Tumblr is now a comic


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The fact that I can't tell at a glance the sex of any of these characters means I have no idea if we're supposed to think of the woman as well meaning but ignorant, or just weak willed.

So I'll just settle for calling the little girl a self-important little cunt.

It seems you're already familiar with it.

>even when someone tries to be understanding of it's mental deficiencies, it still acts like a condescending little prick
off to the gas chambers, then.

How new are you?
It's like this is the 1st time you've seen this.



I still want to see how he reacted to Trump winning.
I need more salt.

Holy crap, it's a real life Moon Over June character!

This shit is the definition of hedonism

Every day I become more convinced that Assigned Male is a work of parody that serves only to illustrate the innate cognitive dissonance in the leftist degenerate mindset.


This comic has been going on for a while.

The artist is exactly what you'd except - born rich, privileged, and endlessly complaining about how oppressed she is.

hey I cant draw for shit, so i'll just make huge speech bubbles full of words that crazy people like me use daily.



How's life under that rock of yours?

That cant be real, its something made up to scare children, like the boogey man and michael jackson, right?


I dont understand how that can even be a word.

for that matter, isn't the word "misogynistic" itself oppressive if gender is only an oppressive social construct?

I wish I was a comic.


is that real or an edit i don't want to find out...

That dad is the best character because he's the only one who sees through the insipid mental illnesses that surround him and understands how the real world actually works.

>not signed Ben garrison
you had one job


Have the lines of reality been blurred?

>our new president is pro gay.
I'm sure that comes as quite a shock to mike pence.

He literally doesn't give a shit.

Come on now.

The left is never ever going to admit that Trump played to the alt-right Nixon style and is immediately going center on everything but raiding the country's coffers and that the real problems with his regieme will be his concessions to the actual zealots in congress the left utterly failed to defeat to achieve anything while in power and economic policies that liberals have given up on because they don't get likes on facebook.

t. bitter leftist.

>some girl have penises
She's right y'know...

I love how impromptu rants about your gender identity are perceived as completely normal in that setting.

>Sup dude how's it going
>You'll be happy to learn that I don't identify as a woman anymore since since gender identity is an oppressive social construct and I can't ethically identify as a woman without perpetuating oppression.
>You better not be oppressing cis women you dirty genderless freak

Because he knows that Trump is gonna let him run the presidency.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, it has become recursive. Like a horrible LBGTQXYZTMNT fractal.

He was being a hilarious genius

If so, it's a masterpiece.

But it does seem like it's legit.

Perhaps it's a double bluff.


Trump help multiple rallies where he started outright support for LGBT rights. Including one where he's waving a giant fucking flag around while everyone cheers like crazy.

It's not even a secret.

Remember how trump jr promised kasich that the next VP would have free reign on foreign and domestic policy?

Are we still pretending that didn't happen and that mike "gay conversion therapy saved my marriage" pence isn't going to run the show?

Holy fucking hell. How deep can they make the rabbit hole go.

Nope, this comic is about identity politics trannies (what the author is) vs TERFs (feminists who think identity politics promote sexist stereotypes, which makes them even more evil than white men)

I think you'll be getting shock instead friendo.

>trump waved a rainbow flag for chrissakes!
Yeah but his VP is still Mike "Christian Sharia Law" Pence so by that fact alone his presidency is anti-lgbtq.

I saw this posted elsewhere. Is it supposed to be real or an edit?

Yeah I heard the practice was quite infectious in Indiana.

Pence is just anti-assassination insurance

Sounds like the usual self interested lines of logic. Fucking horrifying; but it's that pedantic neuroticism that gets them in the end anyway. Silver linings.

So a couple of things.
>why did you snap like that lady? You should've just explain the situation.
>this comics doesn't seem to actually represent the majority of transgender.

We shall see. Trump is unpredictable.

>that face

fucking brillaint

...Goddamn, I hadn't even realized that angle.

It's real.

What's amazing about it is that it goes full circle and seems more like an anti-trans comic.

The position if VP is for appearances only, it might help cement a single state's EC victory.

Pence won himself an 8-year vacation.

Man what if some crazy Dominionist kills trump just for a Pence presidency?

How much of this comic is just the author stand-in being an asshole about pointless semantics?

Its real.

It follows the trend of the other comics where the main character comes across as an asshole even if others are trying to be helpful or understanding. Look at the mother in this one, she's very obviously tired of this kids shit.

>The one where "she" gets depressed because the Grandfather said she would grow up as big and strong as "her" father
>The one where the school invites a gay guy to talk about homosexuality and "she" basically talks shit to him despite him trying to do something helpful
> The one where the kid doesn't want to hang out with "her", because all "she" does is shove trans issues into everything and then she proceeds to do just that.

And that's why you're not the president of the United states.
You gotta think of all the angles.

Basically, Gender Dysphoria is (legally and medically) a medical condition the individual is not at fault for. It has legally set down methods of diagnosis and treatment in the medical profession that, if not followed, will lead to the doctor losing their license to practice.

But most people simply can't accept they are abnormal because they feel it makes them less than human. Very few people are comfortable with the idea of more or less being permanently ill. They NEED to be normal, but they also still need the accommodations their condition requires.

Which really fucks with politics when you try to drag a medical condition front and center to the political arena as something that 'needs' addressing despite already having full legal and medical support.

anyone have that screen of Trump's blog from 2005 where he talks about being at Elton John's wedding?

Like isn't this the exact opposite of how Transpeople usually view their assigned sexes? Don't transpeople say how they felt trapped and living a lie?

15th dimensional ladders user.

That's why Trump is billionaire president and you are on mongolian pictography site.

It's kinda shitty insurance though. I mean, if someone's going to shoot Trump, they'll definitely take some shots at Pence too.

Unless the insurance is they'll shoot Pence first.

>gay conversion therapy saved my marriage
Pence is gay?

I can see that. He looks like the kind of guy you'd see sneaking off with a twink at a gay bar and then crying himself to sleep after getting a blowjob in a hotel.

See the thing is that I view gender dysphoria like autism. These people may not be neurotypical but that doesn't make them sick.

They need to push away from that, like fags. If they don't when conservative values come back they will be refused fancy meds and instead actually treated for their disorder. You don't cut limbs of people with body dysphoria in any but the most dire circumstances. They need to made to see that those feelings are just that, and maladaptive to boot.

Yeah I can buy that. I bet that's why he's trying to hide his emails so badly, probably bunch of gay shit from his twinks.

Yeah. It boggles my mind when a facebook friend posted this as a symbol of trans rights like dude do you READ THE COMIC.

Which makes how people are using these people as political footballs all the more abominable.

They need HELP.

You can 'see' things all you like. You probably know little enough about autism too. Some auties are genuinely fucked and nothing you can do will normalise them. The best you can hope for is a reduction in violent and destructive behaviour. They are sick and you are naive.

Don't even fucking play.

Pence legitimately thinks that if two gays are in love then that completely invalidates his marriage.

I mean I can view this growth on my arm as a beauty mark but if a doctor tells me its skin cancer I'm gonna go with his call there.

IIRC, several actual transexual people have asked him/her/xer to stop making the comic because it makes them look bad

>they are sick.
Just like how people with dyslexia or color blindness are sick. That's why I'm against those glasses that corrects vision


>implying not
>loads less illegals to vote
>less media spin on the next election
>felons more effectively screened from voting
>for years for things to normalise and lefties to see that every thing is better now
>4 years of hard left playing gender and race wars with PC labels alienating white men and now women (after their voting numbers), and soon to be hispanic legals (after their voting numbers and attitudes)
Get keen mate. It has only just begun.

>But most people simply can't accept they are abnormal because they feel it makes them less than human.

To be fair, there's still a lot of stigma around trans people that doesn't help with that.

When a lot of people talk about wanting to feel 'normal', they generally mean they want to feel 'accepted'.

Now, at the same time, I understand why it's a shock to a lot of people's systems when someone they know comes out as trans.

Really, as hippie as at sounds, what we need is a little understanding and kindness.

>everything is better now.
Getting ahead of ourselves aren't we?


Gender Dysphoria is the brain screaming that the body it senses is not what should be there. It's a constant low level noise persisting through life. It's not about gender titles or roles, though some individuals can get the two conflated as the same thing someone who experiences Dysphoria would NOT be okay with their body. The comic is just a spastic kid that wants to be called a girl while in a boy's body. They aren't trans.

One reason why diagnosis and treatment is SUPPOSED to be so strict is precisely to filter out the kind of people who are just disgruntled with their presumed societal role but don't actually hate their body.

The important thing is to understand that being ill is not a reason the individual is less of a person for it. The fact people are repulsed by admitting an illness is an illness is a symptom of people who can't reconcile that being ill does not equal being less deserving of rights and respect.

Hello armchair medical professional. I assure you decades of research, going back further than anyone in this thread was born, is more valid than your two seconds of thought on the subject. The very fact it's considered an illness is the only reason such drastic measures are allowed in the first place.

Right well the medical establishment views the cure to gender dysphoria as just letting them be trans.

>sensory issue/ problem with a nerve at best
That is not even remotely similar. You're just making sweeping connections, likely because you aren't able to understand how wildly different the mechanics and repurcussions of the two sets of conditions differ from each other.

Holy fuck

How can you possibly think that? No matter what stance you take on how they should be treated, these people have a life-ruining problem that needs a lot of outside help to be fixed.

Well yeah, but right now the best way to treat it, is by changing the body.

>russian agression down
>stock up
No. Just the Russian cold war defusing is enough to justify that statement.

>arm chair
You'd fucking wish. Just because my opinion is different from yours doesn't mean you can slide it off the table. Tell me, given that you started the dick measuring, what medical education have you received or are you just a tranny looking to feel better?
>decades of research
You mean like those first studies where the researcher molested the subjects and even after getting married in their 'assumed' gender they still killed themselves. Don't talk big expecting people not to know enough to call you out if you're going to lie so blatantly.There are a LOT of risks associated and getting a sex change doesn't make it all better. Pretending they are the gender doesn't help them understand they aren't. You disgust me and if you are in the medical industry you shouldn't be allowed to work with clients.

I mean, they do.
To say say that you're a woman at heart just because you like penis invalidates homosexuals. Homosexuality and transexuality can't really coexist, and it's not hard to see why people think the one that's about changing yourself is less healthy than the one about accepting yourself.

>Look at me, I can quote one rotten study as a means of throwing out decades of other legitimate research!

Right back at you. I hope you aren't the one in medical professions or you're going to fucking kill someone through confirmation bias.

It does little positive and creates a culture where the action is normalised (and worse fetishised like other mental conditions in groups like the hard left see: tumblr). Treatment for agrophobia isn't to buy them a nicer house. You're talking rubish that has NO scientific, theraputic or ethical scruples.

I mean its a bit more complicated than that; some trans people can be helped with therapy, some need conversion. But I never said "no they should not be allowed to be trans", I said that the current policy of shoving these people in the limelight and treating them like homosexuals when their situation is very different is ultimately detrimental to their cause.

Its a different situation that requires different handling and I think the current political environment is leading to shit like this comic.

Just like everything else, it's only oppressive when cis-het white men do it.

>the Russian cold war
That's rather dramatic.

>Russian aggression down.
Like who actually gave a fuck about Russia? What the fuck is russia gonna do?

He got everything else right, though- especially this part:
>4 years of hard left playing gender and race wars with PC labels alienating white men and now women (after their voting numbers), and soon to be hispanic legals (after their voting numbers and attitudes.
The dems will have to WIN. My vote back. I won't be using it otherwise.

America isn't a baltic state, we have no reason to fear russian aggression.

That's not Tumblr.

Tumblr as a comic would just be furry dickgirl porn.

>he got everything else right.
Did he tho?

He forgot to mention the part where we're going to hit an economic depression due to trade sanctions with China


thinking the Democrats will be in any organization to field a candidate in 2020.

Is this Moon Over June for transsexuals?

Arguing wont help.
It sank the ship this time and will only drive it down further next time.
Kiss my ass to get my vote. I'm not even kidding.
Start now. It is going to take all 4 years. At least.

Here's the thing. What makes you think the left is gonna stop with identity politics when identity politics just won the Republicans the white house?

>confirmation bias
Yeah because research with political leanings is SO fucking reliable and objective. Further rather than cherry picking I cited foundational research. Lets remember that's one more citation than you've made AND for the record there's just as much evidence or more showing the issues associtated with dysphoria. Politicising it and normalising it is not the key to treating it.
Not if you listen to how they were framing things and how Clinton was discussing the situation. Not at all

Kill all of you if worse came to worse. Of course, you could kill them too but is that really a trade you want to make?

When you're funding poltical coups in Ukrane, bogging them with economic sanctions, attacking their alllied government in Syria and threatening to take out their plans who are attacking ISIS you are courting their aggression. They have better nukes even if you have a defense system now. Not clever

>arguing won't help.
I disagree.