do they not realize they are part of the problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
it's not bait, it's a serious question
how delusional do you have to be to continue coming to Sup Forums despite all the shit we talk about you people? the cognitive dissonance is unreal
>Sup Forums is one person
>racemix edition
Then you're just retarded.
I agree OP
Probably a bunch of beta males that had to go for the low hanging fruit since they couldn't score a white woman. Now they come here and live vicariously kek
to survive
it's not science, if you remove the race barrier you get new breeds
Look up Coywolves, the natural result from killing the wolves and allowing their competitors, coyotes control of old turf. now coyotes fuck wolves because wolves are hunted anywhere outside of nature reserves, their only sanctuary
the resulting Coywolves are amazing, they have adopted the cleverest traits of both species of wild dog. the coyote knows how to operate alone while the wolf knows how to operate as a pack, and the coywolf will switch to one or the other for situations like ambushing farmers to scattering.
this can be an analogy to what is happening to whites, contained little spaces, invaded by foreigners who have now dominated the land, the natives morph into a hybrid species that specializes in whatever white bitches look for. same comparisons.
Because even race mixers know that niggers are stupid and violent, and nobody should be mixing with them. And gas the kikes.
>being this bluepilled
It's like you don't even browse Sup Forums
what about the race mixed?
Fuck you, I love my black wife. She's the love of my life and will stick with me forever.
then explain to me how this statement is "blue-pilled" because that is not an argument.
am hispanic and dating asian is that ok
Yeah we don't care because you're not white
hispanics are already a mix of races and you're dipping into another pot.
i don't care, as long as the pussy game makes you happy, Chavez.
Not pol tier. Fuck off op but yes you are right.
still doesn't explain why you browse Sup Forums considering we talk shit about your nigger wife and your future mulatto offspring all day long. I could understand browsing Sup Forums or /reddit/ but why Sup Forums of all places.
At least race mixers have their dicks wet, better than 90% of the neet virgins here
Sup Forums is thr best place to get news if you can sift through all the bullshit. Honestly CNN is more biased than Sup Forums alot of the time
yeah I kinda figured as long as shes not white, I dont know if I want a chink son though cause then he will be a beta male unless I make him work out with me while hes young
>unless I make him work out with me while hes young
Gee, you mean spending time with your kids when they're growing up is important?
well yes I think its very important, im one of those family values spics
Hispanics still know how to hold onto a family, something I'd like to see more blacks and whites appreciate.
I know you have nothing to worry about, your people work long hours so their children can spend more time reading mangos and fondling lumps on mousepads. perfect parents.
Not race mixing is literally kike tier you faggot
"Well, our national history and everyday experience have proved to us that from among all foreigners who come to us, the Turks and particularly the Jews are the ones who never intermarry with us, while other foreigners: Russians, Greeks, Italians, Germans intermarry and fuse with us, if not on the first then during the second or third generation, but finally there comes a time when there is no distinction between these foreigners and ourselves, either as regards blood or love of country. But it is not the same with the Jews..."
>tfw no black gf
I'm agreeing with you, it's just Sup Forums loves the meme that all happas are maladjusted manlets like Elliot Rogers. You read about his life or go digging into people's posts on /r/asianmasculinity and you see these people had shitty, neglectful parents.
Yesterday I spent the entire day hiking with my kids, I spend time do science stuff or just talking with them.
You can't not parent your kinds then wonder why they grow up maladjusted pieces of shit.
>Having a Harambe wife
please no, brain. no.
>Russians, Greeks, Italians, Germans
all european
fuck off jew
I've been dating a mulatto girl for 3 months now and she's fantastic, AMA.
You don't have to agree with everything someone says. Do you only listen to people who share 100% your beliefs?
Why do people who don't work and aren't working on establishing a stable household for a family browse Sup Forums?
where do i find one
Because Sup Forums became a board full of pro establishment people because of deliberate invasion from other sites and from newfags. This board is just another reddit sub-forum nowadays.
Here at Sup Forums/pol we hate everybody equally. I hate you, I hate your mom, I hate your family's cow. I hate the Jews, i hate the Liberal Niggers, and I hate that moment when u walk into a room and forget what you're doing in there. And in return they hate me. what a wonderful circle
But what problem are you talking about "an end to the white race?"
Good. go fuck yourself,
On here if white people can Think Hitler was right, I think that Black Hitler was right - no not that Ghazi faggot on youtube. but Hitler if he were black.
We need more of this!
Best regards
-A Nigger.
I agree with you. I get really sad when I see people on here agree with you that they are inferior races when its coming from fat faggot do nothing whites like you. I would like to see more of them shittalking you dumbass stormfag retards.
This is adorable, it's almost like exactly what you do, but you've turned it on the brown people to feel better about yourself.
>Tfw I'm a irish/Danish/Russian mix
>Gf is Ukrainian/Anglo
Oh god I'm so sorry Sup Forums
Not sure, she was a friend of my ex and started flirting with me shortly after I got dumped, so I went with it.
race mixing is good because it opens new possibilities for everyone.
look how easy it is to approach and get on with asians. many nerds marry asians because they don't like the fierce competition of the west, and rightfully so. look how easy it is compared to dating a western woman.
everything has alternatives, by the time western woman will catch onto this hack they won't have any leverage anymore
White women are only good to bang when your hammed these days.
Find a nice chink or spic...even a Muslim would be better wife material ffs
>racemixing is good goy!
>what is dysgenics
>despite all the shit we talk about you people? the cognitive dissonance is unreal
What the hell? Do you want an echo-chamber? Do you take everything seriously people talk about anonymously?
"Oh no, they talked shit about me, better leave the board" that line of thinking tells a lot about yourself, coward.
you keep the strengths but you also keep the defects and illnesses.
your post doesn't even make sense. learn to write a coherent sentence.
Let's simplify it then you stupid fuck.
1.Its sad when race mixed people come here and feel bad about themselves even when they achieve more than stupid lazy faggots like you.
2. I wish that this board was really about unpopular opinions and less about the White Nationalist pity party.
3. It would be fun to see brown people who are actually doing things in life shitting on the poorfag and lazy whites who lurk in these threads and trigger them just like the feminists fucks they hate.
kek, FPBP
You are deluded if you believe that you are still carrying the purest blood of one particular ethic group.
10,000 something years ago at least two of your ancestors race-mixed.
>it's sad
aw poh baby gon cry?
maybe you should go back to /reddit/
>Everyone else is the problem but me
You're a racist idiot, haha.
>Being sad means you are about to cry and emotionally wrecked.
Do you believe this because you are a retarded robot or are you that type of polfag who is a sociopathic peice of shit who hasnt felt anything for anyone.
Either way you are worthless and if I could drown you with my fucking tears I'd cry all day.
How to reply to people who make you mad without showing how triggered you are or actually providing any argument: The post.
Mostly to laugh. Sup Forums has the most bizarre opinions and most adorable persecution complexes.