Have The Blacks Been Woke?

Have The Blacks Been Woke?

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Its getting hard for ANY group to be fooled with how unsubtle and blatant the media has become

Fucking Uncle Toms must all hang.

They look high

Get in the car America!

No. Only a few blacks have the intellectual capacity to be "woke" or "redpilled".

The few ones that will vote for Trump will fall into that category or bought the "you've been voting for democrats for decades and you still aren't rich" meme.

Even under Trump they would do poorly, let's not kid ourselves: they will always, for the most part, be a burden on Americans. Nothing but genocide or bleaching them will work.

>trump pretending to be hip and cool, down with the black bros and their vibe

Why is trump such a retard? This is even worse and cringier than that time when he had a taco bowl and appealed to Mexicans

Literally only a mouthbreather would appeal to blacks this pathetically, but what can one truly expect from a chink steaks salesman entertainer?

we gwann Bake America Great Again niggas!

Trump is hip and cool though. I'd rather party with him than any presidential candidate of recent memory.

Will Mexico take on Canada as the biggest shitposter?

.t neckbeard CTR kike

day be rollin down dat runway on 24s In day G2! WEEDLMAO!

That taco bowl was a joke. He wanted a reaction and he got one.

Just look at his eyes. He is still dreaming.

How am I talking like a ctr shill? I still think Trump is the best choice for white Americans, but niggers have no hope for better communities, whoever gets elected who change their day to day life.

Won't* rather.

Obama was the shit in high school/college, fuck you on about

What's cool and hip about trump? Have you even seen how much of a shit person he is?

He's stolen money from people just for supposedly being terrorists, has fucked over a ton of people, including your entire country when he outsources all his shit products.

He's basically a real life representation of a greedy subhuman piece of shit

go back to Sup Forums krager/nigger

Uncle Toms for Hillary

>He's stolen money from people just for supposedly being terrorists


>including your entire country when he outsources all his shit products.

his primary business is real estate, you can't outsource that

Is this real?..

You're just scared he's gunna make better taco bowls than you. It's understandable.

Nope, red eyes and the cigar are photoshop.
Trump doesn't smoke anything and would get fucking pissed if someone forced him to inhale smoke in car.

So you're saying it's OK to buttfuck your own people so long as you do it in a yet to be determined 'moderated' manner?

As for trump stealing money:

Dumb, smelly trumpfag scum

Will the Blacks finally embrace the second amendment?

What kind of faggot goes around shitposting gay, unfunny memes like this? What's your excuse?




wtf is going on in that


I've literally never had 1 problem with a tripfag besides you. You're worse than Supermang.

What does that dumb appeal to emotion have to do with my post?

Peaceful religious ceremony

If the black community realise that the only way they're going to improve as a society is by their own hard work, family values and generational, incremental improvements ( ie: working for your childs future ) they might have a chance.

But i can't see the left stopping treating them like children, and excusing their destructive behaviour.

>I know Trump personally, we are friends

What's "woke"?

Yeah those muslims can really be a blast.

It requires a monumental shift in ideals.

Even if the left stopped, blacks have really poor planning. As a race, that's the biggest disadvantage they have: they have a really hard them projecting themselves in the future. Or at least, they can't project as far as other races.

Thus, they can't really structure themselves around core values that would improve their situations.
You'd pitch a bunch of blacks on an island and leave them to themselves and they wouldn't do better than any black country, even after 5000 years, unless they develop the ability to project into the future.
Honestly, they're doomed, unless they accept a full bleaching of their gene pool or go back to being slaves.


They used to have those ideals before the 60s, just like the irish and chinese they were pulling themselves up. It might swing back, but as long as thug culture and pro athlete are careere aspirations that wont happen.

> Literally only a mouthbreather would appeal to blacks this pathetically, but what can one truly expect from a chink steaks salesman entertainer?

Blacks in the US/canada/ uk prob have the best chance. But it's still slim.

Wish my people would wake up.

In this context it would be realizing the political system has been fucking Blacks and a reset is needed

I wish I had Photoshop skills to make Dakwan Trump

da kangz wil riz agayn

Fuck man that webm is fucked.

It's times like this where I wish Europe had conceal carry laws.

>pathetic pandering to blacks
it's photoshopped you moron

>stealing money from terrorist sympathisers
I don't even. Are you high?

America needs to wall of your stupidity



I suspect this is true. Even so, they could do far better for themselves than they do now.