Brit/pol/ - Comfy edition

>Today's Papers 5/9/16

>Lord Ashcroft: This is what Britain really wants from Brexit, Mrs May

>May pours cold water on Britain introducing Australian points-style immigration system

>UK economy expands at steady pace despite Brexit vote

>Theresa May in talks over a free trade deal with Australia after Brexit

>Keith Vaz stands down from home affairs select committee after male escort sex allegations

>Japan warns firms may move European HQ out of Britain

Other urls found in this thread:

>This is a shill thread


Reminder to like the brit/pol/ page on facebook

1st for fuck thread splitting




Reminder that May has done nothing wrong yet. If anything she has suggested that she wants to have a STRICTER system than points.

>its nearly the waitrose all butter mince pies season

>ireland is highlighted

Oh dear god

Who /fishkeeper/ here?

That is obviously the Sup Forums's British general, not ours.

The Irish realise than getting closer to us will help them.

My mum has confided in me that she wants to leave my dad for a woman at her work.

Wat do?

it's the Sun, they are retarded



tell her only if you can join in (or me, if you're nearby)

>boss bullied me again today
wtf im a socialist now

Question lads.

Why does ever LIDL smell of piss but in a different way?

Tell your dad.


>tfw my karen commission is done but even red boards don't allow lewds.

no lewd karens for you

>fresh fruit and veg


anyone /university soon/ here?

>bit my hand earlier in anger
>really fucking hurt
>tfw my arm hurts now and it feels cold

Am I going to die lads?

Start a competing business and put him out of business

It smells exactly how it should. Like a shitty European supermarket.

What good will that do, I prefer they stay together and telling him means they'll split.

Resist my dude. Blair is the true faith.

Just fucking post it.

>>bit my hand earlier in anger

1) How has she just turned gay

2) go tell her to tell him



How autistic are you?

Upload it to booru or something faggot

Cut your arm off and you'll be fine.

Post it, lad.


Best to let him know quickly rather than let her drag it out.

Trade Deal with China when? I need easily available C-Dramas

no last time i did the mods banned me for posting a lewd nigel

Become good mates with your dad.

Disown your dyke mid-life crisis mother.

I hate that brit/pol/ is full of closet nonces

anime is for degenerates and losers


Just restart your router you puss.


She's 58, the other woman is 35.

Your mum munching a bit of carpet will make them split as well senpai

Lel the alt right is laughable


The alt-right is funny as fuck.

I got angry. The details are irrelevant but I started bleeding desu.

Not at all. My hand is now bruised though.

kys Socialist

explains why you lads post here :^)

>implying I'm not a blairite


I don't know...

I was wandering around the other day just walking in and out of various LIDL supermarkets and whilst the vibe of piss in the air was a bit overwhelming at times I was rather impressed. All their stock is rip-off brands from mainland Europe and unlike the authentic brands they haven't gone to bullshit lengths to make the product healthier for you. You get all these different chocolate and biscuit items with all the tasty artificial flavourings and added sugar for a really cheap price. I wanted to go a bit mental but I have no money.



>Not at all


alt-right are a movement led by jews. Just as trotsky said.

Where in the UK is there the most polish? My area is forsaken, conservative women do not exist anymore, it is nothing but slags, degenerates and 16 year old mothers.

>tfw want a family but no woman is suitable within 20 miles

Nothing wrong with Jews

Where are you that there's a variety of Lidl's that you can just casually walk between?

Scotland has a lot of Poles

Fuck off, Cyrus



Outside of London - Boston or Peterborough.

you lazy bastard I googled "most polish city in uk"

The store is shitty. The products are pretty great. I lived 5 mins away from a Lidl last year, they had an amazing bakery. The stores just smell like every mainland EU Tesco knock-off I've been to.


This guy is under all of Trumps tweets


Aldi is way better for the discount Euro shop.

My town has quite a lot of Poles, some council documents has Polish as well as English on them and my church does mass in Polish too.

You got problems lad

Tears for fears are better desu

Have you never hurt yourself in anger?


Cheers lads

Where would that be?
been awake for 40 odd hours son no bully

I'm """ polish""" and suggest you avoid Polish girls that have emigrated here

>Tory socialism is the belief in reformist-minded activist government, at once appealing to political sentiments commonly associated with both conservatism and socialism.[citation needed] It was a term used by historians, particularly of the early Fabian Society, to describe the governing philosophy of the British prime minister BENJAMIN DISRAELI.

Pure coincidence.

Madness are one of the most british bands ever mate

Also great are the smiths, even though morrissey is a pussy

why? Most Poles I have met have been alright.

Whoops, it was Lenin. This is what the Alt-right is


>Have you never hurt yourself in anger?
Pretty sure it`s not normal, lad.

>matched with a polish girl on Tinder earlier this year
>chatted for a few weeks
>arranged a date
>she wouldn't meet me, had to travel to Rugby
>whatever ok
>nearly forgot the date by then
>hey sorry I was called into the work today, cannot make our date! very sorry!
>tfw still alone

I have but i haven't decided to take bite out of my hand desu

Some Polish girls are alright but a lot of them are gold-diggers and think their shit don't smell - just my experience.

No disrespect to Madness mate, Baggy trousers Our House and It must be Love are absolute classics, just been in a TfF mood and needed to act superior to somebody for it

It's a paradox that most of the conservative Poles lives within euwelcoming labour cesspools like London or Manchester.

The culture and the mentality are very different and most of the girls are no different to the girls here in terms of personality, lot of them are real head cases

Nice to know I still manage to trigger people beyond 'muh tripfag'


Wasn't Lenin a goy? His maternal grandfather was born Jewish, but dropped the religion or something?

Suppose it brings meaning to having to find a diamond in the rough.

Bad times son, on the plus side atleast you get matches

>tfw used tinder for a month now and still 0 matches.

His mother had jewish ancestry, just as most the high ranking Bolsheviks were jewish

Well whatever it is its fucked my arm. I tried making a sandwich and legitimately struggled to do it. Send help desu.

>it's liberal hour on brit/pol/

Your favourite C-Drama? Need something to watch.

Might enjoy it instead.

This glass of milk is only 1/4 poison!
And it told me that it doesn't identify itself as poison, so it's totally safe to drink!

Where did you bite it you fucking autist?
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

A literal retard

There was only one tripfag that used to annoy brit/pol/ but the based ellipsis fag chased him away.

He still posts but not with his trip,

should've brushed your teeth more. sounds like you gave yourself an infection you autismo