What did Simple Ricks represent?
What did Simple Ricks represent?
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The wafer cookies you can buy at the store, they come like 120 to a package and cost pennies.
Poor person cookies. My family was fucking white males so we ate Nabisco and occasionally Pepperidge Farms.
wow This episode was pure gold. I started reading Nietzsche because of it.
consumerism. capitalists selling you stuff that will help you momentarily escape the hellhole that it has created for the people
i bet binging with babish will make them
Spoiler alert: God dies
Corporations selling nostalgia
friendly reminder that the chemical simple rick's mind produced was simply a flavoring component and was in no way psychoactive
don't hate on sugar wafers those things are the bomb eat a whole package in one sitting for 50 cents
Black men breeding with white women
That one product every Rick had growing up that they loved that was inexplicably canceled.
Four posts in there's already a "Stalin was right! Die cis scum!" faggot.
I pretty much switched off the episode after this joke. It's so smug and tailored for college age retards to feel clever.
"lol, emotions are just chemicals being released."
>"lol, emotions are just chemicals being released."
But that's literally what they are
i'll leave it at that if you can tell me what releases the chemicals.
>hurr durr I am intellectual overwhelmed from watching a cartoon
Thanks reddit
>consumerism is bad
>so that means communism is good
How do you dumpster fires navigate out of bed in the morning? It's a fucking burping alien penis cartoon. Didn't your parents ever hit you? Shut the fuck up.
smoking weed and jacking off
You're welcome, 9fag.
Read a fucking book, nigger.
I remember when I was 17 and my friend kept going on about how love is just chemicals and not real he is was trying to justify why he didn't have a gf
He broke his arm later on and wouldn't stop talking about how much pain he is in after
I told him pain is just your brain releasing chemicals and is not real
fucking goddamn my sides
*picks up a Quran*
I'm not saying emotions aren't real or that they don't matter or anything like that. I'm just saying that the idea of them being chemicals in your brain isn't wrong.
That companies will use your desire to escape consumerism as a tool to sell you products.That's it.
its less about "emotions are just chemicals lol" but more about the notion, that one would be able to distill them and reuse them
It's a reference to Soma from brave new world
None of this explains consciousness.
>the notion, that one would be able to distill them and reuse them
Rick and Morty is full of technology that's completely impossible for us though. In a show that has interdimensional portal guns and a guy can build a spaceship in his garage and power it with a miniaturized universe, distilling emotions isn't a huge leap.
Subhuman brainlet
Only G-d can explain consciousness.
Go read some Nietzsche you reductionist pseudo-intelligent redditor
>dealing with phenomenology
t. pseudo-intelligent redditor
Nietzsche is against reductionism when we reduce all phenomena to purely mechanical ones, like muh love chemicals. Close reddit for a moment champ.
Nabisco and Pepperidge Farms were middle class cookies back then and poor people cookies now.
The Simple Rick crackers represent the consumption of a product that provides escapism. On another note; this show gets such a needlessly harsh view on this board for no reason other than its annoying fanbase, which it does truthfully have. It's a shame because the show is actually quite brilliant. The problem is that the show has been popularised and people are into it for superficial reasons, the wrong reasons.
>rick is literally me
>god doesn't exist religions is for dummies
>life is devoid of purpose haha am i rite?
If they genuinely believed that, that wouldn't find it funny for those reasons. The show makes informed and subtly profound points about nihilism and existence. People just can't see past that and look at
That's why overdoses and drug abuse of Xanax and Oxycontin are on the rise. The world's sociopolitical dynamic has changed, for the worst in my opinion. Because taking 'Simple Rick' is the only thing that provides people with any semblance of joy or happiness anymore. Happiness takes time and is consistency. To be happy is to ignore the truths that this show espouses.
4. It's in the book man come on
This if I know about them then they ain't that privileged.
Jesus fucking christ. People here are willingly retarded.
It was a joke about the lack of morals that rick has. He doesn't care if he's completely using someone for profit. You're supposed to go 'haha omg that was dark' not 'hmmm, but is it scientifically possible to distill emotions?'.
thread will die now because 2 people said something not retarded
100 percent this.
What did Simple Morty's represent?
Oh god I used to eat bags of these as a child. Gods I was fat then.
>Happiness takes time and is consistency. To be happy is to ignore the truths that this show espouses.
>Happiness is always temporary, with every bit of joy come an equal bit of despair
interesting post at least
Although I have a question for you, when you said these:
>>rick is literally me
>>god doesn't exist religions is for dummies
>>life is devoid of purpose haha am i rite?
are shit opinions, why?
They all have truth in them, they're only lacking a more complete perspective
>100 percent sheep
Yeah but the people here will hate it anyway. Not because it's bad, but because they're just a bunch of counterculture losers.
That's why every idiot in this thread and in /lit/ is only ever talking about Nietzsche, because he's the "edgy" philosopher.
Rick and Morty would of been the biggest thing going here at least five years back
Most people hating on Rick and Morty are hipster contrarians who think Xavier: Renegade Angel or 12oz Mouse are the height of comedy
The way tv hates Rick and Morty is like the way a child is mean to their crush. They just don't know how to deal with their emotions and so exhibit them in a counterproductive way.
the joke is about the cruelty of trapping a living being in a short infinite loop so you can fucking harvest the emotion-inducing chemicals from his brain and stuff them in one of the cheapest, lowest forms of food
is everyone here just pretending to be retarded or are you all just extreme sociopaths
Not even a thing outside of /his/
This is the guy who introduced this bs that's discredited by academia
Notice how he looks mentally ill?
I'm just lurkin m8 don't drag me into this.
my favourite was dirty cop morty
just a way to shoehorn Jeff Davis' Sam Elliott impression in there
What does gender have to do with economics exactly?
Why didn't the Citidel have Szechuan sauce?
each rick is unique, they share the same intelligence. the rick we all know is the one who likes the sauce
This was the best episode yet, I hope there's more like this and less like the last six or so. More jokes and metaphors for the themes they want to get across rather than "DUDE NIHILISM LMAO"
Rick's nihilism is important for the show, it helps him hide the shit he doesnt like about himself and the world.
Yeah I think that the concept of the show works every time they try to build some society.
I liked the episode about small worlds inside Rick's battery.
>this is unironically what leftists believe
Ever thought that maybe, just maybe, people derive utility from eating a cookie because, you know, they enjoy eating cookies? It isn't some "escape" from a hellhole. It's a cookie.
Now, insert widget X instead of a cookie. People derive pleasure from widget X. Women enjoy makeup, /fit/ enjoys buying ab wheels, /k/ enjoys buying firearms. It's almost like people enjoy buying things that give them utility.
The only people who buy things to escape their own hellhole are drug addicts.
>Simple Morty
Kind of redundant wouldn't you say?
Did anyone catch that Mortys were an allegory for blacks? It was so subtle l thought I'd let you know in case you missed it
stuff like blm, antifa, kekistan. Things that make it feel like you made a difference in the world but not really, the cold indifference of the world continues.
citadel goes full 1488
comforting snacks full of chemicals to fill the empty void you feel in your soul
hmmm.... really gets the wood burning
>attacking the person instead of the argument
so you are a brainlet
Only a problem because we haven't figured it out yet, that isn't magic. We know it isn't magic because it was formed slowly over millions of years by a process called biological evolution. No one who believes in souls or magic is allowed to call anyone else a brainlet. You aren't capable of even simple logical inferences.
The point of the compound derived was to instill emotions resembling the same state of mind, not a psychoactive effect like reliving memories.
You misunderstood the episode.
Man i know just looking at it that i would love that shit.
Best part of episode was "Tall Morty" asking if he was going to graduate lmao
>they come like 120 to a package and cost pennies.
You can eat all 120 and not feel one ounce full. I swear they just dissolve.
my favourite was dirty cop morty
>get off the car you rickless fucking animal!
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand
Yeah and as he turns into the alley he randomly zaps a Morty out of spite
Why is the cream white?
1. It's just a flavor. If you eat a human's brain, which has plenty of chemicals dealing with emotions, you won't suddenly feel those emotions.
2. You don't know what psychoactive means.
Nothing about the commercial implies psychoactivity you're injecting your ego into the episode and trying to impress people here with your supposed intellect.
Regardless it's sci-fi they can do whatever they want and it makes sense from any POV.