Have you started naming the Jew in real life, yet? Step up, y'all.
Naming the Jew
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Yes, all of the time
Are you some kind of anti-semite?
all the jews in my phone have ((()))
Most jews are wonderful people and some are even sustaining members of the alt-right. There is absolutely no reason to name the Jew.
How do you expect me to have a conversation after posting a tongue like that?
I named my son.
I'm a jew btw
His name is Lucifer
tis muh fetish
Who's this cute boy
>name the Jew to my dad
>starts telling me how he read mein kampf when he was younger
>starts telling me about my grandpa who fought in North Africa in WW2 and how he had his doubts about the "evil nazi" narrative and Jewish death tolls in post war years
I guess I come from a line of this shit.
Quality numerals
Praise Kek
never met a jew irl
Tongues and uvulas are pretty hot desu. Want some OC?
Do you think having a tongue that long would interfere with eating?
Yes at work in the lunch room. An anti trump media piece came on and I said a bit too loudly 'fuckin kike controlled media saying more lies about trump.'
Lucky I work in a factory of 99% men
I mentioned Soros and the Rothschilds and what not to a friend of mine, apparently I kicked something in because he's been researching all kinds of conspiracy theories ever since
Wow, really? I've been surrounded by Jews my entire life. There has always been some Jew who has had a special relationship with me, whether it was a best friend or roommate or family friend of my parents or academic advisor I was close with, my entire life. I attract Jews for some reason. I have hard time believing they make up such a tiny portion of the general population, but statistics are statistics.
I've lived in the Deep South my entire life, which is another odd thing about it.
Yes, every day. All day. The reason Jews make racism towards blacks tabboo is because hating Jews is cool. You can literally make fun of Jews all day at work and never get in trouble. One joke about a nigger and you're fired. They did it to themselves, it's a double edged sword.
Literally called my Italian boss and Italian Jew for saving all the pennies he found outside of work. Told him to get his Jew Jar out and pocket away his shekels or else he might have a Koshur Seizure. Everyone laughing all day. Fuck Jews, don't be afraid to make fun of them.
In fact they are also the biggest cucks. If you see a Jewish couple walk up to the woman and flirt the shit out of her. I did this a few times and the man just gets angrier and angrier. Bottling up with rage. I even slipped my number to one right in front of the Rat and all he could so is shake in his Jewish boots.
Can somebody please buy this patriot a snack.
I don't give a fuck anymore
Can we talk about my waifu in OPs post instead?
How much money did she make from Trigun
The teachers/professors in high school and college I was closest to were Jews. My friends in high school and college I was closest to were Jews, both girls and guys. The family friends my mom is closest to are Jews. My current roommate is a blonde-hair, blue-eyed Jew. Some stranger I ran into at a festival this summer and let me camp with him is a Jew. There are many more such examples.
I didn't even think about them being Jews until I came on Sup Forums. What the fuck is going on here?
Do you know something about this semen demon?
Yep. Pretty funny once you realize if you don't act like a racist bigot and just find those who know.
Also try to understand the majority of working minorities are just like you. It's the ones with the victim complex just like white people.
>Also try to understand the majority of working minorities are just like you. It's the ones with the victim complex just like white people.
thatll happen if minorities thought the same
I have a great uncle who was held in a camp after he got shot down over Germany (same one from Hogans Heroes incidentally). He killed himself 5 years after the war, I really want to ask my grandpa if he knew why.
Yes, absolutely. It starts with someone wondering why shit X happens and I ask them to look up who is behind it. They find entity Y with person Z, which in most cases is jewish.
In most cases this relates to immigration, perversion of justice and terrible music and entertainment in general.
Fucking jews, kill them all.
we /tongue/ now?
>tfw too scared to admit I meme IRL incase (((the powers that be))) have enough to prosecute me on illegal memes in the future
Tiernen Edge
Then you don't stand for your beliefs in the memes then.
Check em
>hook up with some beak nise broad
>turns out she is a jew
>like menorahs all over the house and shit
>has a nazi uniform
>asks me to wear it and spank her
>hope there are no hidden cameras that can haunt me if I ever run for public office in the distant future
>bang her very rough
Come next weekend, we bang again. No uniform this time. Just rough sex.
Now it gets interesting
>bang again
>her parents come home the next morning
>kek meet me in my undies
>first time theu see me is in bed with their daughter
>are acting happy about it
>turns out she was a carpet muncher for years and finally started dating men
>2nd bf
>tell them my name
>"oy vey, user, that's a very typical jew name Marty"
>nod and agree, let them think whatever
>kek all the way driving home
Ive made it Sup Forums. Seriously they want me to marry the girl just for grandkids and want to pay for everything.
agreed, i think a lot of jews are based it's just the ones who are in the wealthy elite who are fucked, also the ones who buy into the elitist jewish meme that looks down on goyims, in israel alot of the new generation don't buy into that from what i'm told
Semen demon. Balljuice all over dat face.
>Not into tongues
Implying you wouldnt let Larkin Love swallow you whole
you're in bro, take it all
I don't think there's a single red-blooded male who would disagree with you
Do it faggot, redpill your jewess and get her to bring them down from the inside
>hook up with some beak nise broad
>turns out she is a jew
>like menorahs all over the house and shit
>has a nazi uniform
>asks me to wear it and spank her
>hope there are no hidden cameras that can haunt me if I ever run for public office in the distant future
>bang her very rough
That might have just made my top 20
Go away JIDF.
i told my boss to stop talking to me jewishly one time
he laughed
>marrying for the memes
Might as well.
I do it quite a bit.
>When it's literally Jews and bring it up matter of factly
I do all the time. One of my best buddies is a jew, gotta dish out the bants. He sells firearms in exchange for sheckels for a living though so he's cool in my book.
same. There's a jew in my group of friends who looks pretty white and uses that as an excuse for "jews are white"
You all should switch roles during the roleplay.
When everyone thinks you're just a sarcastic liberal, the sky's the limit.
I constantly tell my friends that Soros is the king Jew, that faggots need to shut the fuck up, that we should have electric bleachers instead of electric chairs, joke about Tennessee wind chimes, all that shit. No one's ever taken me to task for being offensive, since they all assume I agree with them.
I would try to impregnate her face
she burns the coal though :-/
Marty, im guessing you have very feminine features, no?
they're never perfect unfortunately
>tfw had a chance with qt goth when I was in highschool but I blew it
All the time. I work for a bank and it's a constant source of lols.
you can always try to get one now
yo what the fuk mang
My best friend is a Jew.
P.s. I'm not actually joking.
I'd love to but they're all SJWs now
Fucking this. I watched my entire friend group go through this phase of goth > emo > hardcore > SJW
My group of friends all became stoners and dropped out of highschool. I stayed and finished it.
They all have jobs and families now and I'm an unemployed loner.
Life is a funny thing.
would get a snake-tongue blowjob from
Yeah, people either think I'm just joking or I'm completely insane.
Good job, Marty.
Every time.
Imagine when she gets old and turns into a wrinkly old hag with a forked tongue. None of the children on the block will want to visit her even when she bribes them with candy, because she's terrifying to look at. All the younger folk will shake their heads as the stagnating loneliness eventually drives her insane and essentially turns her into a witch who, two more years down the road, will be arrested by police for the double-homicide of two children in what is perceived to be a ritual blood sacrifice to Moloch.
I'm a Brit of Pakistani heritage and my mosque names the Jew all the time. They oppress or brothers in Palestine by occupying their land with their racist apartheid state. Zionism is defended by practically every major news outlet an most politicians are in the pocket of Zionist organisations.
This is completely true. You can say whatever you want if you're established as the likeable ironic edgy guy.
I could respect what your mosque was doing if you lads weren't raping and trafficking British children all the time.
So when are you going back?
>british flag
>my mosque
Sounds about right.
Not in general, but I did to my parents
Got sick of them watching pravda tier news and loudly blaring out dumb opinions
I had to break off some knowledge for them
I have. Everyone thinks I'm racist
Gtfo pedo mudslime pos
pure coincidence.
Everyone i see is categorized, indexed, and logged.
>Sup Forums doing anything IRL
Might as well live in israel, dude
Agreed user. Also remember to vote for the left to really show those kikes.
>Control world
>Brilliantly execute the most complex conspiracies in human history
>Only opposed by sand niggers and autistic neckbeards on a pedophilia board
Why are Jews so much superior to goys, Sup Forums?
And nobody responded to you because now they think you're a retarded social loser. Congratulations m8, you're likely a casual hire too considering what you wrote so I wouldn't get too comfy at your job if I were you.
Sure but that is a point even "redpilled" people here stay away. They are fine with railing against arabs and Islam as well as the government but if you Name (((them))) they go back to Full cuck Mode and go muh shame of my grandparents
Mere pawns.a lot of Irish are Liberals, liberals are the preferred pawns of Jews.
Thx shappiro Israel nationalist.
Yes. Though only ever whatever brand of Jew stands for something that the person I'm talking to dislikes.
If it's a Marxist sjw, I'll let them know how wealthy Jews were the primary movers in the North American slave trade and how they strong-armed the UN and ignored its mandates so they could oppress muh poor Muslims and Palestinians.
If the person is Conservative, I'll riddle them a watered-down tale of the accessible points in Sup Forums research about the Marxist Jews' role in social justice, Communism, job outsourcing, and self-hating nihilism in academia.
Never call out Jews as a whole as a fifth column, the indoctrination is as yet too strong to do that.
I don't have a problem with Jews, especially ones with loooong tongues
>start of 2013
>Work at chipotle
>Manager talks about black dicks on a daily basis
>dates a black guy every other month
>has two little mullato shit stains from two different men, one is in prison, the other ran off
>st0nk indapendant single mother
>around the time i discovered Sup Forums
>tries to convince my qt3.14 coworker (full blooded irish exchange student) to "try out" a black guy while being drunk in some get together
>Irish girl tells me about this, and is kinda freaked out
>Tell her that she is probably some filthy Jew
>Irish girl giggles and says I sound like her dad
>few months later I quit
>find out manager was full blooded Jewish, but changed her name when she married the prison coon.
>>Work at chipotle
I'm sorry.
it was not bad, no different than HS in terms of cringy liberalism.
>I'm a Brit
No, you're not. There will never be "Brits of Pakistani heritage" you dirty inbred Arab. Brits are exclusively descendants of islander tribes. YOU are a guest here, no matter how many years your ancestors have been coasting off our first world quality of life and benefits.
trips of truth
I'm in newspapers. One time, this Jewish editor who was a subordinate refused to deliver both sides of an Israel-Palestine debate in his section. I told him "just do your fucking job, dude."
He went to my boss, who called me in and was like "he told me to JUST DO MY JOB. REALLY?"
Looked at him with a blank stare and said "yeah, do your job. what's wrong with telling you to do that?"
He backed down and nothing came of it. Fuck that guy.
learn some german words and ask her if she wants some ficki ficki aka "ficken" "bumsen" "vögeln" and if she likes it hot wink wink t.HANZZ al almani
Dü bist ein cück.