Can someone please convince me it's rigged? I can't sleep at night anymore

Can someone please convince me it's rigged? I can't sleep at night anymore

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It's not Hillary is ahead in the polls but what have learn't from all the elections here on Sup Forums? that the polls don't mean shit if the other side gets out and votes.


Freeeee falllllin....

All the trumpshills said the polls were rigged???

A Trump presidency would be hilarious. Probably better than GW Bush as far as "Mr. President said/did something stupid again today" goes.

Why the fuck is the "now" on the left? do they think people are so stupid they won't notice its a downward trend?

Obama doubled the debt, quit acting like he's the adult in the room.

Yeah Trump would have a lot of fuckups, they would be Obama's fault though.

>still higher favorables than Trump

>telling the truth

dumbass canuck


except she's actually a fair bit lower than trump on favorability now

Bush Jr. was a colossal fuck up.

Obama took the shitshow he was left with and massively improved it.

Yeah his social politics suck but economically and internationally he has been a huge improvement.

Hmmm. There's a few polls missing from that list. Rasmussen is missing. Quinnipiac is too. So is the Reuters poll that shows Trump ahead by 1 point.

wew lad

Trump -23
Madam President -14

Look at the polls for EVERY STATE that Bernie won against Hillary

The polls were off by 20-60 points




without fail he always shows up kek


the triggering continues

What if this is actually Trudeau who shits up these threads?

not an argument

What if it is?


Ya know those job numbers are massively inflated because full time and part time jobs are counted the same? We've lost full time jobs that actually pay for a good life, and now people are working multiple part time jobs for less than the single full time they once had, and no benefits. But it looks like more on paper!

He just admitted Hillary is a shit candidate, she can barley pull a few points ahead of Donald

Someone like Rand Paul would eat this cunt alive in the polls

95% Obama job creation has been full time actually.

>Lincoln was a Republican

Only reason that complete embarrassment had a chance at becoming President was because of a Republican. Who was assassinated by..... Democrats.

>posting this same graph every time someone mentions Obama in a negative light
>even when, time and time again, it is proven to be complete shit
How did Canada become even worse than Australia was?

Aww he loves his drama teacher faggot. That's cute.

Internal polls have Trump flipping OR, MI, NH and WI, with close results in PA and VA.


>sample size 90% democrat, 9% independent, 1% republican, 100% san francisco

I can't prove the polls are "rigged" but I can remind you that the methodology they use is deeply flawed. They poll only "likely voters". And they define a "likely voter" as someone who voted in the last election. Now think about that. That includes millions of blacks who voted for Obama for no other reason than that he's black, you know it, and I know it. It also included tons of Bernie types who liked, or at least tolerated Obama, but dislike Hillary. Think they're all going to turnout for Hillary in Nov.? That's what the media and polling companies want you to believe. Don't believe it.

Meanwhile, Trump set the all time record for voter turnout in the Republican primaries. And everyone of us knows at least one person who never voted before, or hasn't in many years, but is voting this time because Trump.

Polls don't capture turnout, and that is why you almost never see the media talking about turnout. Turnout is everything. It's easy to pick up your phone and answer a few questions, and say you prefer Hillary over Trump if your arm is twisted, but it's another thing altogether to be motivated enough to show up to vote. And most Hillary "supporters" hate her only slightly less than they hate Trump. They're not all going to show up.

Shills will shit on these facts, but they remain facts. And we all know it.

>>posting this same graph every time someone mentions Obama in a negative light

This was positive though.

I always really liked that Bush Sr.'s vp was the dumb clod that put his foot in his mouth, then his son and vp completely switched roles on that note.

that feel when you realize maybe that pinko Chomsky knew what he was talking about when he wrote Manufacturing Consent

Blacks shoulden't vote what is your point

Nice argument :)

2015 median household income data comes out this month

you better pray to christ it goes up


Hillary has a penis?
Welp I guess Obama wasn't the first gay president after all.

can someone actually explain to me how this graph works/how do i read it?

just wait till she locks this motherfucker up

It's just one faggot though, he's always lurking then dumps the folder. I wish Sup Forums would stop eating the b8.

Full-time, yet low-wage. The percentage of low wage jobs vs. medium wage jobs practically switched after the recession. Medium wage jobs used to be the bulk of the workforce but now low paying jobs are. Medium wage jobs are now as uncommon as high-wage jobs.



The y axis is the percentage of voters
That's pretty much all you need to know

School is starting up. You better pray to christ you graduate grade 8 this time around.

Black are the only demographics that actually supports Hillary , Bernie might of won if that wasn't the case

Hey guess what! they have the lowest IQ

interesting post, thanks

>someone posts FRED economics
>check flag
You are the only one buying that propaganda man. Just stop

There's a ton of good paying jobs out there right now. The problem is that Trump supporters don't have the skills, education or work ethic to attain those jobs.

(((They))) haven't updated that graph in quite a while btw. Since then, there has been a Rasmussen poll and two separate Reuters polls that have all shown Trump leads.


Obama Leaf screencap thread.

>Black are the only demographics that actually supports Hillary

You sure about that Cletus?


you are autistic just kill yourself you loser

why dont you post the actual screencap you obsessed sheepfucker

Why did you add your gay porn stash to a cap of my post? That's a weird thing to do.

I'm sorry your degree in woman's studies isn't a real skill


What are you some sort of bigot leaf?

Obama wouldn't like that.

You don't, you check out the state polls and you check off each state on the electoral map.
And then the realization hits you like a ton of bricks that Hillary has to many goddamn paths to victory it's ridiculous. Then you get frustrated and paint it all red and spout "MAGA" and choose whatever bullshit to rationalize it all in your like the 'shy trump voters'!

No means no. I'm sick of these alt right childless single gay males who masturbate to anime, pursuing me as their love interest.

>idiots STILL reply to this fucking leaf cunt
unbelievable how you keep feeding his autism

Do gay men often pursue you as their love interest? capped btw

I hate anime

>white women voting for the first white woman
>even that isn't pulling in more than half the votes
He meant predominantly, dumbass.

wewlad, dun do dat one aidsnigger

Were you raped by these gay anime nazi white males

>A homophobic leaf

Color me surprised, Trudeau must be so disappointed.

Do u wnt 2 cyber bby ;) u cn fug my animu gf

No. It's only Trump supporters on Sup Forums.

How about the hispanic demo?

Not yet thankfully but they're trying to find me.

There's a LOT of things to be optimistic about.

The pollsters are basing their projections on Obama-level turnouts (which isn't going to happen). Enthusiasm is something that Trump's side has, and Hillary has none of. She also isn't a minority, which is going to massively hurt her with Hispanics and (especially) blacks. Trump's also doing better with blacks than Romney.

When Trump stays on message, he ALWAYS steadily gains and Hillary drops, without fail. It's never not happened. If he can stay on message, and this is the longest that he ever has, things will keep going well.

There is VERY likely to be a "Shy Tory" type of deal going on with Trump, given the ridiculous venom spewed against Trump supporters. If that number is as low as 2% (one in 50), it goes from a Hillary lead to a dead heat.

Johnson and Stein are taking more support from Hillary than for Trump. The increased attention paid to the third parties this cycle will greatly aid Trump, and hinder Hillary's efforts. Democratic voters are also much more easily swayed by third parties, especially the younger ones.

Numbers are looking VERY GOOD for Trump in battleground states. I'd be flat out shocked if Trump doesn't easily take Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, and Missouri. Obama couldn't even take Georgia, for God's sake. Wisconsin, Virginia, Florida, and Iowa numbers have been looking absolutely excellent and trending upward, and even Pennsylvania and Michigan are looking competitive. He's got more ways to win now than just taking Pennsylvania. The states he needs either lean Republican, or are purple with a HUGE number of white voters, two pieces of excellent news for Trump.

I was kind of a defeatist for a while, but I'm feeling better and better about the election every day. I'd rather be Trump than Hillary right now, especially given the email information continuing to show her as incompetent, and Assange holding the leak hammer over her head for October.

Feel good.

I'm not homophobic. That's their choice to be gay and that's fine.

As a proud liberal progressive bull with a huge cock, I like women.

These alt right cucks need to stop obsessing over me.

Why would you resist?

Free dick without even trying.

Anyone that replies to that fucking Canadian shill enables him.

>being a cuckphobe

You sound like a closeted man.

It's okay leaf it's 2016 remember

>not a cuck


Trudeau is defiantly a top.

Just another HillShill concern trolling.
It's not working, dumbass.
She gone get Reaganed in November and there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it.

Dick pic now motherfucker

>obsessed nz sheepfucker keeps posting his gay porn on Sup Forums

Donald Trump is 3 times as likely to win as this post is to be dubs. According to FiveThirtyEight.
Odds might not be on his side, (70-30) but it is non-negligible.

it's not rigged, it's misled. People who secretly ill vote for trump don't appear in polls

Thanks Hillary!

>ask a normal question on
>gets autistic replies


No.They know there are people stupid enough to read it left to right, and not see "now", and august 4th.


What are you a bigot towards muslims also?

Man Trudeau must feel shame in a countryman such as yourself.

Sup Forums is really into Trudeau as well. What's up with that?

the only one who read it correctly

Yep. Every potential gamechanger favors Trump.

Take away voters from Hillary.
>minority turnout
Not going to be Obama levels. Especially since Hillary is a woman.
>white turnout
Will probably be a record high.
>new voters
Trump is definitely going to bring in a lot more new voters than Hillary. This is the unseen factor that current polling isn't properly accounting for. I myself am going to vote for the first time. I know many in our movement who are too.
>email leaks
Obviously going to hurt Hillary
Trump's presence alone will carry him. Seeing him on stage with Hillary as an equal, not a sputtering buffoon will change a lot of people's minds. He suddenly won't be "unelectable" (his recent Mexico visit had similar effects)

Even if Trump loses the debates by getting nailed on specific policy issues, he has a lot more to gain from appearing competent than Hillary does. She already has that image, she can only lose it. Trump doesn't have it in the eyes of a lot of people, he can only gain it.

Something similar happened with Bush/Gore:
>In 2000, Al Gore led George W. Bush by 8 percentage points among registered voters right before the first debate (held Oct. 3). Although a Gallup debate-reaction survey that night found debate watchers closely divided in their views of who won (48% said Gore and 41% Bush). Gallup polling in the first three days after that debate showed the race tied at 43%.

As long as we don't let these polls blackpill us we can count on a number of factors to give Trump the edge in the end. Stay enthusiastic and wait for the God Emperor's next genius move.

Canada might have a girly man for a leader but at least we won't have an actual girl for a leader like the americucks.