What did he mean by this

what did he mean by this youtu.be/IUJwXUZrwxM

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the average black person is dumb as fuck. It was frustrating listening to him talk. 10 minutes to say 'we need to make them compete for our vote'. Puff Daddy knows he is in above his head and in his position he cant afford to look dumb by making bold statements

Drake took your beat nigga. Youre a literal cuck now fuck off.

"White folks was in caves while we were building empires…. We taught philosophy and astrology [sic] and mathematics before Socrates and those Greek homos ever got around to it" - Al Sharpton

I don't understand why black people think the Democratic party will help them. It is to the benefit of the Democratic party to keep blacks poor and on welfare. So what motivation does the party have to get them out of the situation? None.



>urges 'hold' on black vote



SHEEIIIT white devils be a slave race invented by Yakub nigga.

>"You cannot defend yourself against a pack of Skittles and iced tea" - Al Sharpton


It doesn't matter what this nigger says. Blacks will still vote for the Democrat, every time.

You have to remember how most black voters vote. They don't stop by the polls on their way home from work like normal Americans. They get bused to the polls. "Community organizers" rent buses with vouchers they get from the DNC and the federal government, and then they go street to street in ghettos and scoop up black voters, mostly older blacks, especially women, and pack them on these buses. At the front of the bus is a community organizer, DNC rep, or black preacher-type, that "reminds" them that the Republicans are evil racists and the Democrats are their government saviors, just so they 'know' who to vote for. When they arrive at the ballot, the DNC rep hands them a how to vote pamphlet, with big Democrat Party logos and stuff on it, and then sends them into the building to vote with all the other bused blacks.

That is how most black voters vote in this country. Look it up. Do not underestimate the decades that have gone into cultivating this system of vote delivery. It's a finely tuned machine and it works to influence votes.

No one nigger and his half-baked commentary is going to disrupt this process.


Why don't Republicans just do the same then?

He endorsed Trump.




With who? Republican voters own cars or otherwise vote like normal people, i.e. with their family or alone, not as a community. And Republicans can't just bust into our cities and start doing things, because virtually every major city in America is run, lock, stock, and barrel, by the Democrats. The Democrats have the city councils, and the unions, and the mayors, and the courts, in every major city in America where blacks make up a significant population.

>al sharpton starts the video off
>al sharpton has a show on msnbc
what a time to be alive


truly powerful.


I'm black and live in Baltimore City and I've never heard of this happening. Post a source or fuck off stormweenie.

Then again, my voting building is literally 2 minutes down the street from where I live so everyone in the neighborhood just walks there anyway. If this actually happens it must be a thing exclusively in the ghetto.

I figured he would side with Trump, Puff Daddy is smart

>Democrats: We promise you an increase of 25$ to your food stamps next year when we win.

Republicans are rarely if ever in power in these cities so it doesn't even matter but

>Republican: I promise to add a bus route to branch into the neighborhood to add access to librarys with computers for job hunting.


because the republicans have been so effectively alienating racial minorites that the dems have to put zero effort into being the better choice.

who would you vote for? the insincere asshole who lies about everything or the guy that angrily mumbles about lynching you when he's drunk.



You jjust answered your own question you stupid nigger.

Why are morons like this taken seriously?

yo hol up


Diddy is all about the money, hence why he secretly loves Trump. You think Diddy wants to pay more taxes?

or maybe they just REALLY hate being called nigger.

Based Diddy telling it like it is

Obama was nothing but more of the same and Hillary thinks she already owns the Black vote

Blacks could just not show up to vote, which is also a disaster for the Dems.

No one politician has the balls to call blacks niggers so that doesn't matter. Maybe David Duke?

>Hillary Clinton The Racist

Hillary Clinton calls blacks "super predators" and says they "must be brought to heel."

Hillary Clinton praises Robert Byrd, former recruiter for the KKK.

Hillary Clinton praises Margaret Sanger, a woman who said minorities must be exterminated like weeds.

Hillary Clinton praises Margaret Sanger, a woman who led a quiet campaign of genocide against minorities using abortion.

>g or the guy that angrily mumbles about lynching you when he's drunk.

Thats kinda where you are wrong. LBJ devised the "War on Poverty" to ensure that southern blacks would vote straight D for 200 years.

And its happened. The lash and collar has been replaced with the EBT card and Section 8. Dems just have to remind blacks that Republicans are ebil and gonna take away all them gibs that they get if the Republicans take power. The 500+ per child stipend. The free housing, ulitilities, obamaphone, food stamps. Crazy checks, lead checks, back checks etc.

Hillary could come out on TV lynching black babies but promise at the end to give everyone on welfare an extra 1$ month and she would still catch all the black vote, cept for the redpilled blacks that see thru it.

I made it to 00:04

its a calculated move. they know hillary might not have as much support as the media claims and if hillary looses they will hold it over the democrats demanding more entitlement spending

and if she wins they will say she promised them enough. if she doesnt mention black people again and wins or she panders and loses they are SOL

considering this nigga is remotely a self success, other niggers would listen

Tumblr seems to be incapable of making good gifs

>They get bused to the polls.
More likely their polling place is within walking distance, usually a local church or school.

I was actually surprised that Trump got the reception that he did in Detroit, guess its only retarded blacks on Twitter who think Trump is literally going to reintroduce slavery and send all blacks back to the cotton fields.

he means she doesn't talk
to anybody
it's like shes not even running

>Today's black leaders are rappers and athletes
shit lots of black people get political advice from that illiterate nigger Charmalagne. He believes a black scientist created the white race. Not even joking the Nation of Islam believes Yakub creating white people

>The black vote matters

eh, there's no way to argue the truthfulness of that without being a mindreader. and really just sounds like justification for making zero effort to try and get black votes.

How many of those are not Jews.

it's the supporters of those politicians that damn the politician in the eyes of the black man.

Trump da real pimp ya feel me dogg?