'll do that, he's literally just saying shit and he played you retards like a fiddle.

drumpfkinos BTFO KEK

Don't really care. I'm only voting for him because he didn't think his genitals qualify him for anything + he didn't have decades of ripping off people while claiming to be a public servant.

Don't really care who runs against her, or what they say. It's time to get someone who doesn't think lying to the public is a good career move.

I do like trump over Hillary but trump lies to the public all the time.

Great example, really corrected the record!

Did you read the op kid?

>trumpfags literally call anything they don't like a shill

You faggots are pathetic. Go back to your circlejerk on /r/thedonald


I'm just pointing out all you have is allegory, it's empty story.
I can validate what I say about Clinton, you just tell stories.
Awfully angry that your dumb, aren't you?

>You actually think he's going to have the trump force go around and send little kids back to Mexico?
You don't? You're delusional.

Did you really not listen to what Guliani and Pence said?

No he's not, you trumpkids need to stop deluding yourselves into thinking he's some kind of white racial purist. The guys a cosmopolitan jew Yorker who lets his kids get porked and convert to kikes and he loves niggers.

Better than Hillary but he isn't some god send for you faggots. God you little cunts are deluded.

Sign it

>main issue

you admit it's an issue? Well admiting the problem is the first step, next you'll realize trump didn't garner the majority of voters with 1 issue.

So it's completely fine that he exaggerated and lied earlier?

Why are you here? What are you hoping to accomplish? You have achieved nothing.

I'm just tired of all the neocuck /r/thedonald new posters who act like trump is a god


I do not think that is triple k mafia

There is an order of catholic monks that dresses like that. They are called the capirote monks. They have been around for a long fucking time. They carry huge candles like that.


Trump is better than Hillary. FUll stop.

He will be president. I hope CTR or CRT pays you good money for these shit posts, mate.

Read the Art of the Deal faggot. We've been saying it for a year while throwing in some extremist sarcasm to piss off the libs.

Another thing. Everyone who comes in with these types of posts accompanies them with something like
Dont you find that cringeworthy? Why do you do that?


Hey ff. I'm making backgrounds.

Choose a colour to replace the brown or gibe request for a background behind the loli


Maybe navy blue?


Wtf im voting clinton now.

At least voting for her is guaranteed nuclear happenings.


Nice saved

That movie broke my heart

Where did I say "Hahahahhaha"?