Why do you hate us so much Sup Forums, what have my people ever done to you ? Us jews literally never did anything to deserve our treatment troughout history. Is it my fault that I am part of gods chosen people ? Is it my fault that my history and culture is superior to yours ? Why do you guys have to be so envious and contemptious to us. All people that have stood in our path have failed and will continue to fail. We are gods chosen people and there is nothing you can fucking do about it.
Why do you hate us so much Sup Forums, what have my people ever done to you...
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Jews are the devil.
irgunna folke you in the bernadotte, my dear yassin
Yes, why do you hate us so much?
Never forget the six gorillion lampshades, you evil goyim!
Muh LoLocaust
>I am part of gods chosen people
You are cursed by God. You will be hated forever and you will suffer forever.
Let’s take the following assertions, which I will subsequently verify with an authoritative Jewish source:
1. Jews believe that they are superior to gentiles and will therefore rightfully inherit the earth.
2. Marxism is an outgrowth of Judaism.
3. There is no scientific basis for Marxism; it is a religion.
4. The religion of Marxism, taken to its logical conclusion, destroys the White race and Western civilization while increasing Jewish power.
5. The Jews identify with the lower classes in order to use them as a weapon to overthrow the natural leadership of a nation.
6. Communism comes from the Jewish spirit, and the bloody Bolshevik revolution was the Jewish takeover of Russia
7. World War II was at its core a struggle between the Jewish ideology of Marxism and the European ideology of Fascism
8. Any gentile who adapts the worldview of Communism, Marxism, Internationalism and/or Democracy becomes a Jew in spirit, for all intents and purposes, as these ideologies serve to further Jewish power and Jewish interests
9. Adolf Hitler was right about Jews. He was right that the Jewish problem is at the center of all problems in the world and he was right that the Jewish mind is poisonous to the soul of the White race
The average person would probably roll their eyes at the above nine statements, due to their indoctrination. I personally believe them to be correct, but they are not entirely my own. Rather they are paraphrased from passages in the 1939 book A Program for the Jews and An Answer to All Anti-Semites; A Program for Humanity, written by a Jewish leader named Rabbi Harry Waton
Jews never cry for the 10s of millions of victims they slaughtered with their communist revolutions
The Jewish media incites other races to attack white/Europeans.
Jews flood our communities with hostile 3rd world invaders.
Since Jews don't care about other people and since Jews have caused so much harm to others, I really don't see any reason we should care what happens to Jews.
Dude, I mean, dude. Really. Dude...
>We are gods chosen
the only one who chose you was Hitler
now get back to oven
>what have my people ever done to you?
Helped spread communism which killed close to 200 million last century
promoted pornography, faggotry, transgenderism, and other shit to engage in social degeneration
Soros, the Rothschilds, and the Bilderbergs engineering the outright collapse and takeover of the west
Every damn movie/TV show that appropriates white characters and turns them into black ones, and promotes faggotry while promoting white woman/black man pairings: Jews
We don't hate Israel we hate commie Jews that actively attack and degrade western society
If you really live in Germany, i'm pretty sure you are leftwing because for some reason every jew i ever met in Germany is leftwing AND pro-israel.
Only my lawyer is a based jew and even votes and contributes to the AFD.
>inb4 "jewish lawyer"
Jews are the best lawyers, prove me wrong
Pro-tip: You can't
>taking memes seriously
No one here hates you man. Do you honestly believe that people here actually like Hitler and the Nazis or that that they're Holocaust deniers?
But OP, if you had done things, and then lied in a contemptuous and gratuitous manner about whether you did them, surely that would explain the hatred?
>when people remind you that Sup Forums is a satire
You guys are fucking sick in the head I cant take this shit anymore. Try going outside and talking to a girl you pathetic losers.
Why does the goyim hate us :( :( :(
Daily reminder pt1
>implying that this board is satire
>implying that the holocaust is real
The people who say its a meme are either kikes or people who aren't woke enough yet
You are Gods people but even in the Bible you are constantly judged by God because you are so fucking stupid. Follow Jesus not Judaism you fool. Your eyes won't be opened until the anti christ has re-biult your temple and then desecrates it.