Anyone else notice a social media push lately to equate the alt-right and SJWs as being the same thing?
Anyone else notice a social media push lately to equate the alt-right and SJWs as being the same thing?
Because they are?
Bcuz they are
They pretty much are
Oh of course a nigger is posting this
I would say the equivalent of SJWs are MGTOW rather than the alt-right
If I had to guess, and this is me going out on a limb here, it's because they are.
Your picture is of a Stormfaggot actually. Alt-right believes in racial equality and likes that fag Milo and such.
>implying Sup Forums gives a shit about palestine
It should probably say that both hate Israel.
Thanks for supervising the thread.
*tips hat*
this le alt right meme is really taking off now aint it
No, haven't noticed that at all. Especially not from SJWs.
You should, David Duke supports Palestine as does pic related, an actual neo-nazi leader in Hungary
Both are fat losers who will never accomplish anything due to their radical beliefs and rampant mental illness.
So yeah, they are similar
It's just an extension of "fence sitters are edgy", where you disavow everything and all sides to appear above it all
is that the best you can do?
Go home Froghurt, you're drunk.
see Is that the best you could do?
dumb faggots have been doing it for years
If I was a Jew, how would I commercialize the "alt-right" into something profitable? I would say the main difference right now is that there isn't really a market for the "alt-right". I would only equate them once people start making consumer goods targeted directly towards the "alt-right".
Just remember that for every Jew acting shocked and concerned, there is another Jew rubbing his hands together trying to think of a way to make money from a new source of suckers.
He would create a news website and fill it full of alt right garbage, and feature stories from cancerous people and laughably innacurate polls showing alt right "success"
>american education
Greeks are know for yogurt, not South Africans.
>implying "you have to be either a basement dwelling neckbeard or a triggered SJW"
go fuck yourself faggot and learn to think critically
Set up a website and tell t-shirts, trinkets, books, neo-nazi "music", that sort of shit. In other words, what they're doing now.
You've given me something to think about burgerbro.
The alt right doesn't exist.
Holy shit, why are the 14 year old redditors pushing this meme so hard?
Do you have any idea how much damage this can do?
>meme magic is being used against us
The alt-right is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a racist, homophobe, misogynist, bigot, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him alt-right and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
>Alt-right believes in racial equality
wtf I hate the alt-right now
Thank you for Correcting the Record cancuck! You're a real hero!
So different.
Too bad one of these bases their arguments on facts and the other bases their arguments on hypothetical scenarios
Yeah, now that I think about it at least feminism is grounded on reality and actual struggle unlike larping neo-nazi's.
I'd love to say they aren't, but they are. Sup Forums's boogeymen right now are "shills" and "CTR."
They shout these so they don't have to argue a point, just like liberals call someone a bigot or a racist.
how can a ideologue be insincere
it's an oxymoron
Sup Forums is satire
>Canadian """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""humour"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Maybe beause they literally fucking are.
reddit's had /r/stormfrontorsjw for like 2 years now
Wtf is alt right anyway? Non-liberal Americans that aren't that way due to being older, religious, etc?
This term seemed to have crawled out from the earth and is being used to an obnoxious degree, even for /pol. Like a giant cicada swarm of bullshit.
Because they basically are. Both are autistic rejects who should really hatefuck each other already.
It's a tribal desire to keep out the outsiders, a replacement for the old "newfag" or "redditfag". Words that do come close to the same kind of ideology-shaming by the left is the "cuck" and "nu-male" meme.
>Sup Forums is one person
>Hey goy! Aren't you guys as bad as those you critisize??
OP is retarded. The alt right is a collection of men (and some women #NotAll) who have been told by society that they are no longer welcome.
Decent honourable men, fuck off. Fathers fuck off, ect...
>Men exist and have preferences RREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
It's true. I've been saying this shit for a while.
The Alt Right suffers from the same severe lack of personal responsibility that SJWs suffer from.
They both have an obsession with making excuses for being uncompetitive lazy faggots. They both blame others and society for their own personal failings. It could be a disorder that this generation specifically suffers from, but there are clear similarities. In my mind they are basically the same whiny uncompetitive faggots.
>implying horseshoe theory is a thing
Also South Park syndrome
>Only us fence-sitters are the true, enlightened individuals. We know the most out of all you opinionated losers
Right-leaning individuals believe in hard work, merit-first, honour, traditional values. The NEET aspect is for faggots, if you don't have a job, you don't deserve to post mocking the degenerates, the underbelly of society.
>Stormfaggot, boogeyman Jew
Same forces that subverted the alt-right have subverted this board into nu-Sup Forums.
>there are neo-nazis who call people "degenerates" on Sup Forums when they spend their day shitposting about Jews and niggers on a Chinese cartoon forum instead of starting a white family
really makes you think
>yeah motherfuckers, im Neutral, everyone but me is fucking stupid!!!!
"A sure sign of ineptitude and malice is manifested
when one's attacker is willing to cover himself with mud
in order to try and make some of it adhere to his target."
(Christopher Hitchens)
>you are either an hypocrite neo-nazi or a SJW feminazi
wew lad
You mean the capitalists running the cemetery right?
>polish turkroach
>talking about other people's education