Was this a Trump reference?
Was this a Trump reference?
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hes too smart and manipulative to be trump
real rick vs this morty can be quite amazing tho
dan dont fuck this up
god i hate blimple blorf so much
Did this character have an additional scoop on this occasion?
Everything is a trump reference now. Including this.
yes, yes it was
No. He acts nothing like Trump. The only reference to Trump was the election results joke.
Is he a cuck in that scene, legalising millions of illegal immigrants?
Than it's not a Drumpf reference.
No. Great scene though.
Apparently the season finale's description is "Rick confronts the President", really hope they mean President Morty and it's not another bait-and-switch.
you're wrong, evil morty is trump and those south park tekur jubs guys were Sup Forums
>Spend the entire episode comparing the Mortys of the citadel's position in society to that of blacks
>"Hey man there's gonna be a morty president!"
>People STILL think this is a Trump reference
>great scene
it was the worst, i hate you and your shit opinion
Not sure if I'd call him smart but I imagine Trump is pretty manipulative
No. It's Evil Morty.
Its Sup Forums what do you expect theyre just the bizarro world sjws
Juggling Rick was Trump.
Anybody else notice "alternative news source" and "divide the citadel" on his whiteboard?
It's not Sup Forums though
>No. Great scene though.
haha instead of doing a movie cliché we will just point it out, so it makes us sound smart and sophisticate
Yes, I also noticed what looked like NFL formations. Don't think about it too much.
hes a jew puppet user
hes a disappointment
hes a failure
It's supposed to be smart and sophisticated? It's a silly sci-fi cartoon.
>some of Sup Forums is so autistic that they liked this episode but still trying to act like episode was shit
>this is only because reddit and normies like the show and it got real popular
Trump was that Rick that started farting during the debate
They are obviously both things that Trump has been accused of in the media though.
guys are we still winning?
we're still winning right?
right? ;_;
How about you fuck off to like the rest of the kids?
>It's a silly sci-fi cartoon.
This argument always comes across as disingenuous when the show has dramatic moments, a nihilistic tone and it's clear that people like Dan Harmon take it pretty seriously
I don't see the similarities unless he publicly betrays the masses that put him in power
Futurama has dramatic moments too.
>it's clear that people like Dan Harmon take it pretty seriously
Couldn't give less of a fuck what Dan "dude let me inject my personal problems into my shows" Harmon thinks.
I wish we had a national socialist party.
Takes it so seriously that they hire unqualified cunts and delay the season for an extra 6 months.
>the masses that put him in power
Jews put him in power though
it's in the same boat as Big bang theory, it mostly delves into territory that their viewership doesn't understand, yet it makes them sound smart hence why they love it.
>some of Sup Forums is so retarded, that they go into full damage control and have to defend their shitty little cartoon against criticism by people who don't watch the show and who are tired by their retarded fans and creators shitting up this whole board
It's an Obama reference. Morty is from the lesser race and got elected on false promises of hope and change.
Also the episode mocks CNN.
However, it's also a mish mash of various political issues that don't really add up so if you read into it too much you are dumb. It's a wacky cartoon.
Drompf was our first orange president though and orange people have low status in society.
He's worth 10 billion dollars. If you're so fucking smart you be a lot wealthier right?
Holy *F*DGE* That does sound like Brompgofd
It was an evil Morty consolidates power reference
No, no it wasn't
Everyone in this thread is a bunch of retards. There is no deep sophisticated plot to this show. There is no special message behind anything in the end. It's just a funny cartoon with FAKE DRAMA THAT IS CONTINUALLY EMPHASIZED FOR COMEDIC EFFECT.
They are simply parodies of old TV and film tropes a la a "dark" Family Guy scene or episode of Tree house of Horror and nothing more. I repeat; IT IS A SERIES LONG PARODY OF OLD AGE TROPES. It's Robot Chicken with less reoccurring characters and skits. Nothing about it is political or trying to make a stand or a deep philosophical point.
There is zero reason to look this deep into the "plot". It's on adult swim for Christ's sake, what bigger hint do you faggots need? It's either your cup of humor or it's not and you are all fucking contrarians for the sake of being contrarians or a pot head who it taking a silly cartoon way to seriously.
This is really, honestly, sincerely the worst fucking logic ever and everyone who used this was a retard in my opinion. I hate sjws more than trump by the way. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth dude. He had connections, he was the 1%
>oh mane if hes rich hes smart
I wish i could fucking end all your lives. Honest to god. Fucking degenerate cunts. You'd sell your own mother for money. You would sell your fucking soul for money
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