Is Fantastic Beasts worth a watch if I didn't find the Harry Potter flicks particularly appealing?
Is Fantastic Beasts worth a watch if I didn't find the Harry Potter flicks particularly appealing?
No because you have shit taste. Its worse than every potter film and the girl you posted was shit in it.
Wow this was unnecessarily rude.
Nah because she never develops the characters so you're watching strangers the entire film so it's hard to care about anything that happens to them
It's a pretty terrible movie, so I'd say no.
>should i eat a diarhea burrito if i dont like the taste of shit?
ok then
No, Waterston sucks
That's what you get for not being able to recognize wandkino.
What has HP come to represent to Trump supporters exactly?
Call me a pleb, but I like Colin Farrell in things.
I'm an Aussie, not that guy you asked and couldn't give a shit either way.
But I often see a lot of weird left wing people who love to signpost that fact on facebook/twitter use Harry Potter as allegorical to the current political climate.
And weird right-wingers probably don't like Harry Potter because JK Rowling has become one of those weird left-wing people on the internet.
Too much of her father, its a turn off
her mom was a fashion model back in the 70s
>her mom was a fashion model back in the 70s
on the radio?
I wish to slap that butt of hers
is she aware you can see her bum cheeks???
i feel that way about emma roberts. Shes literally a manlet version of eric in a wig
What is up with all these sexy giraffe necked actresses emerging lately
human evolution
I don't give a shit about HP movies and I enjoyed fantastic Beasts a lot. The first two acts where it's the (literal) autist running around having adventures with his magic luggage case and his monsters was great. The tone actually felt like fantasy and it worked. The characters are all very likable, particularly the fat baker guy who pretty much stole the movie.
Unfortunately it all comes crashing down in the third act when all of the characters and their arcs completely disappear and it turns into a capeshit tier CGI light show + nonsensical cinematic universe set up.
Fuck off Slytherin.
No. It's basically Harry Potter but without the wonder.
Hmm yes very nice
This was the synopsis I was after. Will check it out but with very low expectations.
Fuck you
Quite possibly
why would she want the world to see them?
is she a female (male)?
what's the point in this being a webm
You get more a sense of the perspective
Oh my
It's different enough that you might like it.
I thought she was kinda cute, but then there was something I couldn't quite place my finger.
And then I found out who her dad was...
what happened then?
Fuck off. Hufflepuff is based.
wow does she abuse her?
She was perfect in inherent vice
No :(
What do you mean? I still jerked off. But now I know who her dad is
should she
I like old US setting of wizards who actually know magic than kids going to school just to skip school and not know how to do magic over in Bongland.
Hey she was awesome in Inherent Vice... a very good fuck.
better than cgi nudity
maybe real?
Here is her impersonating dad...
All tiny girls should always be used and abused by their tall overlordettes as they see fit
This but unironically.
boner kill