There are some birdman jokes I want to make but I just got up, counting on you guys
Didn't he spill hot coffee on himself and it fucked up his dick or something? Been years since I've seen the episode.
>Apache Chief, SEED AND FEED too much, need lawyer.
Haha wouldnt it be crazy if his dick got super huge too lol
Forgot pic
Yeah, it's more a visual gag than something you can quote. A pocahontas looking lawyer gives a speech and he shoots through the roof and Mentok says something like "chief works, case closed!"
>I've been having trouble, ahem... *growing*
Yea and it Black Vulcan getting mad about his name on the stand.
How would the DCEU adapt Apache Chief?
use his comic version Manitou Raven. Also make him a girl
I would use the power to be 6'3" and that's it.
in his pants
I want Chief to get a movie so fucking bad.
Drunken, irreverent servant of Raven, the trickster god. Fuck the stereotypes.
>Fuck the stereotypes.
yeah drunken indians is a whole new ballgame or is that the joke
Because done right, it could be comedy gold. You could go all out and make him quasi-immortal, too. Let him Gump his way through history, always being denied power by his totem at crucial moments and always asking why.
Yes. That is the joke.
deedle deedle
>so he's Thor...BUT A CAVEMAN
When are we going to get a space Ghost movie
If somebody edited together like 20 SGC2C episodes into one long episode I'd count it among my favorite movies
>I'll be dead long before you were born and I'll be dead long before you'll be dead.
>I have a giant brain that is able to reduce any complex machine into a simple yes or no answer.
God damn they just flung so much random crap at you to get a laugh, but it worked
the interviews were actually really good too.
Harvey birdman was always my favourite adult swim show, hit the absurdist levels just right.
This and Xavier are peak adult swim
>20 minute episode of SG following an ant
That judge was so boring, it should've just been Mentok.