Remember that time JRJR wrote a Superman story and everyone was written out of character...

Remember that time JRJR wrote a Superman story and everyone was written out of character, but it was still one of the most entertaining issues DC had published?

I just want more stories with the JL drinking dammit.









It was a weird but fun little issue

it also had an appropriate level of homoeroticism




Thank you





Remember that time when the writer kept changing every few issues and then he died






JRJ'S art is so ugly it made me give up DC books with him. Can get him back contained at Marvel?

Clark is CUTE



New 52 Clark was surprisingly attractive. When he came down from fighting Bizarro, he looked like a real rough and tumble heartthrob.

A very pretty man with a pretty beaten face.

I'm pretty sure Wonder Woman has seen Clark nude.

It went Johns, JRJR(for1issue), then the Asian Guy who isn't Greg Pak

Thanks OP, it was definitely a fun issue, I definitely needed it after a shitty day! Literally too.