>Trump on Watters World 9/3/16
>Trump speaks in Detroit black church 9/3/16
>Carson @ Detroit redpills CNN 9/3/16
>Trump Rally in Wilmington OH 9/1/16
>Trump at American Legion Convention OH 9/1/16
>Trump on NBC Phily 9/2/16
Text TRUMP to 88022 or get the Official "AMERICA FIRST" app for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer
>Trump Playlist
>Trump Imigration Speech in Phoenix AZ 8/31/16
>Trump visits Mexico 8/31/16
>Trump Rally in Everett WA 8/30/16
>Trump at Ride&Roast in IA 8/27/16
>Trump Rally in Manchester, NH 8/25/16
>Trump Rally in Jackson, MS 8/24/16
>Trump on NBC4 9/1/16
>Eric on F&F 9/2/16
>Trump on Laura Ingraham show 9/1/16
>Trump on Orly (Bolling host) 9/1/16
>TrumpTrain: Louisiana
>The 45th President
>Trump Ad #2 - shillary's america
>Trump Ad #1 - Two Americas
>Trump in 5 minutes or less
>Trump Triumphant
>American Hero
>Trump cares about YOU
Other urls found in this thread:
First for awoo~
DRUMPF has been rejected by every single president who is still among the living
DRUMPF is the only candidate in decades to have someone not endorse their nominee at their party's convention
DRUMPF is widely hated by Republicans, with hundreds of big-name Republicans opposing him
DRUMPF is the only presidential candidate to be rejected by the Pope
DRUMPF has been considered a threat to national security by the department of homeland security
DRUMPF has over 1,500 federal lawsuits
DRUMPF as been accused of rape
DRUMPF has flip-flopped numerous times on every single one of his key positions
DRUMPF has disrespected veterans
DRUMPF has filed for bankruptcy 7 times
DRUMPF has tweeted blatantly false statistics to promote racist propaganda
DRUMPF has hired illegals to do his work
DRUMPF has lied about Muslims to stir up unnecessary Islamophobia
DRUMPF has scammed people and discriminated against blacks with his own buildings
DRUMPF licks the boots of dictators and it was revealed that he keeps books by Hitler at his bedside
Yet you guys still support him and call Hillary the "crooked" one? So pathetic how delusional you Drumpfkins are. Look forward to seeing your tears this November!
nth for America First, slogan of our great grandfathers.
Take this, friend. You'll need it.
Nth for McCarthy was right
6th for meme magic
Now shut up fag
The highest rated chessplayer in the world is a Trump fan
>"I'm a big fan of Donald Trump. He just shoots from the hip. It's so fun to listen to."
>His manager then jumps in, "I hope you understand the irony here."
>"What irony?" Carlsen replies, laughing.
>"Trump is incredibly good at finding the opponent's weaknesses. He just talks about how the other candidates are stupid or smell bad. There should be more of this in chess."
When asked about politics he says:
>"In my country, everything is dominated by political correctness. I obviously have my own political opinions, but there are a lot of people who wouldn't like them. They might heavily criticize me if I spoke up."
He's so alpha he made the pope apologize to him over that whole thing.
(The Unauthorized) TRUMP NIGHTLY NEWS
>>>MORNINGReminds Jake Clinton campaign were orig. ‘birthers’
>>Told Mex. Pres. they didn't want to discuss payment of the wall
>>Wanted to focus on common ground
>>>Trade w China
>>>Illegal immigration
>>Trump doesn't want ‘mass deportations’ (never did)
>Pence on Cuck Todd MTP
>>Reminds Todd that Clinton wanted to build the wall
>>Todd wants to know where The Eleven Million go
>>For a later date (when Ill. Imm. Is controlled)
>>P: “Roosevelt said, when on the world stage, US should walk softly and carry a big stick”
>>P: Trump walked softly in Mex
>>No word on size of stick (Ivana claims large)
>Debate mod, Wallace (to Ben Carson): Do you worry that you're being used as a prop for black voters?
>>Ben: Dems are scared to lose their base
>Bernie: Hillary should cut connection with Clinton Foundation, SHUT IT DOWN
>Diddy on Sharpton “show”
>>blacks have been “shortchanged” by Obama
>>in ‘16 ”we [blacks] should hold our vote…they need to come get it”
>NEWS: CNN pressured Dr. Drew to retract statements after questioning H Health
>>>AFTERNOON$2,700 buys a question from your child
>>$10,000 buys a family photo
>HRC says she'll visit Mexico “at the appropriate time”
>>>EVENINGSen Jeff Flake is weak (SAD!)
>>H is getting out of bed to campaign
>>”why did she hammer 13 devices and acid-wash e-mails?”
>>To blacks: dems have failed you
>>”I will fix it, VOTE ’T’”
>>>POLLSMorning Con: USA,C+2
At least Fuckerberg's plan to control all of Africa's Internet has been delayed. Thank you Trump Curse
>Democrats claim to be peaceful
>Democrats claim to be compassionate
>Democrats claim to be against war
>Democrats claim to support Islam
And yet the person they support is a psychopathic maniac killer
Every time you reply to a shill, a muslim gets into the US.
You guys embraced the Alt-Right™ label yet?
Come on, Sup Forums, we need our own identity!
I actually setup a sensor with a sprinkler connected to a tank full of super-smelly liquid
Whittaker Chambers was right.
Joe McCarthy was wrong.
Get it straight.
Something about chess just makes people right wing.
>the 4d chess meme is real
What do you think Bobby Fischer would think of Trump?
What are the chances democrats rig voting machines on election day?
True points are positives not negatives, the rest are lies.
>Bill Clinton hanging with Beyoncé and Jay-Z
nice Mark Burns you got there
Yes indeed but beware Hilary has turned into a Harry Potterish demonic looking sperm that sucks the souls out of Americans.
I hope the bullshit the democrats have been using to scare and divide blacks fucks them over. I'd laugh myself to death if all the anti cop/anti establishment stuff they've been pushing on blacks bites them in the ass.
It's so sad that Joe keeps shilling this
He's a pathetic husk of a human being
just watch this instead
Joe is Joe
Here you go, user.
Is this good content anons?
Hillary is literally every reason not to vote for a politician all rolled into one person. But wait, there's more:
-She was a lawyer who defended a rapist and laughed at the plight of the 12 year old rape victim
-She was fired from the Watergate investigation for lying and being unethical
-She lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary
-She lied throughout her Whitewater scandal
-She lied about taking "sniper fire" when visiting the Balkans during 90s
-She lied about Benghazi
-She lied throughout her email scandal and continues to lie about it
-She lied about being broke after leaving the White House
-She described blacks as being "super-predators"
-She hired a VP of Goldman-Sachs to be her 2016 campaign manager.
-She received millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs for speaking engagements
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup, and UBS
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from China, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Qatar, and the UAE
-She supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Turkey
-She voted for the Patriot Act twice
-She was "adamantly against illegal immigration" before she was for it
-She was opposed to gay marriage before she was for it
-She approved the sale of US uranium to Russian nuclear corporations in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her "charity"
-She gave out eight Secretary of State's Awards for Corporate Excellence, and seven were to corporations that donated millions to her "charity"
As much as I love that meme, we can't go full lefty delusion.
The current (((pope))) will apologize for anything. He's kissed the feet of Mudshit rapefugees that have probably beheaded Christians.
very likely
It's his drumpf.
I think it's more likely Obama will false flag a reason to institute martial law.
Well, they're both very likely.
What's a question no Hillary supporter is able to answer?
GRU-IDF pls go
>mfw Hillary brings Brian Wu on stage to talk about the alt-right and Gamergate
>screeches about the frogs
this isn't as far fetched as it sounds. shows you how powerful social media movements actually are.
>people might actually pay attention at what happens at the polling stations
Reminder that this is already a story they're pushing.
In case you all missed it, Joe just BTFO of Amnesty Don
Oh god please, bring Sup Forums back into fold.
That whole thing was the pope trying to influence things in the US. Then he promptly remembered that a plurality of Americans are protestant and that even Roman catholics here don't want to the pope butting in to American politics
Why the hammer?
Anybody have any (((CNN))) articles or anything about them talking shit on Angel Mothers? Need to send it to a friend to show the hypocrisy.
>Name one of Hillary Clinton's stances on anything.
is kill?
Damn... that reminds me of the time Joes BTFO of Amnesty Don.
I don't know how Wu does it, he always seems to gets top access.
His parents hold some political sway, maybe?
This. I asked my family this several times; they always dodged the question.
Looks like it.
Name a single one of her policies.
Usually I get something like this:
>Well, she's a Democrat, and Democrats are the good guys because X
im back if you guys have any more questions
They're really bringing in Gamergate?
What a bunch of morons.
I understand where his calculus politically, but operating by that shit doesn't fly when you're the fucking Pope.
Your job description is literally to be God's representative on Earth and the defender of Christendom and its values.
Don't get me wrong, the first year of his papacy was pure PR genius and gave him carte blanche to do whatever he wanted.
Unfortunately, what he decided to do was fall in love with his PC image that kept the Marxist fedora media off his back.
Oliver is a fucking monster of a cuck, but I'm pretty sure he'd never actually sink as low as to let that bitch on his show.
Selling a hotel to the Saudi gov't isn't the same as selling favors to Saudis.
Wasn't GamerGate just a bunch of feminists bitching about how video games are sexist?
It's not hard to BTFO multicultists.
The research and evidence is there but they keep up their feel good anti white agenda anyway
No, those are the enemies of GG.
>It has been stated that Trump is "racist" because of his comments about Mexicans and Muslims. But neither of these are races, so how is Trump considered a racist?
Can any Hillary supporter even answer this?
We got them Sup Forums
They're changing gears to focus on internet shit like Alt right and GG.
They're going to neglect blacks and other communities while Trump gets them
They're so fucking stupid, holy shit. They think targeting us instead of normal people will help them.
Am I making sense?
GG was just Sup Forums (and later Sup Forums because of butthurt mods) looking at the dirty secrets of the media.
SJWs and commies got very upset their shit was exposed.
boat 4 hilary plees
I think it was a bunch of feminists publishing powerpoint presentations as 'games' and the video game reviewing media lapping it up like it was the best thing there ever was
Didn't he literally speak at the UN? This could be a thing.
this thread needs more lewd holding hands bumps
Can this election get anymore insane?
>tfw hillary's campaign is imploding
>implying there aren't tons of Sup Forumsirgin's here
Trump is the only reason I ever started coming to Sup Forums. Though I'll probably stay after the election.
Yes, but don't worry, she was a norma.
Yup. Prepare to defend the Emporer's flank.
user, you say that as if you have a choice of leaving
>Trump has been rejected by the status quo, the post.
You convinced me user, I'm voting TRUMP
That was some other anti-GG hag
whats a norma
How does everybody feel about Anita Sarkeesian? Even though she's nuts, I don't hate her, and actually liked her videos on tropes (mostly because it's an overused trope).
Cant wait for the day eugenics isn't a bad word and we can get qt blonde blue eyes asian girls with soft pale skin
I'm too fucking drunk for this.
>Sup Forums tries to put an end to the buying of reviews in video game media
>media tries to say that gamers and gamergaters are sexist
>turns into sjw vs anti-sjw
>rejected by presidents
You mean those globalist crypto-kikes? Good.
>no endorsement at convention
Cruz is a slimeball. I agree with him on almost all issues, and I'd still never trust him. I wouldn't want his fucking endorsement.
>big-name Republicans hate him
Good. Too many Republicans have left their conservative values behind in the name of globalism and worthless "party unity".
>rejected by the Pope
That's debatable. The Pope just seems skeptical about Trump, since he's not exactly well-informed in the realm of politics. I'm Catholic myself, and I can say that many of us would prefer if he'd keep his political opinions to himself.
>considered a threat to national security
You mean by the crew of sycophants that King Nigger hand-picked after purging all of the advisors who weren't sucking his proverbial dick? Oh no, whatever will Donald do without their support?
>over 1,500 lawsuits
I don't give a shit. They have no bearing on his political philosophy.
Oh yeah, I'm sure that'll be a conviction.
Good goy, believe those "facts" pushed by the MSM.
He dissed McCain once, in retaliation for McCain's remarks about him. McCain had it coming. Trump has always been pro-veteran and has made reform of the VA a key issue while Clinton thinks everything at the VA is peachy.
>bankruptcy 7 times
You mean 4, and those were restructurings of a single company. The were also lauded as brilliant business decisions.
>tweeted false statistics
The intent behind the statistics was clear. It's not racist to point out that there are problems in black communities.
>hired illegals
He delegated employment to his subordinates, who let a few illegals slip in. It's practically impossible to avoid when liberals fight so hard for illegals to stay and drag down wages.
>lied about Muslims
He never lied. The Mohammedans are a threat to the West.
>scammed and discriminated
More media lies and distortions.
>likes dictators and Hitler
Please come again.