>i don't watch horror movies because the plots suck
I don't watch horror movies because the plots suck
>I don't watch horror movies because they scare me and I fill my diaper -Sup Forums
I only watch horror films that are great regardless of the spooky aspects. It's kind of difficult to discuss with people because when I mention it I think of the exorcist, alien, thing, shining etc. and they most of the time think of the more modern ones that focuses more on scaring the audience than making a great film. Spookiness isn't entertaining on its own.
This is also why I don't understand the argument that a a certain great horror film wasn't good because it wasn't "scary" (to them).
>I hate jumpscares
The credo of the redditor
i don't watch horror because the movies suck
>exorcist, alien, thing, shining
But these DID focus on scaring the audience.
The only difference really about these films and newer films is just that they are older and so resources such as CGI and techniques for creating tension were more expensive/less developed.
i don't watch movies in general because they are full of plotholes and continuity errors.
Horror as a genre has come to such shit that it is considered as a separate thing from film by the general audience.
Like when you go to see a horror, the majority of the audience judges the movies completely different from than an action/thriller/drama with hard preconcieved expectations of what it should be. It's like all the movie elements dissapear and the only measurement of quality of the movie is how many times you got "spooked". It's almost like a rollercoaster ride, not a movie for them.
Same thing happens with every movie that get's the "horror" tag but isn't the usual jumpscare fest. The studio had to market The Witch) as a "scare" horror movie so more people would see it, and when they actually watch it they don't care about the family relations, character development and the general sense of suspense and tension etc, they just want to get some loud noises after a few seconds of silence every now and then and go home happy "hehe that was spooky"
It's quite sad really.
Jumpscares are the most reddit thing
>I like jumpscares
the credo of the low-serotonin faggot who probably has tattoos
Well they were also great fucking films. They also had plenty of scenes for character development and story, which is what is often sacrificed in modern films when there's too much emphasis on the horror aspects.
>they are older and so resources such as CGI and techniques for creating tension were more expensive/less developed
This might be true but the end result is still better.
Is Paranormal Activity the greatest example of modern horror films?
As in it provides insight for what makes a modern horror film popular among the plebians, yes. It's a bit too slow paced for the modern crowd though
I feel like it's a perfect embodiment.
Segments of 0 character development on 2D characters that exist only as a bridge toward a segment with a darker atmosphere (literal day/night divide in PA) that exist only to provide tension toward an eventual jumpscare.
No, atmospheric muh subtle middlebrow horror is the most reddit thing
I don't watch horror movies because I don't like being scared. Fight me faggot.
literally what could you watch in this day and age that would scare you
I watch horror movies because they're different from most movies and I also enjoy the atmosphere and tension . I don't get scared by them, I at most get a big uneasy or startled which isn't the same thing. If you actually get scared by them then I can understand why you wouldn't watch them.
I was scared a lot during my upbringing because we lived in isolation in the middle of the woods and I hated horror movies because I didn't need more nightmare fuel. Now that I've moved into the city I'm almost never afraid so I don't have the same problem.
>I at most get a big uneasy
>I don't watch horror movies because they're not scary
I always thought horror movies sucked so I didn't watch any of them. Recently I've started to give them another shot since all the (((film experts))) seem to like the genre but they're just as bad as I expected. Never trust Americans to be experts of anything.
The best part about horror movies is the spooky/cozy atmosphere. I don't give a shit if they're actually scary or not.
You tell me this shit didn't disappoint you in the end.
>from the executive produsers of
>Force Awakens font