New season has started. Thoughts?
Or are you too Sup Forums to like South Park anymore?
New season has started. Thoughts?
Or are you too Sup Forums to like South Park anymore?
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>dude pop culture references lmao
anyone who projects identity politics onto this episode is effectively retarded
south park stopped being funny like 12 years ago
I remember Sup Forums calling SP the most redpilled show currently on air until they made fun of Trump
Sup Forums is currently more shitty than radical SJWs themselves.
it used to be redpilled until Trey Parker got into writing musicals and realized he had to felate the juden to survive. Or at least in the past they would play devil's advocate to the popular viewpoint even if just to piss people off. Now it's just another liberal circlejerk
The boys sitting around basically doing the millennial version of spelling out 80085 on a calculator was pretty funny and refreshing to just have the kids doing kid stuff.
I'm too old to care about whatever their limping to the barn with.
basically, I expect this season to lambast every decision a right-wing politician makes.
>I'm not Sup Forums
status quo: the show
>anyone who projects identity politics onto this episode is effectively retarded
Normally I'd agree with you but the episode is actually about identity politics.
It was always about laughing about shit that Matt and Trey find dumb, they did a whole season on SJWs, I guess it's the alt-right's turn.
>will never be american to understand the rehashed news humor
I lost interest in it once they started doing episodes about current events. I liked it when it was just taboo toilet humor with no message whatsoever, as in Ass-Faced Afleck, fudge-packing Tom Cruise etc
>they're funny till they made fun of what I like
Imagine if they did an episode on smoking today.
imagine if they did a episode on people that smoke weed today, heads would roll.
Let's see how people feel if they ever get around to make fun of BLM and Antifa
Which, of course, will never happen
This episode was really really boring. You'd think with all this political unrest it would at least light a fire under Trey's ass to write an episode that isn't completely flaccid.
I think this just further illustrates how South Park is a Gen-X show in a post-Millennial world. They are too afraid to have a concrete position and make fun of something with specificity, that their "commentary" become cryptic, laced with metaphors that are neither poignant nor subtle. Honestly I can't recall one funny moment from this episode, not even a smirk. This is a neutered South Park, a form of castrated comedy that white men have had to endure for nearly a decade now.
it was a good episode with some classic Randy antics and an interesting take on the subject matter
What a shitty episode, not a single laugh. I think I'm finally bailing on this show.
So what was this episode message?.
Something basic i presume.
Kind of a dud of an episode, only funny part was getting the voices to say immature shit.
White men are right to fear being replaced but if you can't change with the times then you are doomed.
there weren't any black people replacing the white husbands 0/10 episode
What? The population is growing, it's just that non-whites are becoming a larger share of the population. They're not being replaced but if you're so worried about it then go outside, get a white wife and have 10 white kids together.
No, they were funny until they became politically correct.
they were right before and they're wrong now. that concept too complicated for you, bitch?
>Sup Forums dumbass rednecks without jobs
damn fucking spot on
South Park is Simpsons tier now, should just be put out of it's misery.
South Park has been unwatchable shit for at least 10 years though.
>Non-whites are becoming a greater share of the population
Exactly, it's a demographic replacement which will be a disaster for white people seeking jobs under their own merit and will allow brown people to vote for legislation that subjugates whitey's income and opportunity.
Kek, this kid is booty bothered.
they won't make fun of blm, that's for sure. just like bill burr became a castrated little bitch after marrying that ugly black tranny, both matt and trey are now with black women.
Jesus Christ, all the butthurt
Or samefaging?
No it hasn't, fuck you. It's been hit-and-miss for a few years now, but there have been many good episodes. Seasons 19 and 20 were interesting because they tried this serialization business, again, hit-and-miss, but interesting and not unfunny.
S21E01 was just sad.
I hope they make more game of thrones references YAAAAS QUEEEN!
But BLM did not do anything to deserve making fun of
Since they censored Mohammad it's went downhill.
Legislation which has a disproportionate adverse impact on a specific race is unconstitutional as many such laws have been struck down by the courts. But don't let me get in the way of your paranoid delusions. I'm sure there's an illegal immigrant hiding inside your shower waiting to spill your white blood
Name one funny thing that made you laugh about this episode.
>"dayrk teark eerh jerbs!" wasn't funny (in fact it was a little cringey how low they were scabbing for jobs by putting that it
>"haha rednecks are dumb xD" wasn't funny (but it could have been
>"dude immature rude words LMAO" is about as funny as "im pickle rick xD" was which is to say not at all
>the reno show wasn't funny, and it didn't really mean anything
>the cartman b plot went nowhere, and I think it was only there to get rid of the relationship so they could have more room to do whatever they wanted with cartman. also the pacing was off on that one. wtf was that scene with cartman crying and wearing the shawl? it was so out of place and didn't even really make sense as apart of the B plot
>no pay offs at all in the episode. why not have the building collapse at the end? that would have been funny.
All in all, the only slightly funny thing was that guy who was always waving the flag at shit like to cool the soup etc.
It's not feasible to raise 10 kids without a very high paying job. Unless you turn to government welfare, and I doubt that'll be a loving, nurturing home.
trey has a black son but his wife is white.
she's pretty hot, but she's a fucking coal burner I'm pretty sure. used to be a stripper i think as well
South Park has been shit for several years now and this anti-white bullshit is no suprise at all to me considering its a kike with a nigger wife that writes the show. That being said it's not a big shock, they are part of the Hollywood elite which is anti-white.
>this is what americans really think
*sorry i meant to say that it is his step son.
the niglet aint even his
Income and property taxes disproportionately effect whites and benefits majority minorities who are on welfare.
not american, fuckwit
Name one black couple that has adopted and raised a white child
Friendly reminder that South Park jumped the shark with the scientology episode.
Are they still pushin the serialization gimmick? It didn't really feel like a full fledged episode.
fucking lol my man. A country founded under democratic principles made by "the white man" is followed because whites are the majority. They are viewed with contempt by other races. Please keep believing that as soon as immigrants come into your country they are ready to embrace "muh freedoms", they simply want what you have, and they'll vote for shit that will take it away from you. It's already happening and you're naive if you think otherwise.
they got their start because matt is a kike and made a hugely popular short cartoon that made fun of christianity.
This episode is mocking anyone who is upset/worried about job automation because Trey and Matt are stuck in the '90s with their naive and outdated libertarian views.
Anyone who thinks a universal basic income is coming is a retard. The UBI should have come when the manufacturing sector disappeared. Instead, the manufacturing sector was replaced with ridiculous opiate addiction in the rust belt.
>season just started
>butthurt pollacks everywhere
Looks like a good season.
If you're white, you literally have no reason not to be rich.
>Making fun of pagan holidays is making fun of christianity
Income and property taxes fund local, state, and federal governments which benefits all Americans. Plus the vast majority of Medicare and Medicaid payments, which completely dwarf welfare, are paid to old white people.
All you have to do is follow these three simple rules:
1. Graduate
2. Get a job before getting married
3. Wait until marriage to have children
i bet the kikes in hollywood had a good laugh watching jesus fight santa.
I think it's pretty fucked up that a bunch of film school drop outs are lecturing rednecks that they should have gone to college if they wanted a good job. They pretty much won the lottery by selling degeneracy and now the show's creator is a cuck married to a stripper with a black son.
>be financially capable of supporting children before having them
There, simplified it for you.
>The population is growing, it's just that non-whites are becoming a larger share of the population.
The labour market is shrinking due to automation. There isn't going to be taxi drivers and truck drivers in 10 years. We're hitting a critical mass here, people.
Waving the flag gag was hilarious.
>tfw this will be yet another season that'll age like milk because of le current events
this, it never was pre season 8-10 good, but at least watchable with a few laughs in between. This episode I didnt smirk, blow air out of my nose or whatever other subtle form of amusement I could give.
i didn't watch the episode, was that the message. if that's true, these guys became the elitist ivory tower hollywood douchebags they used to make fun of.
Should probably tell the Republicans in Congress to stop cutting free contraceptives and abortions then
It was one of them. Randy specifically tells one of the red necks
>well maybe you should've gone to college if you wanted a good job
Or something like that
I tend to enjoy the episodrs that make fun of movies, like stanleys cup, rhe day after the day after tomorrow, losing edge, the lord of the rings, and the blockbuster shining episode.
The multipart episodes are mostly shit though, like game of thrones that went on way too long
Which to fair, there's so much financial aid and grants and shit that if you're poor, you can basically go to college for free. But, having a degree does not automatically secure you a job by any means
never found south park funny at all
looks like it's objectively about identity politics to me
christ. as if that'll solve all the problems. tons of people going to college only to get lifelong debt and a useless degree to pay it off with. completely out of touch.
They deserved it to be honest. Most of them vote Republican. Who opened up China for American businesses to outsource job? Nixon. Who granted the first amnesty program for illegals and made it easier for Mexicans to cross over? Reagan. Who also passed amnesty programs for even more illegals. George Bush and George W. Bush. But hey, they cut welfare so it's all good, right?
The game of thrones one aged like shit because the banked on the Xbox 1 so hard and sucked it's dick so hard
>commercials for Xbox 1 every break during the original airing
>having the boys list off the features of the console in great detail while the PS4 "has a controller with a touchpad!"
>bill gates is a prominent character while kaz is just "that guy" (this one I get because gates is more recognizable but still, they legitimately called him "that guy")
>xbox1 literally "won" in the end
Now fast forward 3 years later and PS4 outsells it like 4 to 1
That was so fucking cringey. Like that other user said, here's two film school dropouts who won the lottery, and they're even unaware of how many people hold actually useful degrees and still can't get ahead in life. That kind of ivory tower shit is the antithesis of what South Park used to stand for.
The Mel Gibson freak-out had me fucking crying
I never even cared about Xbox 1 or PS4, also watched it without commercials, and it was still funny as fuck. The GoT three parter was some of the best recent south park episodes.
You fucking idiot, South Park has always made fun of current events, that's a distinguishing feature of sp, that they can do that because every ep is made in a week.
fuck off and drink bleach
I just don't like south park because the last three seasons were pretty terrible.
So what you're saying is that is was never funny and always a liberal circlejerk?
The difference is the current events used to revolve around the episodes and not the other way around
>a show is funny if someone i dislike don't like it
pretty low standards senpai
i miss the movie adaptation ones
like Blockbuster store / The shining theme
300/ Lesbou
>autistic idiots screeching at dumb things
Kinda like it. The show isn't that bad either.
I liked the ending
>Whole scene with Darryl and Randy leads you to believe renovating his house, tearing down walls etcetera is a metaphor for opening up his mind, changing his outdated ideals, etc
>It turns out they just make his house look nicer, confederate flag is still there
It was pretty boring. It's no better than modern Simpsons.
Can not agree with you more, there were definitely good episodes that had me laughing.
This last episode just didn't do it for me though, doesn't matter if your left or right leaning. I just want a simple episode where the boys are fucking around for fuck sake. If I had to summarize the last episode in one word it would be... boring.
>adoption no longer exists
>she's pretty hot
She looks like a recovering addict.
Or we should accept how damaging "free love" is to society, and go back to stigmatizing premarital sex.
SP hasnt been funny the past 3 seasons though. The first episode with PC principle was funny, just because he was a total bro being PC. But they wore that down pretty quick and it just wasnt funny anymore. I just miss the episodes where Cartman is pranking Butters to get what he wants.
>implying she isnt
Yellow fever trey gave us golden age South Park. Jungle fever Trey gives us unfunny shit
If they just stuck with Alexa jokes and the renovation thing it would have been funny.
Why do liberals and self proclaimed "centrists" and "libertarians" (like the SP creators) consider only whites to be the issue with America?
Is 20 year old Johnny from Kentucky marching with a bunch of his friends holding tiki torches really worse than Jamal and his gang running down the streets of Chicago shooting anyone they see? Is the LARPing Alt-Right really worse than a group that has advocates who have killed and assaulted police and caused millions in damage from rioting?
You want to be fence sitters like Matt and Trey, that's fine, but at least call out who the real troublemakers are.
This. I'm not really sure what the point of the renovation side plot was but they needed to do more with it
>Randy mentions all of the different reno shows
>episode isn't about him competing with them to buy and flip the best house and things get weird in South Park fashion
Really dropped the ball
Exactly this. It's like atheists who shit all over religion but in actually it's just Christianity. You'll never hear an atheist talk shit about Judaism or Islam