How to dress

What is the most redpilled way to dress?

I dress preppy like pic related and it offends the SJWs in my university. They think I'm flaunting my wealth by wearing expensive shit but fuck them, niggers are too poor to buy this shit and therefore we need to differentiate ourselves from welfare trash. I'm not a fucking slob, I work out and care about how I dress and how I look.

So how do you dress Sup Forums? Please no jeans/boots combo, those are for niggers and spics

Actually boots with the right jeans that fit well are very stylish depending on the season and climate.

>I dress preppy like pic related

No, you dress like a massive dyke. You're the same as liberal hipsters only you show off a different brand.

Just a tshirt and shorts

too hot to dress /fa/ in california

>males caring about fashion
fucking numales I swear

Did I offend a nigger?

>those legs and ankles

Holy shit, my dick just turned into fucking diamonds.

As for me, I dress like a retard who puts 0 effort into his outfits. Literally just jeans and casual shirts.

There's nothing wrong with caring about aesthetics, user. Especially when you realize that most normies will judge you by your appearance.

>Please no jeans/boots combo, those are for niggers and spics
Well tie me up and call me Tyrone I just love timbs too much to give em up


>They think I'm flaunting my wealth by wearing expensive shit

No they think you suffer from an over inflated sense of self worth. Considering you started a thread on Sup Forums about FASHION of all things, the SJWs are probably right.

How's being a virgin treating you?
There are plenty of ways to dress cool for hot weather
Too close to what the shit skins wear

dress however the fuck you want, who gives a fuck about this shit???? are you all homosexuals? i don't judge anyone by how he dresses (within reason), but i judge anyone who is too pussy to wear what he feels comfy in and worries about societal norms.

>be a man
>wear anything besides utility shorts

I just don't understand kids these days.


OP is the worst faggot I've seen on pol.

nice leather boots
clean jeans and tight v neck if /fit/
wear all the gold i have and a MAGA hat

That's not preppy, that's just casual fashion. Why are they so offended? Damn.

And let me reiterate.. that's not preppy. Holy shit that is the opposite of displaying wealth. I know you're just accidentally coming across preppy. I'm sure you'll change your look accidentally, too. You totally don't want to look preppy.





Camo pants
Combat boots
Pinochet T-shirt

I have a similar question. Times have changed. Back in the day you could wear hugo or valentino and be seen as high class, but now it looks tryhard in all places except work. How can one dress like a millenial, but not like a poor person. What do high end millenials wear? Supreme?

this is how I dress during the summer/spring

Yeah, boat shoes? Go home turd.


Lol, dressing sharp is a quality men posses my friend.

and this is my winter clothing


make sure everything fits and youre fine
its not hard you stupid faggots

>fratcore prep
hooboy im cringin

>v neck

Where's the best club to get my ass pounded?

Dress however you want. Lift enough and you'll look good in anything.

You're like the shitty rich kids I went to high school with. And I went to high school in the late 90s. So yeah I'm fucking old and yeah this style is shit.

fucking nu males

I cannot wait until winter rolls around so I can wear jeans and my jacket again

Kill yourself /fa/ggot

it depends where you are. tucked in button down with slacks usually works. pic related can also be substituted with a good fitting polo

>I dress preppy like pic
Nah you are a disgusting kike

>i dress like pic related

You couldn't possibly look anymore faggy/numale/beta if you tried.

No, Is numale shit


Im not rich though I just dress nice lol, if you dress like this you dont look like a slob

I wear boots, jeans, and grey t-shirts.

Trousers/chinos/shorts and a button up shirt, either long or short.

Adaptable for formality and for price without much sacrifice so long as you try the clothes on before you buy them.

>I just dress nice lol

No you really don't kid

Were you bullied in school

straight cut jeans, low cut casual (skate brand but not trashy) shoes, North face cotton jacket/sweater, mainly T-shirt, and my old favourite hat.

All these virgins wearing nigger tier clothes. Kek.

Keep jerking off to your cartoon porn while us redpilled whites are getting pussy every night

you wear new balances and skechers too fuccboi?

The fat dude directly behind him is literally me.

I try to cultivate this look. But I agree OP, most people, whites included, are dressing like absolute degenerates.

Your style shows a massive lack of testosterone.
I dress like this.

See pic and learn.

>Simple is good
>Focus on your body, if you are ripped most styles will look good on you but if you are lanky or fat most of them will look like shit, this marks the true difference
>Jeans, leather jackets, plain t-shirts never go out of style
>A good watch is the only accessory a man needs

>philandering with random cumdumpsters

White shirt and blue jeans/black jeans with a nice pair of shoes.

gray/blue levi 501s jeans, assorted blank Hanes T shirts, vans shoes. also have a pair of boots for if its raining, and a pair of slip ons I wear sometimes also. dont own any button up shirts or suits, or for that matter any shirts other than Hanes short sleeves and long sleeves.

people who spend a lot on clothing are fags. for that matter even clothes with brands/logos are for fags, I just buy the same companies cause I know what sizes I like from them



i do a shit ton of field work for the biology department so i always wear cargo shorts, a t-shirt, and either sandals or boots (depends on what i have to do that day)

I don't understand what's wrong with cargo shorts. I"m a proper 90's kid.

Cargo shorts and plain, solid-color tee shirts. Sometimes tank tops if it's hot enough, which is pretty often cause fl is a motherfucker right now.

>getting pussy every night
Confirmed high schooler.

With the right body that combo would look pretty cool,

The redpill started as a PUA term, newfag. Lurk more


It has been working for me lately.

Upgrade the watch and you'll be good

good for business, son

Holy shit!

why? this looks like totally amateur like his mom dressed him up for a wedding.

>saying kid unironically

Jacket zipped or unzipped

Coldweather casual is jeans and a flannel/oxford shirt.

Coldweather semiformal is a black collared (not turtle neck, v-neck) sweater with jeans.

Warm weather casual is usually chino shorts and an oxford or polo

I don't really have warm weather semi-formal.

As for formal, I have a bunch of different suit/pants, but I usually wear my black suit with a red or blue tie. For really formal I do black suit with a black bow tie (not a clip-on, those are for fags or lazy assholes).

My grandfather died from congestive heart failure at the beginning of the summer, he meant a lot to me even if I didn't know him personally. Apparently though, he left me a cream blazer which certainly looks like it fits, plus his solid gold cuff-links.

Cargo shorts only work if you're a construction worker. If you're white, don't dress like a nigger on welfare

>upgrade past casio terrorist watch
its a conversation starter piece


Steel toe boots (elec/chem resist)
Wife beater
Shorts on underneath the coveralls

Do a man's job, wear a man's clothing.

>What is the most redpilled way to dress
There literally isn't one.

This offends SJW's in burgerland? In bongland that's how the SJW's dress.


hey guys, how many pair of clothes should I have to be "good"

I like to dress nice and professional for the big guys.

Polo shirts.
Carthart khaki pants.
Polished Combat boots.

>white t-shirt
>bone shorts
Huge cunt confirmed, please kill self.

You do not dress nice. You look like a huge cunt.

posting some inspo for the fashionably inept

This is what I wear, usually with high top adidas. If it's not I'll wear a plain white or grey t-shirts. Faggots who spend a lot on clothes are cucks. If you can't pull off a simple outfit fuck off.

Not the Greenville fashion. I see this shit everyday down here. Despite you doing this, hey fellow SC

>sweater and shorts

the faggot is strong with this one

>tfw dress street casual

I need money to be /fa/

I call this "The 21st century dragonslayer"

Cargo shorts are every kiddie's first pair of shorts, and 90% of the time they just make your thighs look stupidly large. Not to mention no one ever uses those pockets.

yeah in australia you would be called a hipster faggot

I don't think I've worn shorts since I was a teenager.

Zipped if blowing snow, open face if cold enough to warrant a jacket. Otherwise jacket stays in car.
Minimum of:
5 sets of work clothes
3 sets of weekend clothes
2 sets of BDUs for operating

>I don't have any sense of style or creativitiy so anybody that does is a cuck

lol keep dressing like a middleschooler

How did pol react when this habbened?

im from NY actually lol, I do go to clemson but I dont have class tomorrow so I came up for labor day

>Post picture of a faggot.
Calls me a middle schooler.

Shekelri is based, but not pretty.

Are you still in middle school?

I like to dress like this.

no you wouIdn't cunt wtf is wrong with you
thats not how hipsters dress at aII, its preppy rich boy styIe.

lol you probably dress like a sperg freak

Those shorts and those shoes make him an irredeemable faggot. Quit trying to look like a yacht club member unless you are a yacht club member.