Makes you think

ITT: Images that make you think

>Dogtags from North Carolina soldiers that died in wars from WWI to now

Other urls found in this thread:

point a flashlight or laser pointer at that and watch hell break loose

what happens?

>my uncles tag might be up there


they are blank. old dog tags are pressed and you cant see shit on them. i think new ones got paint but all of them would be facing away

Jesus..user you are a time I go I will consider that heavily.

youve never pointed any of those at a reflective surface before?

More tags.

>future use
...this upsets me and I don't know why

It brings their ghosts back, do not do it.

>the missing t

Special Operations museum?

war is bad, that's why

no matter for what cause, more of your countrymen dying is always terrible

>Hurricane spirits of African slaves
>most blacks live in the south
>only people seriously inconvinienced by hurricanes are blacks because they are poor
>mfw by that logic the slaves want to kill the current day blacks

Yeah. Pretty nice like the one on post as well.

who the fuck cares, a dead american is the best american

I know. Did time at Pope.

lol canada, only reason we haven't annexed you is because we think you're adorable to watch like puppies.


And a ching chong nip nong to you too, maplenigger.

>all those ww2 deaths
>for the scum that lives today

back in the fucking oven, kike

Actually, in tredau's canada, the approptiate phrase is durka durka mohammed

They're mad at how they don't appreciate not living in mud huts with no food

Leaf shitposts are always the worst.

God bless their souls.

The reflective properties of the dog tags will cause the laser streams to coalesce, forming a temporal anomaly. In essence Captain, what we have here is a window through time. An aperture, if you will.

Why are there as many in the gulf war as in korea?

If they saw what america had become today they would have switched sides

They are in a better place than us now

Becuase you are a faggot
No its not you're just a faggot nu male.

Tags are below the names.

Vietnam has two rows

>they openly recognize they' re dogs for the kikes
Really made me think

aww they're so cute when they're in that rebellious teen phase


I personally want to know her.

this thread made me ponder deeply

>mfw its libcuck leafs like this that single handedly make us look like shit posters

i really couldnt give a fuck if burgers annexed ontario. please do it soon. just leave BC alone

Edgy faggot

You'd be singing a different tune real fucking quick if one of the people that died was family

fuck outta here you underage shit.

And all this time I thought it was about triggering a vet.


Where is that exactly? Heaven with gold-paved streets and gingerbread houses? LMAO at YOU


The only reason you didn't annex them is because of us in 1812 lad

The Argie got btfo in the malvinas thread and now he's trying to take it out on dead American heroes.



There needs to be more of these.

F to pay respects


stop devaluing asia/pacific

I fail to believe that you (or someone else) didn't photoshop this (or inspect element it, or whatever)

Lots of military in the Carolinas.

Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.

Hey burger, remember that time we burnt down the White House?

>Each boot represents a fallen soldier since September 11, 2001
>Each boot has the name and picture of the soldier it represents

Did they successfully summon the ghost army?

Nope. I remember the time the British did though. Sure as fuck wasn't Canada.

>mom I posted it again

Nothing of value was lost

funny how there is such retarded people who would even consider this as somehow "paranormal"

Do nogs think the slave ships traveled using the power of white priv alone and not.. you know...wind?

Some out there


Is north carolina where all
The soldiers of the us come from

Really makes me FICKI FICKI

wow. goosebumps

>British Royal Marines are Canadian

Is this real life?


I fucking hate sand. Running in it, digging in it, breathing it.

Fuck sand and anyone who likes to live in or near it.


is that guy on the right you, op?
looks pretty american to me

To be honest, the colonial marines helped us (the freed slaves, not the Canadians).



>No its not you're just a faggot nu male.
Faggot nu-males are all that's left because the strong men keep dying in pointless wars, dipshit

Holy Fucking Kek

all those goyim sacrificed for the greater good

makes the brain electricity

fuck these vapid whores

that was the british

>inb4 whataremilitias

>future use
Really jews?



See Britain used to be smart. Use the dindu's to burn shit down. its a natural impetus apparently.

keep em coming

Just stop posting leafs, no one likes you

>top row of Vietnam isn't finished but the two rows aren't even either
delete this


Remember when we burnt Toronto to the ground?


It's funny. It isn't taught in British schools that we burnt down the White House since

I didn't even find out until university that "the USA" in 1776-1783 only referred to 13 colonies on the East Coast. I had assumed until then that everything from California to Maine had also once been ours.

could you do it again please? It didn't take the first time

We learned our lesson on the "no standing army" rule.
Its funny how almost the complete lack of constitutional regulation on our navy worked out, though.

Have a good night my fellow ocean owners.


Holy shit, that guy got turned into Urgot

Really makes you think about all those people that died for isreal


To forgive non-Americans is up to God, but to send them to him is up to us. Don't ever forget that, fucking leaf.

This one gets me every time.