Why is the media liberal?
Why is the media liberal?
Supply and demand
The majority of people are Liberal
therefore they are Liberal
literally this
They're not.
that's not even true. if there was a major media outlet presenting Sup Forums's opinions everyone would watch it.
Not some hlaf-satirical Jewish conspiracy.
The nu-culture is highly liberal so you get liberal news channels pandering to the largest common denominator for ratings and support.
It's called Fox News, and despite it not being totally tailored to Sup Forums. The majority of Sup Forums still ultimately falls under its banners.
>t. shillary drone
Folks we got ourselves a fpbp /thread here.
Conservatives did nothing but give ground and compromise and retreat.
Liberals never relent.
>Why is everything left-wing now
But the media isnt liberal
They are leftist as fuck though
Liberals are able to influence media and government more successfully because democrats emit the illusion that they are the defender of the people. Where as conservatives are usually successful, hard working traditionalists who have succeeded with money.
Niggers, illegal spics, single mothers, hipsters, the fringe - poor oppressed angels who like to be exploited
Rich people, whites, business owners, people with morals, Christians- evil enemy with forked tounge who only wants you to meet your demise.
Making fun of conservatives is easy because we have more.
Making fun of liberals and exposing them is tricky because their constituency consists of poor niggers and retards which is frowned upon.
Liberal means leftist in america.
The world sees liberalism as it's classical version, the US two party system gives the term a different meaning.
absolutely wrong. lurk moar.
They want libmonies
it's easy to write shit stories
Because news organizations are:
1) overwhelmingly run from NYC or LA
2) overwhelmingly staffed by people from a liberal arts background (english, history, X studies, etc)
3) these people are, for the most part, young and poor
4) MSM outlets are all owned or funded by 1%ers who want to push their globalist agenda
"conservatism" is inherently cucked. it suggests "conserving" things against an inevitable tide of progress. you need to be a reactionary.
>Fox news is the most popular cable news network by far
>most people are leftists
easy answers spread far quicker
The policies of the Democratic Party's watered down form of socialism benefits super huge multinational corporations and those corporations control the media.
>The majority of people are Liberal
they're natural attention whores / narcissists and not very intelligent
also failed 'writters' who are always cocksucking liberals who drink coffee with two hands
Because things can't be wrong. If it is it's easy to report
Nice doesn't sell. "White Boy saves black kid" is far less appealing than "white beats black to death". Therefore:
>Bad things exist
>there must be a broken system or inequality.
>It must change.
It's also easy for comedians to take an example of something wrong and joke about why it is. That's why most comedians are liberal as well