When will the british stop their unlawful control in the MALVINAS and recognize Argentina as its true sovereign?
When will the british stop their unlawful control in the MALVINAS and recognize Argentina as its true sovereign?
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Never, what you going to do about it?
Try and send your army then. Again.
fyte me cunt
No time soon my old boy, cheers.
Las malvinas son britanicas
Didn't you help them last time?
No, it's quintessentially British.
The Malvinas do not exist. Like Atlantis. The only thing that exists are the Falklands.
The Argies got the Pope, hoping he would call for a crusade to steal the Falklands from the British, but now the Argies are all pissy that he isn't pushing their agenda.
lol probably when argentina gets its shit together and stops being a third world country
The only agenda he pushes is one of cuckoldry.
You can't do anything against the britbongs. Then try and send your army.
And btw,Malvinas don't exist. The falklands do.
Well, it's not that simple. Plus, I wasn't born at this time & I shouldn't be accountable for every foreign politics decision made by my government.
When pic related. Stay salty argie.
toasting in epic bread
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No exocet missiles this time and everyone is happy.
By right of might it belongs to Britain.
By right of democracy it STILL belongs to Britain, since the Falks keep voting to stay over and over and over again.
By right of history it doesn't belong to us though. It belongs to France, not you monkeys.
It shouldn't matter anyway, since you fuckers only owned it for a grand total of 2 years. Some fucking malvinas there, you fucking retards.
Brit on holiday btw
Lol after a little research, I found this:
While it may seem like double play, knowing how stupid some french politicians can be, it may well be the result of somme people in charge being total fucking clueless retards.
Don't know which one is right.
Retarded politicians, same reason you killed our hippy and his boat.
What's it like bro?
>By right of might
like Leicester and Birmingham are now Pakistan clay
Interesting fact:
The international current situation is very similar to the one we had in the Malvinas war.
The Argentine current government is closely linked to past military dictatorships, and is losing public image incredibly fast.
The UK is now weaker after Brexit, and may want to reassure dominance by answering to a possible threat from Argentina.
It is not a sure thing, but it is a possibility. This time Argentina is going to land troops on Britain though, not just Malvinas. Anything can happen, really.
Just sold missiles
Cheap beer, but most of it's light and I can't find anything even vaguely resembling something like a pub.
Also too many Russians.
pls don't send soldiers just boats to Calais
people from the jungle will give to England what it deserve
>The UK is now weaker after Brexit
Nice meme.
Britain is far stronger than it was in 1982, Argentina isn't.
>Argentina is going to land troops on Britain
Did someone mention invasion? See pic related. I know you argies remember what one of our subs did last time.
You say that like that isn't helping.
>When will the british stop their unlawful control in the MALVINAS and recognize Argentina as its true sovereign?
Never. and us help the lads over you every time.
Keep fighting peronism and the kirchner, that is better for you.
Yeah just the small matter of super entendards carrying those fucking excocet anti ship missiles. Pic related
Fuck off Messi.
You beautiful bastard your service is appreciated.
To be fair those were sold to them before the war and the French gave you all the technical information on them.
>HMS Victory
Nelson's Column just got ten feet higher.
Can you imagine what'd be like to sink that many French and Spaniards without a single loss.
Cheers chilebro
Now listen here you bloody street rat
Have you been to Chile m8? Because I have.
You are a lovely person. May God smile on you and your country.
the FALKLANDS dont want you because you nigger shits will just make it as poor as your degenerate shitskin country thats why
also go ahead and try
all this butt hurt from from ahmed the tea sucker and tyrone the nigger cuck
keep those islands and shove them up your ass sea kikes
I can only assume an argie finds Chile disgusting for the same reason indians find toilets disgusting
What is the malvinas? Is he talking about the falklands? The british place, right?
Its ours and as been for longer than Argentina as been a country now shut the fuck up about it you bunch of fags
>one post by this ID
>The Argentine current government is closely linked to past military dictatorships
No it's not.
Get out kuka.
Good. Take back your illegal immigrant leeches mooching off our free university system.
Most of our Patagonian provinces are wealthier than the Falklands. The only ones that want to live there are your Chilean "friends". (Chilean immigrants are 30% of the Islands population at the moment)
You guys ruined the fawklands by putting landmines everywhere. No ones children will be able to play on the grass in case they tread on one now.
>Britcuck making fun of personal shitting hygiene
We actually use a bidet to properly clean the ass after shitting while you cucks clean your ass with just toilet paper and are left with an anus full of shit 24/7.
>being this ignorant and bluepilled
>probably on Sup Forums just for the maymays
Learn some history and economy, negro. Cavallo estatized a private debt of thousands of millions of dollars that Macri businesses acquired during the militar governments.
>Most of
"some of our areas in our nigger country are wealthier than a tiny farm island owned by people 12000km north, BTFO britfags!"
>you bunch of fags
says the guy whose country is being taking over by sandniggers
Argentina is literally sandniggers
Says a country full of niggers to begin with.
Most income on the falklands comes from oil and fishing licenses. It's not a "tiny farm island", but one of the wealthiest jurisdictions in the world because of the oil.
On a per capita basis it's wealthier than the UK in fact.
The same Cavallo that Cristina Kirchner backed in the 1990s? Or are you talking about the same Franco Macri that supported the Kirchners throughout their Presidency?
Fuck off kuka.
I would say something about people in glass houses but you third world niggas probably dont have glass never mind proper houses
Local populace doesn't want to join you and you are unable to take them by force. Why would british ever give it to you?
Stupid Kirchnerist niggers you should all be lined up against the Andes and shot.
You're not terribly good at reading comprehension are you argie?
>Las malvinas son Argentinas
Reminds me a lot of
>Kosovo je Srbija
AKA The eternal butthurt cry of the delusional loser
Fuck off Argies, this thread should be about an actually balanced colonial tension. Hong Kong diplomatically renegotiated when?
>that damage control
the truth hurts, doesn't it.
I live in a decent comfy country, and in 10 years we're probably gonna stay this way, the same thing can't be said about Britain, or should I say the Caliphate 2.0
You sub human baboon.
You literal nigger.
>Argentines arguing over themselves in the face of their enemy
typical fucking tribals
OK now I'm sad.
Hahahahaha, how does that refute my point? Or refute that Macri is linked to the military coup?
Hahaha, retarded nigger, all he can say is "kukas, kukas, kukas." You literally have the IQ of a mentally challenged person.
when i wipe the bodies of a thousand more dead argentinians from the heel of my boots. the falklands are not argentinian. why would they be? they last belonged to your ancestors when you were spain
>no matter how bad life gets, you will never be this butthurt
Feels good lads.
% is white population
basically anywhere but London
Meanwhile while you meme here the real third world people are soon to become the majority in the UK.
Don't worry about it, better insult the Conservative friendly democracy of Argentina on a >1 post by this ID troll thread than worry about real issues.
You sound like one of those commies calling Michael Fear golpista, expecting him to renounce. The Falkland islands belong to Maradona ? Take it back, because right now they seem pretty british to me.
hey lads remember when the argie niggers made this thread about the falklands and they've basically devolved it into "hahahaha england is only 20% white BTFO!!!!1!!1"
It means jackshit, Cavallo statized most private debt at the time because those debts were the result of Martinez de Hoz program which would have led to mass bankrupcies.
You are just parroting some leftist talking point lines and I'm the idiot.
"Kids! Stop fighting! A global power is here so behave!"
Americans haven't posted for awhile, I think they've left.
Time to send trident round to get you cretins to pipe down again
america is superpower not a global power
damn Austrians
Fuck off Argie
You can get our sweet sweet clay when you grow a single ball and have something to challenge our stealth nuke submarines
but Kosovo is serbia.
>A prize for second place.
still better than NZ
Never faggot, get good at fighting then you can 'av 'em back you cunt
sorry you had to see this shameful post, britfriends, some people is just too basic and manipulated to understand certain things
>hahaha well just start using a spanish sounding name so people will change their minds
they cant win through violence. so ...
It's called conquering.
In case you've never learned anything about history, when you conquer something it's yours fair and square.
Last time i checked your pathetic army got your asses handed to them when they tried to retake it.
Viva la patria carajo!
>This time Argentina is going to land troops on Britain though
If you could launch a few missiles at London it'd be much appreciated
When you BUY it from us.
No vale la pena confrontar hermano, suficiente que tenemos que lidiar con nosotros mismos. Yo entiendo lo triste que es que nuestro pais se vaya al tacho, pero date cuenta que ellos no están mucho mejor. Yo los miro y... pobrecitos vió.
>Yo los miro y... pobrecitos vió.
ésto 100 veces, verlos caer es más divertido que hacerlos enojar
>Argentina is going to land troops on Britain though
Also remember when our dedicated chink tribal division made Argentines retreat by simply being told they were coming? Pic related