No fatigue edition
No fatigue edition
first for jonerys
Game of Thrones then;
Game of Thrones now:
How the mighty have fallen
high energy
low energy
>mfw in the books ironborn have a game that involves throwing axes at each other
>mfw they lose fingers and die all the time, but continue playing it for centuries
Jesus fucking Christ, they really are the niggers of Westeros.
why is tyrion worried here? did he have a crush on danny?
>lion on top
hmmmm really made me think
Who is the Richard III of GoT? The real life version not the Shakespeare version.
It's the lighting. He's just thinking of all the possible implications that may occur
He was trying to sleep and all the howling and roaring kept him up
>and dragon noises
>the music after this scene
first for chaosh stairs
Left or right?
You can only pick one
Dont be greedy
aaggghhh....HE WAS NO ONE
Who /stag/ here
It was so wildly out of place, couldn't stop laughing. Reminded me of when the Young Pope dropped "Sexy and I Know It" completely out of the blue.
Those legs look very out of place on her.
Left I guess.
>Ours is the Furry
What did they mean by this?
>those legs
Truly, you have become no one, Arya Stark of Winterfell.
>when you nut but she keeps sucking
Baratheons made for the best kings
Too bad renly was a self asorbed fag and couldn't see that he was literally causing the war of the five kings
Locke had a traveling band with him for entertainment, it was conveniently time for them to go on.
Poor doggo :(
I really fucking hate what they did to Edmure in this series
Why are D@D incapable of making characters anything more than just the sum of their parts?
>When we get angry
>we get really angry
Yes, yes, well done Arthur, well done... HOWEVER
>made for the best kings
>One was lazy and didnt do anything
>One burned people alive as per mad king status
>One just didnt care and called himself king
>just a fucking shitty "sun" on the pummel
Not so sure about that. The Tyrells saw their chance to take the throne, they were going to join up with whoever the best option for king was. Either Joffrey was going to marry Margaery or Renly was. If Renly declares for Stannis, house Tyrell joins up with the Lannisters.
kill 3
fuck 2
marry 1
Book stannis activly tried to keep mel from burning people alive
Robert did what a good king should do, listen to his advisers,he was also right on the whole kill all targs thing
>"Okay Ned, now that we're alone we can get down to business. Prince Rhaegar told me kill anyone who would dare approach your sister, anyone but you. Follow me, I'll take you to h-BLAGH"
No, he is worried about the political implications and how her love for Jon could affect her already rash mind
Azor Petyr
Kill Cersei, Walda, Melisandre
Fuck Sansa and Tyene
Marry Dany
>killing an entire house for the actions of one is right
So why start the rebellion? Brandon was a traitor
Kill sneks
Fuck dany and sansa
Marry ygritte
Kill Arya, Brienne, Shae
Fuck Walda, Cersei
Marry Ygritte
>"Hey Arthur, before you die, I want you to know....I fucked your sister. Got her pregnant. I'm not even going to marry her, she'll probably kill herself. Enjoy thinking about that in your final moments."
Best house
Kill Dany, Arya, Brienne
Fuck Marge, Doreah
Marry Ygritte
Marry bad poosy
Kill her sisters
Fuck Cersei and Dany
Being a shit hand, he is worried that Dany has an ally loyal to her.
That's not Martell though
Gil Elvgren style pin-ups can make anyone look anyone waifuable.
Kill Karsi, Talisa, Shae. Fuck Bad Pusseh, Walda, Marry Marg
>Those legs
>drinking tea
>He was a good friend
How did Bran instantly know this was Arthur Dayne
Its not like photographs were a thing back then
Hoky shit is based crannogman /ourguy/
He's the three eyed raven™, he knows things
From the start of his life, Ned did literally nothing wrong, was dealt a shitty hand and had to give up everything that made him happy to do his duty. So why the fuck do D&D have this endless hateboner for him?
I would assume dawn was the tell but show dawn was lame as fuck
That would be Ned saying this...he's the one who fucked Ashara Dayne.
He was a stubborn shit
>mfw the leaks confirmed Stannis' return
>So why the fuck do D&D have this endless hateboner for him?
>"I wish you good fortune in the wars to come."
Why did he say this if he was going to kill him? Or did he intend to let him live? Or did he know that the frog was going to stab him in the neck? How would he have known that? Was Arthur Dayne the Three-Eyed Raven™?
>implying based Crannogman didnt too
It's kind of interesting how the attractiveness of one's daughters dramatically affects one's ability to rise in stature, at least in Westeros. Imagine if Lyanna Stark was ugly as sin, Robert wouldn't have cared about her being taken.
He did plenty of wrong when he went to Cersei and told her "lmao I know you fucked Jaime also the kids aren't Robert's"
He could have invited Stannis to KL (with his army, in case...) THEN gave the last will to Stannis so in case Cersei/Joffrey/other niggers try anything, Stannis can at least counter it and become the Game of Thrones™
>"I couldn't give two shits about wildlings, it's niggers I hate!"
Did Dabid go too far?
Just because it's canon doesn't mean it can't be cringe you dumb fag
Dayne was never going to kill Ned. Just wound or cut off a limb. He was going to trade Ned to bobby for his freedom.
Kill Cersei, Shae and Ellaria
Fuck Ygritte and Ros
Marry Sansa
>based Crannogman
the pussy couldn't even defend himself against squire boys, you think he was able get up the courage to fuck the most beautiful girl in all the Seven Kingdoms?
Dayne was a ridiculously good fighter, maybe he really was planning on letting Ned live. Especially if he already knew about the Ashara-Ned love affair. A marriage with House Stark would be pretty good for the Daynes.
Ned's biggest mistake at the end of the day was trusting that everyone around him played by the same rules and thinking everyone else would put law/honor above personal gain the way he did.
>look I gave the King's Will with his seal to Sir Barristan, we all know how honorable Sir Barristan is?
>See, Barristan confirmed it!
>W-wait Cersei, what are you doing?
>Y-you can't tear up paper with the king's words
>aaaaaah save me Littlefinger
Targaryens aren't people.
>well played littlefinger, well played
Mearly a ruse to get close to Lyanna. He also fugged Lyanna.
>Don't turst me Ned, t. Petyr Banelish
>Come on Littlefingah help me take over the city watch
>ned you're one retarded son of a bitch
Bran had heard all the tales of Arthur Dayne, the most handsome man who ever did live.
He should have known that Barristan the Old is a pathetic coward that would rather let innocents be murdered than oppose the king.
Fat? Fat is it?
Every episode it seems like we have to suffer through a scene where one of our insufferable main characters talks about how 'stupid' Ned was to get killed and how everyone has to be smarter than Ned because he was stupid and got killed.
Even though in the books the total opposite happened, Ned was probably the best leader we see to the point of most of the North revolting just to put his family back in Winterfell, despite next to no benefit.
In the show everyone in the North just supports Ramsey no questions
He just didn't want more kids murdered on his watch. Obviously he made a mistake that led to his death but look at the state the Lannisters are in now compared to the Starks (in the books). The Lannisters have more enemies than ever while most of the North is conspiring to put 'The Neds' children back in charge
Targaryens deny human rights, thus their rights are forfeit