I've found the beginnings of an Alt-Right dating site.
Even if I find no wife. At least this site has the potential to show the world just how many there are alienated by degeneracy.
I've found the beginnings of an Alt-Right dating site.
Even if I find no wife. At least this site has the potential to show the world just how many there are alienated by degeneracy.
Other urls found in this thread:
> fairy tales
>thinks he is above the islam people
grow up man
I'm an Agnostic Atheist.
Lol enjoy the 10 female users that this site will get
Come on man if you want to promote your own work at least be honest about it.
Exactly. If a journalist picks up on the alarming disparity the public reaction will be interesting.
is this legit I might sign up
Checkmate leaf.
It's obviously a honeypot for "virgin basement dwellers who live on their mom's chicken tendies."
Here is where I found it.
tfw catholic
I'm divorced. :/
She went crazy and then mutilated herself with a breast reduction.
I'm only 24. I tried to find a nice wife man.
The love of your life is waiting.
Why don't you make an app so AltRight plebs actually use it? It's basically just a wrapper for the website.
Catholic is one of the options in their religion drop down.
I'm a Network Engineer, not a Web or Mobile app developer.
I guess I could write the webmaster.
huh... so why do you date girls on a christian based website? da fuck?
Your mistake was to call it WASP you deep shit. The idea is sound but never tie this sort of thing to religion, specifically since there is already a christian dating website. So, kudos for right wing dating website idea but you really fucked up with the name which is tied to a very specific religion and people often feel more strongly abouth their religion then their politics. Its going to fail.
So they can be arrested? For what? Do you even know what a honeypot is?!
It is not exactly a choice. I would love to believe in an afterlife. That would be fucking great. The thought of non-existence is terrifying.
Values? I'm just spit-balling. I haven't had much luck elsewhere.
It's not my site.
>The thought of non-existence is terrifying.
Don't worry, user; there won't be any "you" left to be terrified.
Chicken tendies are hella illegal bruh.
I would much rather an OKCapitalist dating app.
>wow faith is stupid right guys
>please come over and fuck this dog with me
>have you watched John oliver lately?
God canada neck yourslef.
>says the jew
No, so they can doxxxxx AltRight people and get them fired for not complying with the race mixing Jew. Learn2SJW