Jumped the shark.
Jumped the shark
>underage &ban
Like over a decade ago yeah.
Alt-right crybabies bitch about literally everything
Cooling the soup with a confederate flag was kino
lol. Yeah making fun of the same things they made fun of a decade ago is really jumping the shark.
Why did South Park writers think it was funny that blue collar workers lost their jobs?
Sounds like you're the triggered one.
>I know you are but what am I
The sharp wit of the Magapede.
Its so sad seeing how out of touch they are with reality and the current zeitgeist. They really dont get it anymore
hello Sup Forums
Yep you're triggered.
They went from pot to coke and then they lost their touch.
I will still give this season a chance, if they don't do that shit continuity thing and the next episodes are about stupid stuff instead of political events. But I know it won't. They should pull the plug or hang themselves instead of turning what used yo be a great show into generic late show jokes.
They've said something about stepping away from the continuity thing.
>This season I want to get back to Cartman dressing up like a robot and [screwing] with Butters, because to me that's the bread and butter of South Park: kids being kids and being ridiculous and outrageous but not 'did you see what Trump did last night?' Because I don't give a ... anymore. We probably could put up billboards -- 'Look what we're going to do to Trump next week!' -- and get crazy ratings. But I just don't care.
Goal of show: trigger delicate Trumptards
Status: accomplished
That doesn't redeem Matt and Tray from literally helping Trump get elected and complaining about leftists.
Fuck them.
these guys are the kind of people they used to make fun of.
Not alt-right but he's right I think.
I chuckled like 3 times. The A) plot was one-note and not that funny to begin with, the B plot was completely uninteresting and not really funny at all.
I mean Southpark has been political before so that's no different, but i think its a lot more partisan and a lot more central to everything now. The whole "turdsandwich versus giant douche" and absurdism of vote or die is completely out the window.
Now its literally "lmao destroy everything you know to improve, go learn because you don't deserve a job, and you need to be open to everything to become a better relaxed person"
Also lmao all of our opponents are unemployed stupid rednecks.
Maybe I'm looking at it with rose colored glasses, but seems different.
news flash: trumptards didn't even watch this, probably haven't for about 4 years
t. Trumptard
the episode was just boring, the only thing I even smirked at was the redneck google home thing. The randy plot wasn't interesting and cartman wasn't cartman enough, and the other kids were barely even featured. That shit at the end with Darrel wasn't even funny "I'm racist cuz of muh house!" was that supposed to be a joke?
Just fuck off with randy and fuck off with heidi
It literally has nothing to do with Trump or Sup Forums or whatever, you idiots. They could have went full 14/88 or fuck white people, it wouldn't matter if the episode had been funny, but they didn't and it wasn't. They went radical centrist, which is fine, but if you're doing a comedy show you need to be funny and this episode just wasn't. Not only that, but they took one of the most shocking recent events in America, white nationalists marching in the streets, and making one of the tamest shows ever out of it. From a show that used to be known as one of the edgiest things on television, that's not a good sign.
Sounds like some of you have a load bearing wall and need an open concept.
No you're right but they'll still dismiss any critique as hurr alt right babies
I work for the show. I am a conservative. The show has changed in it's leadership. Matt and Trey are still around but the day to day has been taken over by some serious anti-trump personnel. I don't want to out anyone, the majority of people who do work there are very decent people, it's just that the politics is so hard to avoid. There will be episodes you guys will love this season I promise. But don't be surprised to find out there's a lot of undertones that are going to address whiteness in America and changing how white people think about being white.
My uncle works for Nintendo too
>I work for the show.
No you don't.
You still lost. It will hurt even more in 2020.
>I need a cartoon show to tell me what to think.
White people are generally the best at being Americans.
Quit whining that you fucked up your chance at being taken seriously at all. Trump's done and you're done and there's nothing you can do about it.
I don't think you know how the south park writing process works, they don't start writing the episodes until 6 days before they air.
these are the people who make south park
...because they're self-satisfied, upper middle class, contrarians who always seem to think cynicism is a great a substitute for real knowledge/experience?
The episode was anemic on the social commentary front (which is funny, considering that was their main angle this episode). The main plot was totally disjointed - are they for or against rapid demographic change? Do they even recognize it as an issue? Who knows; they seem more afraid than ever to actually make a point. The sub plot of Cartman figuring out that anyone can play the victim in a relationship was pretty funny though. All inn all, this was probably their worst episode yet 4/10
When are southerners and conservatives going to learn they're not intelligent people and they deserve to be mocked?
The fact that there are nut cases in positions of influence who can brazenly claim that "whiteness" is an issue that needs to be addressed is insane. Say that about any other race and see where that gets you. How are these people so incapable of recognizing hypocrisy and its inherent dangers? Is it a low IQ thing?
When are you going to stop resorting to insults like some snot nosed grade schooler, and provide an argument or (heaven forbid) man up and engage in a debate where you actually have to defend your beliefs?
They're still making that shit? I thought they lost all their viewers after season 11.
Did you. Did you really think that. Honestly. 100% for certain.
When are you going to realize that what I said are indisputable facts and nothing you say or do will ever make you worthy of respect, Zeke?
>he comes to Sup Forums for debates because he has no other source of self worth and mommy told him it's OK to be bad at sports because all the girls really want a limpwrist mater debater
Coming to this site for any reason other than calling retards like yourself retarded means you're doing it wrong, Cletus.
knew it was coming and still laughed.
>muh cousin fucking south will rise agin!
hey cleetus, enjoy living in a shithole without even universal healthcare or collective labor rights. must really piss you off too that the MEXICANS took all yoor jorbs!
>coal mining and truck driving are not jobs of the future
good luck explaining that to jethros.
israeli here, what was the joke of "white people renovating"? what's the punchline to them being white? I don't get a lot of american racial humor
Original Goal of show: to be edgy AND funny
Status: Failed
there is none, it wasnt a very funny episode.
muh heidi
muh flag
muh alexa
lmao op dun had his jerb tooked!
I think most conservatives are very intelligent people, but they lack the exposure and experience needed to address issues of socio economic disparity. I blame the left for pushing these otherwise normal people so far to the end of the spectrum that they elected a senile celebrity to be president.
I also firmly believe that the average left-wing voter is no more intelligent than their counterpart on the right. Not even a little bit. The left is just more obnoxious in trying to prove they're the intellectual party.
Neither party realizes how retarded and extreme it sounds because both parties have repelled each other to such extremes that they refuse to give an inch for basic reflection or understanding.
If you identify with either end of the political spectrum, you're probably a huge bigoted asshole who doesn't understand the complexities and nuances of the issues you're yelling about. This applies 100% to the far left as well as the far right
>started watching south park at 10 years old
>am 30 now
>have recently started binging on house renovation shows in the last 2 years
>South park still manages to be perfectly in sync with me
I don't know how they do it. Fucking black magic shit.
South Park is more like advertising the whole episode felt like "how can you live without alexa and anyone who doesn't hasn't moved on to the future yet"
Im almost positive that was the joke they were going for
Meh, it didn't really resemble the alt right beyond the tiki torches and chant.
>he thinks THIS is the season that jumped the shark and not the ones from up to 10 years prior
Like The Simpsons, the first 8 seasons of South Park are the golden years and objectively perfect. Everything after that with some minor exceptions (Imaginationland, Manbearpig) is steaming uninspired shit.
Reminder that South Park hasn't been good in years
Because the people who typically are the most into that renovating shows are boring white people/yuppies. It's just another white bread joke.
>chuckled like 3 times
So they finally made a funny one. I finished the previous season without a single one,
true or false: people complaining about mexicans stealing jobs are likely a) uneducated and relying on min wage positions, b) exaggerating the issue.
there's 40 unique posters in this very thread, and I doubt any of you have ever lost out on a position to an illegal immigrant. why? because in a weird way, I believe a lot of people on this website are decently educated, and would never apply to sweep floors at mcdonalds. even before I completed my degree, I was working as a paid intern for a company I was interested in. these positions are impossible for an illegal to work, and don't require a 4 year to be accepted.
this is the only good response to this shit thread.
>This season I want to get back to Cartman dressing up like a robot and [screwing] with Butters, because to me that's the bread and butter of South Park: kids being kids and being ridiculous and outrageous
And yet the season opener was more ham fisted political nonsense where only 1 of the 4 boys was featured. Real nice Trey you dumb faggot
What exactly do Matt and Trey think a 40 year old Truck driver should retrain in? I would like them to instead of insulting people who are struggling to get by, to actually give them realistic options other than "destroy everything you know and you will find bliss lmao"
I'm also conscious that they are fucking fractional-billionaires telling the poor how easy everything is, and then accusing the very poor of having a lack of empathy. As a classical liberal I find that Disgusting and Sickening
>Trump's done
last time i checked he's still the president :^)
>yfw the entirety of the educated populace is liberal
>yfw conservatives go out of their way to point out all the colleges (you know, those places where you go to get proof of knowledge?) are taught by liberals
Conservatives are afraid of other people proving how smart they are because they realize they can't compete. This makes them angry and regressive.
Rich coastal elites literally HATE working class whites which a deep seething visceral burning rage
They will shout YOU SHOULD HAVE GONE TO COLLEGE at these people then the next moment shout COLLEGE IS $200k AND ONLY GIVES YOU A $50K JOB WTTTTFFFFFFFF SAVE ME BERNIE
Remember to come to the correct conclusion on your essays on Israel or I'll fail you hehehe
>yfw the entirety of the educated populace is liberal
>Cartman's Incredible Gift
>The Death Camp of Tolerance
>Korn's Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery
>The Passion of the Jew
>Ladder to Heaven
>Starvin' Marvin in Space
>we will never have episodes like these again
It legit depresses me how far the show has fallen. The old Matt and Trey would've hated what South Park is now.
Well, college is too damn expensive. I'm not sure why anyone would be against making it more affordable for everyone.
>what do you mean i can't rewrite history to make my worldview based on poverty cycle infighting make sense to my meth riddled brain?!
You're a huge asshole lol. This is exactly why I can't budge any further left than I already am. You guys are enormous cocks who blatantly lie to prove a point, or at best, misrepresent information.
I mean everything you said in that post is just wrong.
I'm a Muslim btw. This is how I realized the left is just as ridiculous as the right. You guys are literally incapable of empathy because you're so far up your own asses with undeserved narcissism. This attitude of "haha we are the intelligent progressive types :') listen to us, not those dumb conservatives" is just so masturabotry and self-indulgent that I'd almost prefer to see another "hurr durr immigrants" post in place of it.
Yea it sucks, but these people are holding us back.
Oh God.
Do you remember that shitty High School Musical ripoff? Or when Mr Garrison became a woman, complete with footage of it happening IRL? Or when they made fun of sappy sports movies in 2006, when those kind of sports movies hadn't been relevant in almost 10 years? Or when they made fun of renovation shows, despite it being at least 10 years out of date? Or that awful oprah episode where it's about her talking vagina? Or that depressing "You're getting Old" episode where Matt and Trey whine about cynicism and it went fucking nowhere?
Or when they made fun of Muslims for wanting censorship of Muhammed and then bowing out to them? Matt and Trey got soft man.
>media makes fun of stuff I don't like with jokes
>media makes fun of stuff I like with jokes
The reactions prove that both the right and left are pretty much the same thing and both authoritarian collectivists. Just look up horseshoe theory.
Also Matt and Trey were always libertarian individualist centrists, they were never conservatards.
G8 b8 m8 i r8 it an 8/8
you can't be cynical and angry when you are a millionaire user.
I don't really care how people who type "lol" feel about me, brainlet.
>I'm a Muslim btw
>muh empathy
Good to know I was correct in assuming you're brainless. Probably a west coaster under the age of 25.
the problem is that i don't see any blatant nazi in power right now, while SJW took over every media in murrica.
it's lovely to try to balance both as the same, but they aren't.
I get the point you're trying to make but nuSouth Park HAS jumped the shark and is depressingly out of touch with just about everything, and they have been for years. It's like watching two old men who were once wild and edgy trying to make sense of the current state of culture and failing miserably. Anyone with eyes can see that.
Phoneposters don't bother with capitalization or punctuation. You seem more like a phone poster than he does. He's just a filthy reddit spacer.
You can't even argue a discernible point. This is why the left sucks; it's spearheaded by bitter self-loathing white kids lashing out at everybody who doesn't appreciate them as much as their parents do..
At least the right wing makes an attempt to convey their grievances.
>Cartman gets probed in the ass by an alien for the first episode
>THIS is jumping the shark
itt: rural retards
That's because you are brainwashed by Sup Forums propaganda. There are no SJW's in power who are conspiring to bring you down.
There's certain jobs that can't be replaced by machines, due to the massive amount of variables included. Building houses is one of them. Same with manufacturing jobs that actually require human input and judgment, that simply cannot machined up. You would know, if you worked those kinds of jobs. If it could be automated, it would.
Let's say we have a part. Different companies want different specifications for the part. You have to program the machine to be able to swap out the drill/countersink, and then you'd need a human to inspect the part afterwards. Remember, each part has a specification to meet, which will also be inspected by the receiving branch. It would be a monumental amount of work to program the machines for each part, to set up a scanner for each part, to inspect the fucking part after the machine is done scanning because machine sensors wear down over time and use.
>the episode was about blue collar workers not finding jobs thanks to alexa
>randy didnt just hire them out to work for cheap on his show
>during his show, the rednecks keep fucking up due to getting drunk on the job
>he gets mad and replaces them with mexicans
>mexicans are worse
>randy goes to daryls place, they talk, daryl talks about his fears, Randy does with his
>daryl, the rednecks and mexicans get along and make a wonderful house
>they're at the bar, Randy runs in and says the show got renewed
>Daryl says the lesson of the day "You know, we're not getting replaced, we just have to adapt to change..." blah blah blah
phoneposting automatically capitalizes though
That's disgusting
>you're probably a huge bigoted asshole who doesn't understand the complexities and nuances of the issues you're yelling about
I do, I just don't care anymore. A scalpel might be better but a hatchet gets the job done and takes less time.
>You can't even argue a discernible point.
That's a funny way of saying you have no rebuttals to anything I've said.
>This is why the left sucks; it's spearheaded by bitter self-loathing white kids lashing out at everybody who doesn't appreciate them as much as their parents do..
Because that assumption follows anything I've said.
>At least the right wing makes an attempt to convey their grievances.
Are you having trouble keeping track of conversations? I've made it pretty clear that poor white trash need to stop pretending they're real people.
How about c) they shouldn't be in the fucking country if they ARE ILLEGAL
They shouldn't get jobs. Period. They shouldn't even be here.
I literally have zero sympathy for any poor person. I fucking love laughing at them. Being in the same country for decades, centuries, and not being able to build generational wealth in that time just makes you a failure. Poor people are stupid failures. One generation. That's all you need to become middle class. The stupid can't figure that out though, and that's why there will always be poor people.
t. Asian guy whose parents came over with nothing and now each earn $100,000 which isn't even that much money.
And it was they funny the first time.
This video could literally end his career.
So you're telling me you're too lazy and niggerish to reach over with your pinky and touch the shift key for a second? Who raised you?