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>Trump on NBC Phily 9/2/16

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>Trump visits Mexico 8/31/16
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>Trump Rally in Manchester, NH 8/25/16
>Trump Rally in Jackson, MS 8/24/16

>Trump on NBC4 9/1/16
>Eric on F&F 9/2/16
>Trump on Laura Ingraham show 9/1/16
>Trump on Orly (Bolling host) 9/1/16

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>Being this triggered

It really makes you think



Toasting in a Deus Bread!
Ave Maria!

I keep seeing these faggots saying, "Drumpf! Drumpf! lololol XD!" What does it fucking mean?
Is it a reference to something? I seriously don't get the joke.

Is it just me or have the shills and the media lost all power since Trump's mexico trip?

The shills, the MSM and clintons campaign feel like their flailing about trying to cause some kind of controversy but everyone truly now does not give a shit about what they say.

CO is going red

Oh boy an angry jew, i guess im a shill for hill now.

Oregon is close. Within the margin of error, and they oversample Dems. Not to mention Stein and Johnson splitting the Dem vote. Why is nobody talking about this?

You are like little baby, here, watch this.

it's just you


Jews crying about muh traditions while destroying the traditions of everbody else gives me a strange feeling

>tfw Trump slaps kikes in their little face
He better watch out not get a sheeny curse placed on him.

What, Drumpf? It's a shitty John Oliver meme. His ancestors had it in the 1600s and changed it around then. Slimy Limey shilled hard for it but the meme quickly died for everyone other than the most autistic hillshills.

Drumpf is a 15th century pronunciation of trump, meant to be some insult.

Portuguese user, lets continue the discussion.

Tell me how can Trump win PA?

I posted the tables for race based turnout in the post you linked () and in pic related and, while their turnout was higher than for the second Bill and first Bush elections it was at the same levels of first Bill and nowhere close to the turnout for either Obama election.

Notice that there are some states very sensitive to turnout this election, PA being one of them.

Considering most of black people vote will go for Hillary just like it went for Obama any reduction in their turnout can cost democrats states like MI and PA.


Damn son look at you.

It's the fall-back position. There isn't any joke. They are terrible at humor and do this to cover up their deep insecurity, self-loathing and the fact that even they know they are backing a criminal, corrupt and murdering candidate.


Hillary Promises To Deliver Regular Press Conferences... On One Condition

You're my favorite tripfag besides Washington State.

They literally have lost all ammo, Trump is doing everything right and all they can do now is talk about (((polls))) and even that is going bad for them.

The Drumpf thing is a forced meme started by a retarded liberal "comedy show" host named John Oliver.

Of course everyone thought he was full of shit.

Threadly reminder not to respond to Serbian proxy faggots

Trump's family old name before the came to America and had to change their name. For some reason the liberals think it's funny

White union workers. Voting for Trump. And TrumpocratsPAC (Democratsfor Trump) in PA is contacting 850,000 Dems in PA that fit a similar description and are convincing people to vote Trump. PA is 80%white. Whiter than All of the southern Republican states. The voted Dem because of white union workers. The same that aren't voting Clitnon. It's the same story in Michigan and Wisconsin.


His ancestors had a German name, Deus. It was changed when they came to this country. Current Year Man decided that since the Emperor called Jon (((Leibowitz))) by his real name, and said he shouldn't hide his heritage, that everyone else should call Trump by his ancestral name. But it was a false-equivalency because Leibowitz chose to be called (((Jon Stewart))) and the Emperor never changed his name.

I think he's an actual butthurt muslim Bosnian/Albanian
But fair enough

No, it's not just you. They really are flailing around, trying to find any straw which they can grasp. The revelations on Friday's FBI bad-news-dump and no counter-story or appropriate distraction has left them lost.

Basically this:

Dumb douchebags resorting to the lowest form of schoolyard banter.


True, but you don't think that Philadelphia and Pittsburgh will flip PA blue again?

PA has 1 million more democrats than republicans, pic related.

Go on their site and check it


Don't forget to PRAISE KEK today.


The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

>sheeny curse placed on him.
What is this? I've never seen that term

What is this Virginia Event in 2 days ? Policy speech ? Press conference ? Trump will release his tax returns ?

I'm pretty sure most people, including my family, voted Obama because he seemed like a decent guy and Palin was a fucking idiot. Not this election.

>Tell me how can Trump win PA?
Already did, at length, won't repost everything but you can read it in pic related.

To summarize: considering the margin Trump must flip 5% of Obama votes each county to win.

Flipping doesn't mean only turning an Obama voter into a Trump voter. It can also mean:

- One Obama voter stays home, a voter that didn't show up in 2012 votes Trump
- Two Obama voters stays home
- Two new voters vote Trump

Maybe we disagree here (I don't know) but most of loss of turnout for HIllary will come from lower black turnout in Philly. Second source will be Bernies staying home this election or voting Trump outright.

I also believe Trump's turnout in PA will be record high, specially in relation to Romney.

Trump can get the necessary "flip" amount of voters simply by going back to Bush second term level of turnout and he will get much more than that.

>implying those democrats will vote democrat, or bother to vote at all

I unironically think Drumpf is an extremely sexy name

>strange feeling
I think I know this feeling you talk about...

Non Nobis Domine!

This cunt is who the media has to grovel towards, they deserve every ounce of humiliation and more.


That conniving unfunny britbong kike was the cause of it? I still don't get why they think it's funny.
I think liberal should be a key associate word for, "Retardation."

Remember his word, TRUMP WILL WIN!

Anecdotally (I know), there was an user who claimed to be from Philly worked the polling booths in 2008, 2012, and this year. He said this year primary year was nothing like 2008 wrt black turnout. He said they literally had a block party on Election Day there was so much black turnout for Obama.

Also when you add "NO AFFILIATION VOTERS" and "COUNT OF ALL OTHER VOTERS" it is about 1 million.

Trump won't win all of the 1 million votes, even that would barely be enough.

Let me explain

John Stewart started ragging on Trump, so Trump sent out a couple tweets trolling him about the fact that his real name is "John Leibowitz", and that he's hiding his Jewish heritage

Stewart never forgot it. Unfortunately for him he left The Daily Show so he couldn't rag on Trump.
Therefore when Trump ran for office, John Oliver came out with an attack alleging that Trump's real family name from Germany was "Drumpf". And started calling him "Donald Drumpf". It was really cringy, but Bernie fans started wearing red "Drumpf" hats and chuckling to themselves about it.

In actuality, the Trump family never changed their name. The name "Trump" goes back to the 1600's in Germany.
Ironically, Bernie Sanders's family changed their name from "Gutman" to hide their Jewish heritage when moving to America from Eastern Europe

Again, stupid as shit.

Like everything that John Oliver comes up with, it was an established joke online before he decided to run with it on his show.

Sed nomini tuo da gloriam

That came out almost automatically. Deus Vult lads.

>True, but you don't think that Philadelphia and Pittsburgh will flip PA blue again?

Despite of the great weight these two counties Trump needs to flip only a small amount of voters in these two counties to win.

See pic related and see the definition of "flip" here:


That's completely fucking wrong you retard. Assuming you aren't a shill, do you even know how the Electoral College works? Protip: a bunch of Hispanics in California voting to make California blue isn't going to shift the electoral college any further in Clinton's favor than giving her the 55 electoral votes california already has. The Hispanic vote was irrelevant in 2004 as it is now, it was high in favor of Bush because he comes from fucking TEXAS where 35% of the population is Hispanic. A majority of Hispanics in Texas voted for Bush, hence the high turnout in 2004 for Bush among Hispanics in 2004. Getting a high fucking turnout among Hispanics didn't swing California at all.

Hispanics are overwhelmingly concentrated in just a few states, and I'm guessing your next retarded argument will be something stupid like "THEY'LL FLIP TEXAS AND FLORIDA"

Floridian and Texan Hispanics are not Californian or New Mexican Hispanics. Just like Kosovo is not Serbian. A Hispanic judge in Starr County which if 90% Hispanic ruled that illegals cannot get citizenship for their anchor babies because they are not under the jurisdiction of the constitution. Tejanos do not want illegals in their towns. Likewise Floridian Hispanics are largely Caribbean and South American rather than Mexican and Central American. Cubans and Colombians are hugely favorable to the Republican party because of their hatred of communists.

Assuming you aren't a shill you should stop posting dumb shit like "le hispanic vote decides the election". It's been debunked a million fucking times.

Anybody else feel like a major happening is upon us?

Things have been so dry and sparse.

>He doesn't know the origin of Drumpf

Ok sit down, time for a story

Back during the primaries, on the weekend right before Super Tuesday, John "CURRENT YEAR" Oliver dedicated an entire episode to trashing Trump.

At the end of his episode, Oliver pointed out that Trump's ancestor anglicized his last name from Drumpf to Trump. Thinking this was some sort of weapons-grade linguistic kill shot on Trump (it wasn't), they already had a a frontloaded effort to push the meme, a hashtag, a browser extension that replaces Trump with Drumpf, and even fucking hats.

Interesting to note that this episode was aired on the Friday before Super Tuesday, so they were expecting this to be a bombshell to sink Trump on one of the most important primary days.

They failed miserably of course.

>I still don't get why they think it's funny.

Literally "because it sounds funny". That was Oliver's entire reason for mocking it.

The same libtards who shout it are the same ones who say we should call people what they want (IE: Caitlyn Jenner).

Nah you can tell over time that the poster behind the keyboard changes.

I don't want to waste anymore space talking about him, though. Any new polls today other than the disappointing PA results?

Sometimes the level of arrogance is truly breathtaking, isn't it?

He doesn't need Philly or Pittsburgh. He just needs like 30% of the vote in the suburbs.

VABeach has a very large military contingent, and a couple Intelligence schools and a black ops unit. It also has a very large nigger concentration. Could be anything.

anybody have the webm of joe biden grouping that asian loli and then she was like :O

Virginia beach is already Republican. Why aren't his rallies in Northern Virginia?

Huh I thought it was because it sounded German and somehow related to Nazis. Turns out it's even dumber.

use caps = lost argument

Ave Maria!

Someone post the google trend pic of Drumph

Says it all really

It is just another example of liberal hypocrisy.

The happening will be in October, Assange said he has this October surprise to destroy her campaign, I hope its everything the /cfg/ threads have came up with in something easy to digest for normies.


Yikes. That's embarrassing.

>That she is president, or as Nancy Pelosi might put it, "you have to elect her, to ask her questions."

i had one justify DAESH to me under the assumption that it "made them sound less powerful"
>google trends btfo's that as not working either

This election and the rise of Trump have really illustrated how fucked up the Republican party is structurally. Somehow they managed to box themselves in to being the white people's party, but they also weren't competitive in all of the New England and most of the rust belt states that are filled with white people because of their policies on the economy and trade.

All it took was some guy that wasn't a total internationalist to fix the situation and align the Republican party's platform with their major demographic. The funniest thing is that with Trump's populist attitude the Republican party will probably get a larger percentage of the black vote than normally too.

>Jews changing their names to hide their ancestry when they immigrated are buttmad when other people do the same thing
It's like pottery.

what is?

you guys ive been speaking with the blacks on twitter and they think they are creating a revolution with their black lives matter. how do we destroy black lives matter to honor Trump?

90% of the people that immmigrated to America since the 1800s did this in one way or another, though.

she's one ugly ho

What's the story of the "current year" meme?

I saw in some of the recent polls that in Philly Hillary has 85-15% lead.

Trump is also not getting all the republicans, democrats are more united than repubs.

Wisconsin or Virginia seem like more realistic options than PA at this moment.

BLM is the right wing movement of the blacks. Normal blacks don't give a shit.

We get Trump elected

Man's entire argument for SJW bullshit was ITS 2015 and now ITS 2016.

yeah, that's my point, Enrique. (((They))) act like they're the only ones who can change their names.

It's not a rally, it's an event closed to the public.

I'm thinking it's a press conference, or he will release his tax returns. Pence said that he and Trump would release their taxes this week.

I want to know the geographic distribution for the PA poll. Last time they pulled this shit the polling mostly occurred from one suburb outside Philly.

you right. we can get trump elected. niggers don't vote unless they work for the state.



Well supposedly (((Leibowitz))) changed his name out of hatred for his father.

Oliver keeps using "It's 2016!" as an argument for why [x] should not keep being done.